Friday, August 26, 2011

Vintage Inspiration Friday #52: Fall Color Inspiration

I'm wondering how many of you
are influenced by the seasons in your decorating.
And since Fall will be here soon,
I'm thinking about Fall inspired color and decor.

is what I want to talk about today.
Whether you have a farmhouse or a city apartment,
here are some fun ideas for this bold color!

Now I know some of you are shielding your eyes
or have actually run away from the computer by now...

But, for the brave souls who are still with me,
let's discuss if we are inspired and influenced
 by the hues of the respective season.

I know that I am.
But, I prefer a neutral backdrop
so that I can change out art, accessories, flowers, etc.
And even though I love some of this brilliant blast of fall color,
I'd be itching to change it out once December was here.

I have tons of images here using Orange in decor.
Some furniture like the sofas above,
and chairs...

accent pillows...





and one of my favorites;

oh yeah, even doors.

I'm very influenced by seasonal color,
EACH season,
and I love to change out pillows, quilts, flowers.
I get bored with accessories
and want to keep up with what is coming next.

OK, so could you live with any of it...
for even 6 weeks?

or maybe one of these is the biggest commitment you can make, te he!

Just wonderin'...
I'd love to hear your thoughts.

(all images Google Images and Pinterest)

Yeah, and now from last week's wonderful entries!

continuously brings the best vignettes and decor
with painting her dining room buffet white.
She's a girl after my heart!

Tracie from Fishtail Cottage
totally inspires me with her home and coop "courtyard".

Lisa from House Dressing pulls off a gallery wall that is fabulous.

And Laura from I'm So Vintage
shares some wonderful rustic decor inspiration
for those of us longing for some Fall lake house fun.

I'll be joining in with these wonderful parties:
links on the sidebar buttons.

Hope you'll join in today,
please grab the
 Vintage Inspiration Friday Button
and link up or show the button within your post.
(thanks so much, that helps share the party fun!)

And remember,
you get an extra entry for
 The Romantic French Style Give Away,
by linking up today!

If you  haven't entered yet,
just click HERE.

Thanks so much for all the links last week!
wow, I think it was a record.
I didn't get to leave comments with everyone,
but I DO try!
(inserting happy face and lots of hugs here!)
I appreciate each and every one of you!!


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

One Fabulous Italian... coverlet, that is.

Every once in a while I run across a really amazing find.
That's what I want to share with you,
a beautiful antique Italian silk tapestry coverlet.
That I think is from the late 1920's.

Below you can see a handsewn tag that says,
"Made in Italy".

I've used it in my Living Room for the last several years,
but now I've decided it needs to find a wonderful new home.
So I just listed it on Etsy in my Petite Boutique

It's all silk, in creams, melon-umber, dark blue
and the design consists of young women;
 one playing the tambourine
the other playing the mandolin.
(it has a little "gypsy" spirit!)

It's in wonderful condition,
just some "age" wear and slight discoloration.

The light in our bedroom isn't good,
so it's draped over one of my sofas in the living room.

Here you can see it draped over the back.

The fringe is pristine, no matting or tangles.

just sold!
thanks so much

It measures approximately 88 inches by 74 inches,
not including the fringe.

I think it would be beautiful in many settings,
folded at the end of a bed,
on a chaise lounge,
or draped over a baby grand piano!

Just wanted to let you know this is available on Etsy.
Hope you're having a wonderful day.
I'm trying to get a few things accomplished today.

See you tomorrow,
and if you haven't entered the
Romantic French Style
Give Away,

Please click HERE