Saturday, February 13, 2010

Vintage Valentine Cards on Silver Sunday

I've been waiting for today for weeks...
Since Joan at Anything Goes Here
announced her Vintage Valentine Party!

I've sneaked in some Valentine photos
 this last week or so,
hope your not tired of all the "love",
 and some of the same photos.

As my kitties like to say;
Valentines, Schmalentines.

I'm also linking with Beth
from Gypsy Fish Journal today
to be a part of her monthly party,
Silver Sunday
(can't miss that!)

So I'm including some of my Vintage Valentines
on a large footed silver tray on my
Dining Room buffet,
where all things "holiday" seem to land.

This is a silver necklace that my sweet mom
 bought me for Valentines Day this year.
Love the initial and the crown on top.

And a silver bud vase with faux roses.

I found this intricate large Valentine
this summer in St. Louis.
It's supposed to be 3-D,
but I wanted to display it in an old
ornate frame I had been saving.

Here are a few of my vintage Valentine postcards.
The cutie boy here reminds me of my nephew Spence.
(tulips from my sweet sister)

My entry way dresser is holding
another smaller 3-D valentine.
And the pink Hull vase was
 a Valentine to myself this year.


And here is my sideboard again,
with another Valentine and
some altered children's Valentines
 that I have been playing with.

This framed simple Valentine is an
original from my paternal Grandfather
to my Grandmother, from the early 1920's.
He owned a print shop and this is another of his pieces.
to my Grandmother's Birthday Party.

Have a Sweet and Cozy Valentine Weekend,

Hugs and Love,

p.s. Thank you all for your sweet comments!
I seem to be having a "time management" issue with
preparing for the new booth opening.
Please just know I love you all and that
each and every comment
blesses me.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Valentine Party with Laurie

Attending Blog Parties is the equivalent
of attending  a high school mixer for me;
a chance to get to meet new people,
and then to get to know them.
Laurie, from
is one such person.
She's hostessing her first blog party this Friday;
A Valentine Party

This will be a grab-bag full of fun!

I'll be showing you a little of my
 Vintage Valentine goodies.

In my kitchen hallway I have a white sideboard
that I change  up seasonally and for each holiday!

This is a vintage cardboard candy box.
I just love the graphic on the front.
"The candy of the South"

And this box is very large.
It may have been Russell Stovers.
Whoever was delivering it must have had to wait
 out in the rain for his sweetheart.
Either that, or she ate them in the shower!

Rose wreath inside my front door...

and a heart shaped topiary on my Dining Room Buffet

My perpetual calendar is ready for the Big Day!

Downstairs I have a "Holiday Cupboard"
that is like the sideboard;
dressed for Valentine's Day!

Lefton Valentine Cherub covered dish.

Cocoa tin.

I love hankies, and these are my Valentines.
Wonderful for a purse or pocket.

And a tiny cross-stitch angel from about 20 years ago.
I will also be participating in
Joan's Valentine Party on Sunday,
so come back then, to see my old framed Valentines.

Have a wonderful Valentine weekend,

And may you "love the one your with"!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

White Wednesday, Pretty Little Girls

Weekend before last, I had a little free time to indulge my need to be a teeny bit creative. I couldn't find my red bingo cards that I was hoping to use to make some vintage Valentine hang-ups. I believe that is known as "dis-organization". So I used some of my vintage photo albums instead, to show off a couple of my favorite images.

This young lady in her shepherdess dress is so precious. I don't know the occasion, but I find her to be totally captivating. A millinery flower and some lace that Jill sent me, and old white buttons add just a little bit of embellishment.

This sweet little child's Valentine couple
 became my banner photo for this week.

Angel vine is such a favorite of mine (and my kitties). This heart topiary that I found at Inspirational Home is setting in the Dining Room on the buffet. Charlotte climbed aboard to celebrate Valentine's Day.

And my little alabaster girl on the Living Room
 hearth is adorned with a red rose wreath.

With all this cold weather, my face and skin,
 kinda feel like she looks!

And these little cards are unlike any I've seen.
They have flaps that fold in,
 to make their own envelope.

The centers are silk that have been printed.
Anyone know anything about these?
They are so unique and detailed.

Kathleen at Faded Charm
is our wonderful hostess for
White Wednesday.
Drop by and see all the beautiful Whites!

Hope you are planning on a sweet
Valentine's Day,

Feel the Love!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Everything but the Kitchen Sink: Give Aways, Awards and My Surprise News

First of all My Surprise News, which while may not seem like a lot to some of you, is actually a pretty wonderful and exciting "Big Deal" for little ol' me. Since last February when I had to pretty much "cease and desist" from the scene of antique store spaces and flea market booths due to health reasons, I have felt a void in my life. Yes, I needed to cut back drastically and slow way down, but I still missed the junkin' life. I have had a small "closet" booth at Spring Creek Tea Room and Antiques, and it was good for me to have, but because of the size (5x7) I was really limited in my display fun and amount of merchandise that I could bring in.

Spring Creek Tea Room
Ozark, Missouri
(photo taken last fall)

This place is always packed, Tuesday thru Saturday.
With the best lunch in the area.

And as you sit here savoring
your wonderful chicken salad
and drooling into your Milky Way Cake,
you will be able to see my
 new booth space.


This is my "little closet"...


That I have right now.

And this is where I will be headed as of March 15.
Twice the size, and in a wonderful location.

Now keep in mind
 this is not my "stuff",
but the space itself.
It is directly across from the tea room
and highly visible. Yeah!!

I have tried doing a close up of these chippy doors
which I will get to keep,
but my computer will not cooperate.
So these are the "befores" of the space.

Keep a good thought for me as I get to redecorate
this spot and bring in lots of fun things...
all things vintage, shabby, cottage, farmhouse, girlie,
garden, and just a touch of "ooh la la"!

And now for the Give Aways!

"World's Sweetest Blogger"
is having a celebration giveaway
for her 3rd. Blogiversary.

And the super talented Rebecca from
is having a give away
of the most gorgeous necklace,
to celebrate her 200th follower.

And thank you sweet Debbie from Talking Trash
and the vivacious Robelyn of Red Neck Chic
for awarding me with the 
Not a Stepford Blog Award. 
Love You!

Thanks for hanging in there with me
for this multi-faceted news program!

Hope you're off to a great Monday!