Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Hurray for the Red, White and Blue in the Cupboard

When June rolls around it's time to restyle the Cupboard with a patriotic theme. I like to give it a Summer refresh where I can add in some mini flags and and small bits of patriotic ephemera when it's close to July 4th. I don't have a lot of actual patriotic pieces, but rely on vintage china and pottery that reflect summer and our patriotic summer holidays with color.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Summer Farmtable with Patriotic Flags

Hi Friends, how's your start to June and summer? I've been slowly transitioning my home decor from "Spring" to "Summer" this last week or so. My seasonal decorating relies on color along with favorite vintage linens and elements. I like to reflect nature's current color, so that my "indoor" views match my "outdoor" views. Spring focuses on pastels while summer brings out the brighter colors and concentrates on a bit of the red/white/blue. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Quick Spring to Summer Urn Vignette

Hi Friends, do you ever feel like you're busy but not accomplishing much? That's how it's been around here lately; always something to do but not feeling like I'm getting anything worthwhile done. The weather has been storm after rolling storm and in between hot humid weather that leaves me worn out. I planted some pretty flower containers a few weeks ago but it's been a constant battle between the digging squirrels and the deer and an occasional goose deciding to try something new. 

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Vintage Button Bouquet and Button Art

Hi friends, welcome to the Lifestyle of Love bimonthly gathering where we share ideas and inspiration using various vintage elements in our décor. Cindy from County Road 407 is our hostess for this vintage loving group, and always comes up with such fun and challenging topics. If you're following the hop and coming over from CoCo's at A Crowned Goat, thanks so much for being here!
Cindy chooses a topic and we share how we use and incorporate that item into our vintage décor. This month the topic is buttons, and I have to be honest, even though I adore looking at them and through them, they aren't something I have much experience with.  

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Fill a Vintage Tote for Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day Weekend, everyone. Over the years, I've realized this is a holiday, (like many holidays) that can be so bittersweet. I still have my mom, but I know so many of you have moms in heaven. And for those that have lost children or never had children, it's a sad reminder. So to all of you, my prayers are with you today in joy and sorrow. 

Monday, May 6, 2024

The Entry is for the Birds

May is Bird Month around here, literally! We have a full nest box on the front porch and wherever I go I can here chirping and cheeping. It's been hard to water the fern and containers on the porch because you may get bird bombed by mom and dad.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Dining Room Table and the French Wagon

Hi friends, this has been a long week or so trying to get outside cleanup accomplished around the house and yard. I have to take it easy and not overdo it physically because I then pay for it the next few days. We have a big yard, and even though we hire out the big projects, porch cleanup and container planting are a job for me. big job.