Saturday, November 11, 2023

Cottage Review: Enter Thanksgiving

Hi Friends, I'm sharing some Thanksgiving to Christmas inspiration today of my Entry from a few years ago. For some reason, my Entry this year wasn't spectacular (tehe), so I'm sharing some the entry area posts from year's past. As I say Inspiration is Inspiration, no matter the year.  I especially loved this look because of the "Oatmeal Tree" and the neutral painted leaf wreath. 

I had a brief thought of just whizzing by decorating for Thanksgiving and doing a more Christmas look, but in the end I just couldn't get there. I love late Fall and Thanksgiving, and I just wasn't up for full on Christmas. So I compromised a bit and brought out my "oatmeal" tree (looks like oatmeal) and called it good.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Easy Woodblock Christmas Gingerbread Houses

It seems like each year there's a new trend in Christmas decor, and the Gingerbread theme has been popping up everywhere the last few Christmas seasons. I love Gingerbread houses and Gingerbread Men/Women/People cookies as they are so traditional and geared toward the "kid" in us. I think most of us at one time or another attempted a Gingerbread House or cookies. The fun is in the creative process. Also nice if it turns out cute and actually stays in one piece!!

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Giving Thanks in the Holiday Cupboard

Probably most of you are thinking like me; "Where has this year gone?" I don't know why this surprises me because my lifestyle isn't particularly hectic or do I have a crazy schedule. But the weeks go by and I'm  amazed when Thanksgiving and Christmas roll around and come knocking on my door. I'm always thrilled to see them, but never really fully prepared.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Bronzed Turkey from Blah to Burnished

I know we all have holiday decor pieces that we've had for years; many of them holding sentimental feelings of family and tradition. Well, I have my share of pieces that are just simply part of the ritual of bringing out Thanksgiving and Christmas decor, but really need a spiff up to make them presentable and up to date.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Old World Nature Inspired Urn

Hi Friends, I'm sharing some of my favorite Fall and Thanksgiving inspiration posts from previous years, along with new posts with some fun ideas for making the transition of Fall and Thanksgiving to Christmas. Here's a magazine inspiration urn I put together several years ago from when I picked up a Victoria Magazine Special Edition, called Victoria Classic French Cottage . 

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Heading to the Holidays

Hello Friends, thought I'd just wish you a fun start to the Holidays. So I found a couple of old buddies, living in the moment, that had it all together for the start of the Thanksgiving and Christmas Season. I'm doing my best to ease into both by celebrating Thanksgiving and looking forward to Christmas. Why can't we enjoy it all... real time.

We had a real deep freeze hit us this week with multiple night lows down to the teens, so I think I might be ready to start thinking about Christmas. I'm not ready for red and green, but I'm bringing some nature elements together that will tie November into December. 

I'm twisting my husband's arm for a drive in the country to enjoy the leaves. I remember one Halloween where my younger daughter and her friend Trick or Treated in the snow, but that's it. We usually don't have this cold weather until after November 1. 

Have Fun and Welcome to the Holidays!!!

Monday, October 30, 2023

Cottage ReView: Thanksgiving with Feathered Friends

Hello Friends, Here we go into the slide toward the holidays, so during the next few weeks I'll be sharing some inspiration for Thanksgiving and Christmas as I make the transition from Fall to Christmas.