Tuesday, January 26, 2021

All About Home Link Party #76

Hi Friends, welcome to the All About Home Link Party.
We hope you're having a great January.
We so appreciate you taking the time to come by 
and join in on the fun and inspiration of the Winter Season! 

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Deer on the Winter Baker's Rack

We may have put all the Christmas decor away, but we still want to enjoy the natural winter landscape. I've brought out some soft neutrals and pale floral pastels
to bring it all together in the January Garden Room. Deer have been a favorite theme this January and I'm sharing a few of mine out here on the Baker's Rack.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Sitting Area in the Winter Garden Room

Hello everyone, today I wanted to share the rest of my Garden Room sitting area. With windows on three sides, the sunroom always has good light, and with a separate heating and air system to itself, it stays warm and cozy in winter and cool in summer. This is such a wonderful home-y spot with my white wicker pieces, the Holiday Cupboard and Baker's Rack. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Winter Fun at All About Home #75

Hi Friends, welcome to the All About Home Link Party.
We hope you're having a great January.
We so appreciate you taking the time to come by 
and join in on the fun and inspiration of the new year! 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Winter Lambs in the Dining Room

Hello Everyone, 
Winter is showing up here with snow and cold temps for sure.
Not only cold temps but lots of wind that makes it chilly and shivery even indoors 
as you look out and see the little birds on the feeder trying to grab a tiny bite
before heading back to their evergreen shelters.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Cows in the January Cupboard

How do you feel about January?
Are you excited about a clean slate and look forward 
to putting together some fun fresh decor 
or does it take a while to get out of the post Holiday season blahs?
I guess I'm somewhere in the middle. 
I love the  excitement and cozy Christmas decor with lots of color and twinkle lights,
but I'm usually ready to put it all away and look forward to 
a more pared down and neutral look.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Winter Inspiration at All About Home #74

Hi Friends, welcome to the All About Home Link Party.
I hope you are off to a good start on the New Year.
We so appreciate you taking the time to come by 
and join in on the fun as we look forward in 2021!