Monday, September 12, 2016

Early Fall Entry with a new Chalkboard Print

With each new season I try to create a vignette that's something a little different than I've done before. That's not always easy because there are tried and true elements that I'm happy with and just look "right". The lamp, the clock, and the shutters and mirror; those are all part of this spot. But I love to play with faux flowers, and then add a seasonal print, painting, or needlework... and what's a Fall Entry Vignette without at least one pumpkin?

Friday, September 9, 2016

Painted Leaf Fall Wreath

Hi Everyone, I know you all are probably getting some Fall decor out of storage, and searching Pinterest for some fresh ideas and inspiration. I knew I wanted to try to create a new wreath for the Kitchen Sitting Area, but I also knew I wanted it to be neutral. I love the colors of Autumn, but wanted to try using something that was in shades of white, cream, grays, and tans....

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Vintage Owl Vignette and an Update

First of all, I'm having a little issue with Blogger. I'm not sure why, but it's decided each time I have to edit a post that it wants to "republish" and act like I just published it. This is getting old and I've tried scheduling the old time, but it's doing it any way. Anyone else having this annoying problem? I imagine a few of you are wondering about my sanity and blogging ethics. I hope it fixes itself soon, I feel like I'm walking around with toilet paper stuck to my shoe...

I wanted to share my new-to-me vintage concrete owl that I found at The Vintage Peddler last week. Isn't he a cutie; just the right amount of white chippy-ness!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

New Shops at the Vintage Peddler

(I'm sorry, my blog keeps updating on it's own each time 
I join a new party and add it on my blog post...)

 I never know what to call someplace that's so totally unique...
separate spaces housed in an old manufacturing building;
shared by a group of extremely talented vendors.
A place full of vintage and curated pieces;
some new artisans and remarkable stylists,
all with a passion for antiques and vintage.

Welcome to the Vintage Peddler

(be sure and click on "read more" for the rest of the post...)

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Welcome to September...

Hi Everyone, are you like me and get excited when you can turn over that calendar page and see that it's finally September? It may still be hot outside, but in our little Fall Lovin' Hearts we know we can now actually put a pumpkin on our blog and not have to disguise it as "Fall Inspiration"!!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Out and About... at Harrison House Market

We have so many great places to shop in our area, with tons of talented people making it all happen. Late last spring an older shopping center in Ozark, Missouri (just south of where I live in Springfield) that was a hub for great vintage goods was sold. In an instant, the vintage shops and flea market vendors that it housed had to start looking for new homes and venues. I was so excited to learn that my favorite, Harrison House Market, has found a great spot here in town. 

Be sure and click on "read more" for the rest of the story...

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Finally... Checked Curtains in the Kitchen

I've had a project that I've wanted to get done for literally months. It's not that it's a huge one, but knowing myself like I do, I didn't want to tackle it until I was feeling better. I have a tendency to want to see something through in one sitting, and I didn't think I could accomplish a new set of curtains in one afternoon.