Sunday, August 21, 2016

Summer Buffet Scape with Ticking Tablerunner and Sunflowers

A few weeks ago I shared some inspiration of one of my favorite Late Summer decor combos; Indigo Ticking Stripes with anything "Sunflowers". Ticking brings to mind lazy breezy summer afternoons on the porch swing, and Sunflowers are those wonderful happy faces that let us know that Fall isn't too far away. 

I have a cupboard full of mismatched ironstone and transferware, and that includes a stack of old platters that I use for cookouts. A good steak or Bar-B-Que requires something substantial so I put a few things together for an impromptu Summer gathering.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Rolling Market Basket and Sunflowers...

Hi Everyone, Happy Weekend!

I've had Sunflowers on the brain for several weeks,
and have made a few faux arrangements for the house
 in vintage watering cans, baskets, 
and now this old rolling French Market Basket
that I keep in the Dining Room.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Vegging Out and Some Late Summer Colors...

I'm feeling a little Fall in the air and the color of the sky.
So I've changed up a few things here in the Kitchen Sitting Area,
one of my favorite places to be...

Sunday, August 7, 2016

When your body has had enough...part 4

In this last post in the series I'm going to share with you how things started to fit together for me. I believe in God's timing, even if it isn't fast enough for our individual desires. I've been praying and searching scripture for verses on wisdom and knowledge concerning my health issues. It's taken what seems like forever, but maybe I wasn't ready before now. Please remember, I'm not telling you what to do. I'm just here telling you what I've learned... the hard way. Here goes...I'm sorry it's a long one

Saturday, August 6, 2016

When your body has had enough ...part 3

As I said in the last post dedicated to health issues, I'm not trying to be pushy, preachy, or your doctor. I'm sharing things that have been my own experience. I want to be open and "out there" in hopes that you might recognize any problems or symptoms you might be having and to at least give you something to think about.  Have you read my last 2 posts in this series? Here's Part 1 and Part 2.

I've been writing these posts all this week, so I'll try to get to the comment replies soon. You all have had so much to say and so many of you have been through similar situations with health issues. Thank you so much for sharing them with me and the rest of the readers. Often times there is a wealth of information and knowledge in the comments from you all, so I don't want you to think I don't read or appreciate them. Please feel free to share your experiences or those of your loved ones, in the comment section. You'll be helping others in doing so. I didn't want to put off getting these last posts out. I had only intended to do this in one post, but as I got started, I realized this is important subject matter and that there is so much information (not just about my issues) entailed in my searches, that to do it justice I needed to include it all.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

When your body has had enough...part 2

Hi Everyone. First of all thank you so much for all your affirmative comments from my previous post on this subject. I'm so sorry I couldn't get a personal reply to all of you, but thank you so much for taking the time to leave an uplifting note. We all agree that most women need and want to help other women, and part of that is by sharing our own experiences, good and bad.

As I said, I hate to put myself out there too much here on the blog, because inevitably there is some criticism and judgment, even if it's passive. There's a wide range of ages out here in the decor blogging world, and as an "over 50" blogger (way over), I think we are sometimes viewed more critically. No one wants to be thought of as an over-the-hill, sick person. I think opening ourselves up in the blog world can be majorly intimidating.

So, having put myself out there once again, please be sure that you read my previous post from last week, if you haven't already. Otherwise you might feel like you're walking into a movie at intermission. That first post will give you the background information and you will also understand why I'm sharing all this. I'm just going to tell you my own personal experiences and you can take from it what you'd like. If you see yourself in any of this, please know you're not alone.

Looking back I think the biggest lesson I've come away with after struggling through this last year can be entitled,

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Summer Favorites: Ticking Stripes and Sunflowers

I found the most wonderful antique ticking stripe settee last week while browsing the web, but I was using my IPad and it was in the wee hours of the morning. I was having trouble when I tried to PIN things, so I couldn't find the image until just now. But all the hunting I did for it got my inspiration going once more for one of my favorite seasonal combos...all things Ticking Stripe and Florals... Mainly bouquets and arrangements with Sunflowers. So I thought I'd share with you some photos that just say "Summer" to me...

This is a photo from Worthy Goods Blog from 2014.
Crazy how seeing something can make such a big impression.
This had me on the hunt for some Ticking Fabric.
If you get a minute drop by for more inspiring show photos.