Monday, December 7, 2015

"Village Churches" Mini Makeover

I think many of us collected the various "Village" Houses and Churches back in the late 90's. I know that I concentrated on finding just the white churches, without giving in to the obsession of collecting a whole village of people, shops, churches, houses, and figurines. Last thing I needed was one more "collection" of anything...

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Easy Festive Votives with Plaid and Boxwood

Hi Everyone, I hope you're having a wonderful weekend.
 Getting the Christmas decorating in hand, shopping,
making plans for this busy time of year...
 and enjoying your loved one's companionship.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Christmas Fun on the Baker's Rack

I always like to keep the Baker's Rack in the Kitchen Sitting Area as a place to have some fun with vintage pieces. And what can be more fun than Vintage with some Christmas Cheer. The Baker's Rack is my place to mix and match and bring out the Kitsch for the Holidays.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Vintage Minis on the LED Woodsy Tree

I've been decorating and tweaking since Saturday, (you too?) and to be honest I really didn't have much of a game plan before I started. I knew I didn't want to go out and buy anything. I have tubs and tubs full of decorations, greenery, ribbon, and fun vintage Holiday goods. I knew I'd be using Plaid, but then, I use some Plaid each Christmas Season. What I really wanted was something just a little "different" than what I've done in the past.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

It'll be a Plaid Plaid Christmas...

(Wasn't that an old Elvis song?)

I'm mixing it up a little this year.
I have a lot of "stuff", and there's no way to use it all,
so I decided to try some new ideas
for Christmas this year.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Choosing to be thankful...

Today I thought about wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving; put up a few appropriate pics and calling it "done". But each time I would do that God would nudge me in another direction. Not about the day of Thanksgiving on the calender, or being "Thankful" for things or even for those people in our lives that we love. I need to share the importance of having a "Thankful Heart". In more cliched terms, having "an attitude of gratitude". And it's something I need to be reminded of.

OK, you're still going to get the pics...

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

New to me...

I'm frequently the last one to know 
about some amazing item, bargain, or trend."isn't that so cool?"

So this post is my latest installment of
"Everyone else may already know... but"
I just had to share this in case there's anyone else out there 
...ah, um...a little uninformed.

this is paper, peeps.