I've had this big brown leather bag for I don't know how long. It's always sat at the bottom of the stairway, and often it's just been something to trip over. It's pretty worn in some places, so it's been better at gathering dust and being in the way than being a focal piece.
But I was determined to do something different downstairs for the coffee table in my little sitting area, so I decided I would try to make this work. These are often confused with doctor's bags, but these salesmen's sample bags are bigger. Doctor's bags are most always black, and have a lower profile even though they are similar.
I wedged an old book between the metal frame of the hinges and stashed in some Faux Fall flowers and bushes. That's one thing I love about Fall, you can take bits and pieces of Fall leftovers and group them together, those wonderful colors and textures are so forgiving!
That's my ceramic pumpkin from the early 80's.
It's seen better days, but I drag it out each Fall to enjoy one more season.
My red floral sofa is now sans slipcover,
as I was tired of it looking messy.
Better red than sloppy.
Hope you're off to a great weekend,
rainy and cool today,
The Holiday Cupboard tomorrow!
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