Friday, December 24, 2010

Vintage Inspiration Friday #17: The Reason for the Season

And that true reason for Christmas
is the birth of our Savior.

These are just a few items of the "real" Christmas decor items
that can be found at my house this Christmas...

This book is in "immaculate" condition,
published in 1931.

The graphics are just amazing! 

A musical snow globe,
One of the many nativities that my husband has given to me over the years.

I have a small collection of these religious prints on mirrors from the 1930's.

And a small nativity set at home this time of year,
 in my Mandeville Seed box.

I'd like to share a few photos of last week's partiers.
Each one of you have the best posts,
I just grabbed a few photos, in no particular order.

So many talented people out there!
If you don't take the time to visit all the inspiration,
you're really missing out!

Hope you'll join in on this last party before Christmas.

I just want to wish each one of you a very Blessed and Merry Christmas. You all are just such a wonderful "present" to me. Each day I look forward to seeing what you're doing, to say Hello, and to exchange ideas and inspiration.
And speaking of the real meaning of Christmas, if you haven't come by my Bible Study Blog, "a day in the life",  I'm issuing a special invitation. You don't have to join. There's no homework. It's just my thoughts and Biblical teaching on scripture. Right now I'm reposting a series about Jesus' Mother, Mary. Hope you'll come by.

Have a blessed and beautiful Christmas Weekend!
love you all,

p.s. It's supposed to be a White Christmas here in Missouri!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Just a little more white for Christmas

I still have a few more Christmas shots,
especially now that the new camera has arrived.

Santa is on his sunroom baker's rack perch.
look chilly out there?
brrrrr... it IS!!

And downstairs, Mr. Frosty shares a basket
with a somewhat strange old photo
of Santa and some elves.
Be sure and double click on the bigger photo,
then try not to be creeped out.

Paperwhites in the kitchen.
I always plant about 50 bulbs during the winter season
in various vintage containers. 

I can't say that I love their aroma,
but I DO love their delicate blossoms.
So I put up with "stinky".

And the Holiday Cupboard downstairs
which is usually the first thing to be decorated,
didn't get as much attention this season.

Our family room downstairs is darker than the rest of the house,
A great place to curl up by the fireplace,
and watch a movie.
We like it warm and cozy.

Hey, only one more
 Vintage Inspiration Friday
before Christmas!
Hope you can join in.

And today, I'm joining in at Faded Charm

Counting down to Christmas!!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

It's really sweet, my new camera!

I can tell you that there are a million things I need to be doing,
but am I doing them?
I'm playing with my new Christmas present,
and I'm afraid that it may turn into a small obsession!

just wish I could take a picture of my new camera
WITH my new camera!

Yep, I went with my gut and bought the Canon Rebel T2i with 2 lenses.
a 50 mm for the close up shots
and a 18-55 for the primary lens.

So here are some before and after shots.
Remember, I'm just shooting on Auto Focus on the "dumb luck" setting.

old camera, no flashes on either camera

new camera

old camera

new camera 




OK, now look at the difference,
It really is evident here in these next shots.

old camera

old camera

New Camera

Someone needs to slap me and make me get busy...
but could I take a few more photos first?

I'm linking to

Hope you're having a great Christmas week!

More to come...