Friday, December 4, 2009

"Share the Joy" Holiday Party

Bella Dreams is having a Party!

A "Share the Joy" Holiday
Decorating and Craft Blog Party!

The party is an all inclusive fabulous fun trip
 of anything Christmas!
So be sure and head on over after your visit.
Names of participants are on the left side bar.

Last fall I shared my "Holiday Cupboard"
that is in my family room downstairs.
I rescued it from my flea market space a few years ago.
It holds whatever the season brings
 in kitch and cottage-y fun.

Vintage white pottery vases of all kinds are my staple.
Although, for this Christmas, many of them have had to
find temporary homes elsewhere in the house.

Putz houses, paper and chalk churches, old candy tins,
and nativity lambs all live together in perfect harmony!

This is one of my favorites,
 a "Sees" candy promotional sleigh.

And look who's driving...
a flying squirrel, in goggles, no less!

Tiny top shelf for paper houses.

Plaid tray with dog

Nativity set lambs.
 Oh, you know I just love these little babies!

And vintage children's Christmas picture books.

A Stack of painted white suitcases tops it all off.

Christmas is such a wonderful time of year.
 I've decorated with new eyes
and a fresh perspective this year,
and it has been such fun!

Love to each of you,
and the best of Christmas wishes!

p.s. I'm a little behind in visiting everyone,
I hope to catch up with all of you this weekend!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Cloche Party, Celebrating Christmas Under Glass

I have a decor principle.
If you have a flat surface...decorate it!
I have found that it is a concept that just brings me great Joy!
So for Christmas I wanted to share some of my Joy,
in the Dining Room with Christmas under Glass.

Go by Marty's wonderful blog, A Stroll Thru Life... say Hello, and then visit all the other great ideas for cloches! I'm posting a little early so you may need to check back later to see everyone else.

I found these gorgeous glittered putz creations last year. They are vintage, made in Japan, and are in excellent condition. Originally they had bulbs in them. The little paper windows are all intact.They are more elaborate and detailed than any others I have seen. One is a castle and one is a church. (I have one other in the hall) The camera cannot do them justice. The glitter is like little diamonds on them that glistens in the sun! I've had fun trying to decide where they will stay. You will see more of them this Christmas season.

And of course!
 "Sweet face" has to be included in the display.
He's such an attention hound!

These are my vintage Lenox glass Christmas trees. One I bought for my husband's grandparents for Christmas the first year we were married, and the other two I found in flea markets. I know they're not under glass, but part of the vignette.

This huge cloche resides on top of my kitchen china cupboard.
The arrangement changes with the season.

I just love tartan plaid
 and you will be seeing splashes
of it around the house.

This is another vignette on my Dining Room table.

If you know me, you know I collect lambs and sheep.
This little fella is iron, and very heavy.

And one of my nativity sets on an old Eastlake side table.
Inexpensive, but still so meaningful!

This year Christmas decorating has been so much more
enjoyable, knowing I get to share it with all of you!


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

White Wednesday, Step Inside the Seed Box Open House

Welcome back!
I hope you're ready for more of the photos from

 It's so mean to have made you all wait for these. It's like being given two bites of a delicious dessert and then the waiter grabs it away from you and says, "Sorry, you have to wait until next week for the rest". Mean, mean, mean. I think we went around in circles at least three times, and we still didn't "see" it all. Meloney is just an amazing decorator! Look close for some great ideas for display. Find the "Part One" here.

The lighting was low and it was in the evening, so I apologize for the quality of some of the photos. I had to use a flash on most of the pictures, but this one of a tree in the entry I liked without the flash. The silhouettes against the lights and white tree were just beautiful.


Living Room

This pottery is just amazing!

This is one of my favorite ideas.
Urns with branches and Christmas bulbs.

Another cupboard with more white pottery

Chalkboard wall in a bedroom

Ceiling in the bathroom papered with old book pages,
 and the gorgeous tin "molding".

Kenda, her daughter Olivia,
and Carolyn were my " buds"  for the evening!

Please go see all the other "White Wednesday"
at Faded Charm and say "Hi" to Kathleen!

Hope you all are having fun
with all the Christmas decorating...

Most everything is in place and
I'm about ready to get to "clean up" mode.
Blessings to all...HO HO HO!!