Sunday, July 21, 2013

Black tole tray, sunshine quilt, and some tweakin' going on...

Just wanted to share a few little Summery changes out here on the sunporch with you all, and show you my latest black tole tray that I've added to my illness  collection. Dee is having a super summer sale over at the French Bleu Vintage Shop, so you will want to go see what she has in. Check out her blog, I think she has a 30% off code going on.

The yellows, golds, peaches and reds just look so summery.
(from French Bleu Vintage Shop)

I had some cute comments on the post I did on the Patriotic Sunporch a week or two ago. It was suggested that it needs it's own book. It DOES have it's own personality for sure, and it's always wanting attention... So to indulge it once again, I found a sweet little quilt that was a substitute for a vintage version that "got away". Yes, I didn't buy something, then got home and thought about it. I went back the next day and of course it was gone. boo hoo. But I found this one, which is really bright and pretty, and filled the bill for my desire for "Yellow".

I've been enjoying the red fruity pillows out here, so I didn't want to start over, but it was time to put away the flags, and the blue accents, and concentrate on Summer, with some Apple pottery, which was the idea behind the reds and yellows. 

This is a vintage quilt from my hubby's family that has pieced sailboats on the front. I'd forgotten it was a sunny yellow on the reverse, so it's part of the color scheme, too.

My paternal grandmother's Hull Apple Cookie Jar, salt and pepper, and stove jar love to be part of the Summer Baker's Rack decor. I remember that this cookie jar always had fresh homemade oatmeal cookies inside. I can see her kitchen like it was yesterday...sweet memories...

(actually it's two peppers because the salt took a tumble a few years ago, and I need to find another one that's not an arm and a leg).

Can you imagine that everyone used to save their bacon grease?

Ironstone pitcher with some faux daisies.

I recently found this little oval plaid lunch pail,
 Love these little versions.

That checked pillow that's in the middle has the flag on the other side,
so I just turned it around to keep the great black/white check.

And speaking of "apple" things,
 here is a new little "skinny wreath" for the front door,
Lady Apples and Black-eyed Susans

And some appliqued feed sack tea towels that Ive been saving for Summer.

joining in for these parties:

Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
The Scoop at Cedar Hill Ranch
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style


Saturday, July 20, 2013

Be Inspired: She's Got Style

Hi Everyone, Time for Be Inspired!
the place to share what's been inspiring you this week.

And speaking of "inspiration", this Southern Gal "Wows" us each week with her decorating skills and paint transformations. We all know Kim, and love her gorgeous Georgia home where she has created a warm and personal style. Kim has an eye for color combinations and isn't afraid to paint, paint, and repaint, sharing her chalk paint and milk paint creations along the way.

I've been a fan of hers early on, and one of my favorite rooms is her wonderful sitting room/library, where she has recently repainted her walls and changed up her sofa and color scheme. Kim's mix of Traditional and Country French is always beautifully pulled together, and she absolutely lives up to her blog name, Savvy Southern Style.

I love the mix of the browns and blues.

And the piece de resistance...
her amazing antique French Vaisselier.

thanks Kim, for always sharing your home and style with us!

Now, on to some other great links from last week...

Leslie and her dad created a wonderful DIY Rustic Plank Table
with salvaged weathered wood  at Gwen Moss.

You'll want to see how Little Miss Maggie morphed
a ho-hum metal flower container
 into this gorgeous Decorative Wall Basket

Jody and Stan from Rooted in Thyme  have gorgeous gardens in their
California home. Take a peek at their Paris Flea Market themed garden room

Vanessa from At the Picket Fence recently completed a
Staircase and Foyer Makeover that is fresh and bright.

And I love this "Table turned Island"

One of my weaknesses is any kind of chocolate...
from Pattie at Olla-Podrida look melt in your mouth?

thanks gals, for joining in for the party!

And today I'm excited to introduce you to a new sponsor, 
Jennifer and her husband are also the proprietors of the website Santos Cage Dolls, but have now expanded their shop to include even more beautiful items to choose from. Alongside their amazing Santos and Ex Votos, they are now carrying lovely crowns, select vintage items, decor and kitchenware: all with a French flavor. I hope you'll visit their Eleanor Brown Blog, and Facebook page to keep up with new items and promotions.

thank you so much, Jennifer!

OK, time to link up all your inspiration from this last week.
If you can, please take a minute to visit the person ahead of you in the links,
and please be a follower of this blog, Common Ground.
Thank you everyone for always showing up ready to party!
If you've ever been featured feel free to grab the image below.

and while you're out, please check out these other Friday party gals:

 Have a great rest of the week,

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Be Inspired Top Visited Links

Hi All, it's Wednesday, 
and time for a look at the top visited links from last week's Be Inspired.
If you haven't checked out these posts you'll want to run by to see
"...the rest of the story."

A new kitchen in the basement?
 Take a peek at this wonderful Farmhouse Glam Kitchen
from Jann at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson.

Rita from Panopoly 
shares a Lesson from A Master of Making Slipcovers
 with a wonderful chaise that got a makeover from a very talented lady.

shares what happens when you move 
large pieces of furniture from one room to another.
She has such a lovely home, it would be fun mixing it all up again.

thanks so much ladies for joining in and sharing all this inspiration!

See you all tomorrow morning for

Have you missed a post this week?
If so, you can easily check and click with the photos in the header.


Mid Summer Mantel

I know you all have been waiting for the next installment of 
"The Summer Mantel"
Sort of like how we're waiting for the next season of Downton Abbey...right? (I hope you all know that I'm a "kidder" from waaaay back) I guess that it's safe to say that it's "mid" summer, now that we're into the middle of July. 

And once it's past the July 4th holiday, and those wonderful little Black-Eyed-Susans start blooming, then I have to hold myself back from going Sunflower crazy.

A few weeks ago, on the way back from St. Louis we stopped at one of our favorite Antique Malls, Artichoke Annie's in Columbia, Missouri. It's a real quality mall; big, and full of great antiques. No "garage sale" items here. I saw tons of things I loved but I'm really watching what I buy, so my only purchase was a piece of Majolica; a small dessert plate that would match the other few pieces that I have.

Once I had that new plate,
I had enough to put together a little grouping on the mantel.

I love the wonderful colors of Majolica, 
mine all have the gold and green in common.

Even with chips, it's still collectible and doesn't break the bank.

The colors of the pottery play off the silk Sunflower and Rudbeckia
(part of the Daisy family) that are now in the Wolff  Pottery vases.
A little English Cottage metal doorstop sits in the middle.

These sunny warm colors are my go-to colors of late Summer.

I'm lovin' this Summery display, so it just might stick around 
for the next episode; the "Late Summer" mantel...

And here are a few pics of what's happening in the rest of the Living Room.

And here's my little Italian desk in the corner.
It doesn't make an appearance very often.

Sunflowers have popped up in other places too,
so stay tuned for some changes in the Dining Room.

I'll be joining in for these parties this week:

Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Tips and Tutorials at Stone Gable
Inspiration Gallery at Ella Claire
