Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Antique Sideboard Buffet Makes a Comeback

Hi Friends! Well, we're in the stage right now where we have most of the furniture at the new house, but also a lot of boxes starting to mount up. It's exciting being this close, especially when we see rooms coming together with our favorite pieces.

Here it is with a fresh new look.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

New House Journal: Living and Dining Rooms and a New Recliner

We had a busy last week with another partial move and then working over the weekend at the new house. This last trip we got my office furniture, most of the Living Room, more basement stuff, guest bedroom and the big room size rugs for the Living Room and Dining Room that I cleaned last weekend. Phone pics ahead; sorry for the less than perfect images.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

New House Journal: Moving little by little

We have one "move" down, probably two more to go. We are using a small moving company that we've used before and found a few guys that we really trust. They are amazingly careful and so far have been able to get some BIG furniture down the stairs. My hubby has taken my office furniture and computer apart for this week's installment, so it may be a bit before I can get pics for posts, other than phone shots.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

New House Journal: Laundry Room Update

We didn't do a lot of huge projects here at the new house, but we had a lot of medium and small re-dos. The laundry room/bath was one of the bigger projects. I'll share the "after" photos first so you won't get totally grossed out. If you've ever done a bath renovation you will know what I mean. It can be pretty ugly when you're down to the plumbing and bare walls. This wasn't a flashy makeover, we just wanted a clean fresh look in this space that will be used multiple times a day. Since I don't have a dedicated, guest friendly "powder room", I'm sure this will be a default bathroom that company will wander into.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New House Journal: Hearth Room, Wood Blinds, and a Dated Master Bath

Hi Everyone, I thought I'd check in and let you know what we've been up to this last week or so. We had a great Christmas, but I've just been "off kilter" with this long drawn out mini renovation and move. Since we've only been able to work at the house on weekends, it's taken us since the end of September to get where we are today. We started the Big Clean and moved a few odds and ends this last weekend. Thank Goodness, we're almost there.

(the wires are the cable tv box, and I'm hoping my big armoire will fit there
to house the tv and storage. That wall looks pretty bare right now.)

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Christmas Vintage Inspiration

I know it's late in the Christmas Season, but I'm still in "inspiration" mode since I haven't been able to do any decorating. I looked back in my posts and I realized I've only done one on Christmas decor and that was my Christmas Home Tour from last year. I've still been "pinning" pics of current posts from everyone; but hey, it will still be good for next year! So I thought I'd share a few pics and links from some of my fave inspiration... and I threw in a few pics from my past Christmas posts. You all know I'm anxious to get to the new place, even though it will be too late to decorate for Christmas.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

New House Journal: New Hardwoods and Carpet

This post is probably way more exciting for me personally than for any of you readers, but it's part of my documenting the progress of our new house. When we first walked into the Entry, other than notice the shiny ceilings, was the fact that the formal living and dining rooms were covered in carpet. Now I have nothing against carpet as you will see, but I really wanted hardwood floors this next time around.