Friday, June 22, 2018

Life can change in an instant...

Sometimes life can change within a matter of minutes... that's what happened to me last Friday at 5:00 in the afternoon. I had just published a post here on the blog about the heart procedure that I had had earlier in the week. Things had gone pretty well and I was home and feeling better. I had a few minutes to reply to a few of you that had left a comment.  If you haven't read that post from Friday afternoon, you can find it here.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Low Thyroid: Sharing a post on Hair Loss and Thinning

I'm working on my post about the breadcrumb trail with Autoimmune Disease linking to Heart Disease that I've been following this last few months, and I've been checking back on some web articles and research. Today, I was looking back through the Blog Links List I have in my blog Footer toward the end with links to Autoimmune Illness and Gluten-Free Recipes. You'll see it on the left-hand side after the post.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Still here...

Hi Friends...
still here.
still waiting.

This afternoon I was updating my Series on "Regaining Your Health". I've had a lot of moving parts to rearrange and add, but unbeknownst to me, one part updated on today's date. Sorry for the confusion, BUT that does give me a chance to let you know what I'm doing and where I am in all the latest.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Happy Mother's Day and a note

Just wanted to say Happy Mother's Day to everyone, and I hope you're having a beautiful day. April was a record cold month, but now all of a sudden when May got here it's turned into a heavy muggy 85, seemingly over night. 

Saturday, May 5, 2018

a little personal update...

Hi Friends, just wanted to do a quick "hello" and let you know I'm taking a few days or so off, to have some heart tests. My health has been fairly unpredictable for awhile with the Gluten Ataxia and the Autoimmune revelations. 

(photos from 2014)

Friday, April 27, 2018

Birds and Branches

This has been such a cold Spring... very few warm days with a lot of cold and dreary ones. The flowering trees and growing things got a late start. Then just when they thought it was safe, we had nights of temps in the 20's. So the peach tree, plum tree, and cherry tree have had their bloom time disturbed and cut short.