Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Top Projects of 2011

Looking back over this last year, I found a few of my favorite projects to highlight. This first one was pretty quick and easy and turned a blah divided screen into a Frenchy beauty, using antique French lesson books, and tons of Mod Podge.

This petite dresser in the entry went from black to distressed white,
and was a "foreshadowing" of things to come!

Painting my laundry room, which can be seen right off the kitchen was long overdue. It took a few days but was well worth the effort! Now I'm not embarrassed with the view anymore!

And then it matched the kitchen re-do from late 2010.

One of the biggest projects I took on was the booth space at Relics Antique Mall. It's morphed several times this year, but the new tearoom should open this Spring, so I'm planning another space re-do at that time.

I'd wanted a potting bench for the last few years and this was my late Spring project that I enjoyed so much all Summer and Fall.

Then in July started the mother of all projects, at least it was for me this year; repainting all my Living Room furniture. This was a huge decision that I had wrestled with for quite awhile, then I just decided to take the plunge and go for it. So glad I did!

It has made a huge impact on our home and my emotions...

All together I think I painted close to 30 pieces of furniture,
and it took me the rest of the summer to get this room where I wanted it.

Then came this bad boy '80's Chandy
that I tackled on Labor Day!

Eight hours on the ladder and this was done! Painted by hand this is the icing on the "white" cake in the Living Room, what a change, and it saved us at least a thousand dollars of buying a new one and the installation. Big job, but wow, what a difference!

then came pillows...

table runners...

more table runners...

and playing with jewelry.

so  much fun!

Hope you enjoyed this ramble down Memory Lane of 2011.

Be sure and join in for 
Vintage Inspiration Friday
starting Thursday afternoon where we will be recapping
our favorite vintage posts.

I have some fun things planned for 2012,
and I'll be spilling the beans soon...
so stay tuned!!!
love you all bunches,

joining in for 

Kathleen at Faded Charm
Michele at Primp
Honey at 2805

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Favorite Vintage Post of the Year

Hey Everyone, I know this is probably a busy week for you all, and maybe taking photos is the last thing on your mind with all the clean up we've been doing since Christmas. I thought that we could recap the year with our favorite "vintage" posts of 2011. Pick one or two that are your faves or that you enjoyed sharing, and let's all get together Thursday December 29 thru the weekend.

I'm still cleaning house and putting away a few "Christmas-y" things,
 so let's take a break.

See ya Thursday afternoon!

Monday, December 26, 2011

A Christmas Visitor...

Christmas afternoon, things were  quiet while our "big kids" took a walk around the lake with their "frenchy", Vinnie. Hubbs and I were setting in the Living Room talking when we saw a some commotion in the little skinny tree on the deck. Hopping and fluttering we could see a bird outline, but we couldn't make out what kind. It was bigger, looked a little like a cardinal, but more like a robin.  We got up to investigate.

I've enjoyed bird watching my whole life. Living in the country we always had birds in the bushes, trees and yard, and since my dad was a "waste not, want not" kind of person there was always something for the neighborhood fowl to feast upon. 

I used to keep bird seed on the deck for prime viewing, but we have a chipmunk and squirrel population and this was just too close to the pool. Besides, the squirrels have chewed our deck to embarrassment.

This little birdie, rummaged thru my Christmas greens in the basket, sat on the ladder, then on the head of the goose, just bouncing around for a few minutes. I didn't want to waste time running for my camera because I knew I just needed to savor the "visit". 

Glad to know someone else liked my "Backdoor Christmas" decor.

After searching my field guide books we found our little friend, a Gray Vireo, who was out of his normal habitat. It says that he likes scrub brush and junipers in the arid country of the southwest United States. (pretty far from home here in SW Missouri) I guess he was visiting relatives for Christmas and just took a moment for a break. But I'm so glad we were able to have a sweet visit from a little friend; just a little Christmas blessing.

Hope you've had time to enjoy the "small blessings"
 of this Christmas Season...


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Blessings

painting by William Adolphus Bouguereau 1903

Matthew 1:22  All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call Him Immanuel, which means, God with us".

May you know Him as the Savior,
Merry Christmas,

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Just a few pics of Christmas in my Living Room,
as we're gearing up for all the fun tonight.

I found this little snowflake tree last year, 
love the simplicity of it. 

These are old Christmas Cards from a stash of my grandparents,
 in little "dimestore" frames

"White" potpourri from TJ Maxx that I found this year.

So far these faux paperwhites are the only ones blooming around here

These are just a few of the presents,
you should see it now!!

The St. Louis kids got here last night, they were running behind schedule do to work and a master bath renovation with workmen still at their house.
We were eating Sushi at 10:00 last night at one of our favorite Asian places.
Can you overdose on sushi...?
I'm thinking the answer may be "yes."...

 I found this evergreen cone at "the Vintage Suitcase",
and used dried hydrangeas and faux holly and greens at the base.

Christmas birdies on the coffee table

...and I just kept this sofa table simple
with my basket of faux poinsettia.

It's always been a family tradition to open gifts on Christmas Eve.
So this room will be a happy mess in just a few hours,
hope your day is wonderful.

joining in for:
A Stroll Thru Life for Table Top Tuesdays

Christmas love and blessings,