Sunday, November 11, 2012

A little tweaking makes it Thanksgiving...

Drum roll please...
"The Late Fall Mantel"
da ta da da!!

OK, hope you know I'm kidding.

Just a matter of bringing out the turkeys 
in exchange for the snowy owls.

I've kept everything else that I started with back in September. My mantel has been through a few change outs, but now that it's Thanksgiving, most of it will be swapped out for Christmas in just a little over a week.

Here's the Mid Fall Mantel

and the "Super Early Fall Mantel"...

you can see I tweaked the flowers a little too.

Now my Johnson Bros. Turkey Platter gets center stage.

A few small changes in the Entry

 with a white turkey covered vegetable...

same for the hallway sideboard;
you guessed it...
more turkeys.

another turkey platter...
(I got more folks)

Salt and Pepper turkeys

big fat turkey painted white...
(He used to be multi colored but was obnoxiously loud,
so he was slapped with the paintbrush)

I'm not done with the turkeys.
You have to suffer through at least one more post of them.
maybe more...

Be sure and come by tomorrow and visit
for some Etsy and Online Boutique Shopping Fun!

And if you haven't entered Dee's Give Away from 
French Bleu Vintage
 then click HERE

joining in with these parties this week:

Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House

Thanks for putting up with all my craziness,
Have you seen the chipmunk video?
it's a must see!!

Some chipmunk fun...

I have to say "sorry" for the blurry photos up front. This post is sort of an experiment, hope you all don't mind being the "guinea pigs" for my lackluster techy skills. Actually this is close to "guinea pigs", since I'm showing you one of my little visitors on the deck the last few days.

These pics were taken through my kitchen window above the sink,
 that's why they're so blurry.

Early in the week I put out this old enamel wash pan filled with seeds for the birds. The cats and I need our entertainment from the sunporch you know. So besides the birdies, we've had our regular squirrels and then my favorite little buddies, the chips.

This one is having a great time filling his pouches with all the yummies, but what's been the real laugh, is seeing him bob up and down making sure no one is going to grab him. He's on the alert, but really wants to take advantage of his good fortune in finding the mother load of seed.

My camera has a video option, so this is my first time using it. I'm hoping it works. If it doesn't, then just look at the blurry pictures and imagine you see him doing his thing. He had me in stitches, but then it doesn't take a lot to amuse me now-days.

It's a minute of up and down, up and down. But like I said, this was my first time inserting a video into a blog post. Stay tuned later today for the cliff hanger on my "Late Fall Mantle". I know you all are on the edge of your seats waiting for it. Oh and the racket in the background is my dryer. I have a load of rocks in it evidently...

Thanks for indulging me, 
hope you have a chuckle from this,

Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Give Away with French Bleu Vintage

Do you all know Dee, aka, Adrienne?
Hope so, but if you don't, now's your chance!
Dee is having a Give Away for all you vintage lovin' peeps out here.
She's the proprietress of the wonderful Online Store

French Bleu Vintage 

Dee has one of the best shops around
 if you're looking for authentic vintage pieces,
Dishes, objets d'art, even furniture...

I love how she styles her items.
Here are some that you can find listed in her shop.
Wouldn't this set make your Thanksgiving table divine?

What a wonderful vignette of a few of Dee's items

An 8 piece gorgeous lot of dishes, perfect for Christmas.

Just gorgeous

We've seen these French beauties around blogland

And we all love a French Wicker Bottle

These lovely Vintage Violets Urn Style Lamps
would be beautiful in a soft shabby bedroom or living room.

These are just a few of the beautiful things in Dee's Shop. She has new items coming in every day, so be sure and bookmark her Store. And right now with each purchase there will be a complimentary current magazine being shipped with your order.

Now on to the Give Away...

Dee is Giving Away a $40. 00 Gift Certificate 
And making available a 20% Discount code ComGr20
to all you Common Ground readers.

We have lots of ways to enter,
be sure and leave a separate comment for each entry.

  1. Visit Dee's Store, French Bleu Vintage, browse around and then come back to leave a comment on what you'd buy with your gift certificate.
  2. Like and subscribe to French Bleu Vintage on Facebook, HERE
  3. Follow Dee on her blog, French Bleu Vintage, HERE
  4. Blog or Facebook about the Give Away
  5. and I'd love you to follow Common Ground  (thanks everyone)

Vintage Inspiration Friday 
is still going strong.
If you haven't linked up 
just scroll down to the last post
to join in on the party!

Have a great weekend, everyone,

Friday, November 9, 2012

Vintage Inspiration #113 Christmas Inspiration from the Vintage Suitcase

Even though most of us haven't started decorating for Christmas, I know we're all looking for ideas and inspiration. I'm wanting to do something a little different this year, so I'm soaking up all the "Christmas" that our local Open Houses have to offer. I visited Robin's Vintage Suitcase yesterday and walked in to a Christmas wonderland. Whites and Brights, elegant, with a vintage flair. The store was a feast for the eyes.

Robin's Vintage Suitcase 
Christmas Open House
November 9,10,11
Friday and Saturday 9-9
Sunday 11-4
724 S. Scenic
Spiringfield, Missouri

And speaking of Inspiration
here are a few links from last week...

Pam from House of Hawthornes has an interesting thought on collecting these Napco Turkey salt and peppers, candleholders, and planters. It will make you laugh and feel guilty at the same time.

welcomes November with a wonderful  rustic
Farmhouse Autumn Tablescape

shared her Master Bedroom with her creative
 Rustic Vintage Simple Style.
(don't you just love that pillow?)

Geneva from My Hearts Song created a simple but heartfelt banner 
out of shipping tags with a perfect message.

and oh my, 
this chair from Simone of Fleaing France
no words needed...

...And stay tuned for tomorrow evening 
for a Give Away from Dee at French Bleu Vintage

Party Time
Hope you'll join in 
with anything that's vintage or vintage inspired.
recipes, DIY, decor...
Please have a link back to Common Ground
 within your post to be featured.

And check out my Friday party gal pals while you're at it!

 See you tomorrow evening for the Give Away!