Showing posts with label nesting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nesting. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Snuggle up

These crisp Fall days
 hold such a fascination for me.

The colors of the leaves and sky;
 the critters, (squirrel,s chipmunks, and birds)
 all scurrying around
filling their pantries for the cold winter days ahead.
My old chippy Adirondack chair
calls out for a good book and a hot mug of cider.

I love to mix the patterns of plaid, stripes, and florals.

Pendleton and Scottish blankets are my favorite cuddle on these cool days.

Halloween is over,
but Fall will still be here awhile.

My mums and ferns survived a killing frost last week,
but soon it will be too cold to try to cover them.

I just wanted to say "Thanks" again,
for the great turnout for
 Vintage Inspiration Friday!

We made a trip to St. Louis to visit our kids,
so we were constantly on the go.
Come back Friday, I have some wonderful photos
of the local fun.

I'm joining Kathleen for White Wednesday

and Cindy for Show and Tell Friday

Hope you're having a wonderful week!
(I'm pooped!)


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fall Nesting

Today I thought I would share one of the ways that I get ready for Fall. One of the very first things that I do to get that inspiration for Fall is to change out my flower arrangements for the upcoming season. There are so many little hints in nature here in the Midwest that prepare us for the arrival of  Autumn. The air feels and smells different with the cooler temperatures, the light seems to change and take on a "slant" and a golden hue, and the tops of the trees now have a change in color.

I use this old wicker flower basket in my entry hall year round. This time of year I've added some fall leaves and berry stems to the dried hydrangeas that were there in August. I like to make a subtle transition in the seasons. Adding a little each day; changing one thing, then another.

In my Dining Room, I'm really enjoying seeing how "Fall" brightens up my French iron basket. I painted and wallpapered my Dining Room earlier in the summer. The cream and damask paper really reflect the warm colors of the fall leaves and flowers.

Bringing out the Brown Transferware is another sign that Fall is on it's way.

On the new "white" console table further into the entry that just had it's metamorphosis,
the iron urn now holds golden Aspen leaves.

And the front door's wreath is now a colorful blend of black eyed susans and sunflowers.

Bringing nature indoors with my decor in arrangements is just the start of the Fall Nesting Season for me. Sometimes when the weather is still warm (!) we can get in the mood by just seeing what others are up to. We still have warm weather here, but usually in about 2 weeks we can start to think about sweaters and jeans again, yay!!

Please visit the Fall Nesting Party at the Inspired Room
for much more inspiration for Fall!

And I'm joining in at A Stroll Through Life with Marty for

Get your Fall On!!
So much more to come.

Have a great week everyone,

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fall Comes to the "Creek"

It's Here!
Fall has arrived at my Spring Creek booth space.

Now if you don't count the temperature outside,
or the fact that it still says August on the calendar,
you wouldn't know the difference.

I grabbed my man with the muscle
(that would be the two-wheel dolly)
and we headed to Ozark to make the transformation.

While we were there several other dealers were putting
their own touch of fall on the place.

OK, I've said it a million times before,
and I will a million times more

I have renewed energy
and that feeling of wanting to cozy up the nest takes over.

I love the earth colors and subtle tones,
but I also love a big blast of

Nature inspired dishes, furnishings, and accessories
are all scattered around the space.

As you can see, I don't take myself too serious,
I can't resist an owl.

Vintage Postcard Prints and Magazine Cover Prints
 are a staple in my space.

While I was setting up, a well-dressed retired couple came by.
The lady was really interested in my vintage window with the bird prints.
She bent down and examined it with a thoughtful, loving, and appreciative eye.

She got her husband's attention
 and of course he had to comment on the fact
that he could " make something just like that"
( how many of us have heard that remark before?)
... with some photographs of birds that he had.

She shook her head in dismay,
and informed him that it just wouldn't be the same.

I hope she comes back for it without the hubby.

And since I don't want a "nekkid" dress form,
I'll be having a few pieces of my jewelry there also.

The Tea Room and store look especially fun this time of year.
There are a lot of great dealers with a wonderful mix of merchandise.

Hope you can make it by.

I'm linking up with Kathleen for White Wednesday

and just a reminder about the first
Vintage Inspiration Friday
next Thursday evening
September 2!

Click on the sidebar button for details!

Hope you're having a wonderful week,

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I've been "nesting"...

In the Spring I'm all about birds

and nests,

and garden-y things.

I found this little birdie in the twigs
 at a local floral supply company.

So today I played a little and made some nests,

for Easter gifts

and for my new space at Spring Creek.

These are just a few,

I sort of went "bird brain" making them.

(I'm a messy crafter!)


I always want to fill up any kind of "container".

An old ironstone berry bowl...

or dainty creamer...

(oh shoot, I'm a sucker for fuzzy chicks)

or my ironstone kitchen pitcher.

Hope you're having a sweet weekend,
full of fun and things of Spring.

We just missed a snowstorm,
it's heading for Kansas City...
sorry y'all.

love ya,

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

White Wednesday, Meet Lucy

If you have been visiting my blog for a while, you might have seen Miss Lucy, (as in goosey) in some of my Dining Room photos. She has a nest in my wrought iron French basket that resides on my Dining Room table. She's pretty quiet and doesn't raise much of a fuss.

She's content to watch over all the sheep that congregate there also. Miss Lucy has seen better days, as she has lost the little plastic "eyes" that she once had, and the time she spent in the elements has caused her to crack and chip in places. After all, she is just an old cardboard decoy, that men have used as "bait" for their exploits. But she found a place in my heart and she came home with me about 2 years ago, to be given a place of honor at my table.

Whatever the season or the holiday,
she receives a new "floral nest"...

And a fresh ribbon with which she celebrates.

She is a slightly odd little duck that gives me great delight.

 Here is to celebrating those things
that may seem odd to others,
(like an old beat-up cardboard decoy)
but bring us unexpected joy!


Now, for more fun please visit Kathleen,