Showing posts with label my sister. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my sister. Show all posts

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Decor therapy...

I always feel like my brain needs a little jump start this first week of January. After all the busy-ness from before Thanksgiving until New Year's, once January 2 hits, I tend to "coast" a little. Putting my house back together and doing some much needed cleaning has kept me busy. I had a Hoover bag full of glitter, half chewed faux berries, and cat hair...don't ask.

After looking at my Dining Room for this last week, I realized I needed a change. One day things look fine, the next day you want to totally start over. So first, down came the honkin' window what? Whatever is on this table needs to be substantial, at least I feel like it does. So I grabbed the old basket from under the buffet, white poinsettias and all. OK, so maybe all the mental energy I had was directed at finding a new centerpiece.

I think I'll keep the grain sack runner here until after Valentine's Day.
It does have a red stripe, after all.

And I'm keeping the redwork tablecloth on the buffet, 
I just decluttered a little from this photo.

I looked at it closely and realized
 that there were little hearts woven into the design.
Why hadn't I noticed that before?

And the faux chalkboard above the sideboard in the Hall 
got it's new message, compliments of my sweet sis, 
Happy New Year!

Other than that, I just removed the white feather tree 
and replaced it with the iron urn of faux paperwhites.
OK, so that wasn't all that drastic.
A few simple changes were all that I needed...
this week.

How about you...
does your brain need a vacation?
Thank goodness I have all of you out there
that are on top of your game.

Now, I'll be moving on to the Living Room...
my mantel needs some h.e.l.p.

Great turnout for the first 
Be Inspired Friday!
thanks guys!
(I really needed it;
the inspiration that is.)

joining in with these parties:


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Chalkboard Cheater...

OK, I'm the first to admit that there have been several other gals who have beat me to posting about finding a way to do a "faux" chalkboard. It's not that I don't love real chalkboards and respect the huge amount of talent and patience that goes into creating those amazing works of art. It's just that this year, decorating for Christmas has been a rush job in every sense of the word.

So I just had to resort to cheating...

Above my sideboard in the hallway is a perfect spot for a chalkboard. I wanted that look without all the work. sounds bad...but Hey, I just love all the ones you all are doing out there. And then there's the fact that I hate to think about all the hours put into coming up with a fabulous creation, only to have to wipe it down the week after Christmas!

So I just bought some black foam board at Michael's and then proceeded to enlist the help of my sis and her trusty Silhouette Machine.

I think it's pretty good.
Maybe not the real thing, but I love the look.

I bought the chalk markers, so hopefully at some point I can try to create a more "realistic" one that actually resembles a chalkboard design. But until then, I can pop this one out and then beg my sister to make me another one...maybe one that says "Happy New Year". Have I told you what a great sister I have?

Yep, she's the Best!
(she reads my blog, too)

For some great Chalkboard Inspiration
Click Here for my Pinterest Page

I'll be joining in these fun parties this week:

Don't forget to check out all the fun shopping over here
at The Marketplace.
It's live all week.
Just scroll down to the next post.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Vintage Valentine Cards on Silver Sunday

I've been waiting for today for weeks...
Since Joan at Anything Goes Here
announced her Vintage Valentine Party!

I've sneaked in some Valentine photos
 this last week or so,
hope your not tired of all the "love",
 and some of the same photos.

As my kitties like to say;
Valentines, Schmalentines.

I'm also linking with Beth
from Gypsy Fish Journal today
to be a part of her monthly party,
Silver Sunday
(can't miss that!)

So I'm including some of my Vintage Valentines
on a large footed silver tray on my
Dining Room buffet,
where all things "holiday" seem to land.

This is a silver necklace that my sweet mom
 bought me for Valentines Day this year.
Love the initial and the crown on top.

And a silver bud vase with faux roses.

I found this intricate large Valentine
this summer in St. Louis.
It's supposed to be 3-D,
but I wanted to display it in an old
ornate frame I had been saving.

Here are a few of my vintage Valentine postcards.
The cutie boy here reminds me of my nephew Spence.
(tulips from my sweet sister)

My entry way dresser is holding
another smaller 3-D valentine.
And the pink Hull vase was
 a Valentine to myself this year.


And here is my sideboard again,
with another Valentine and
some altered children's Valentines
 that I have been playing with.

This framed simple Valentine is an
original from my paternal Grandfather
to my Grandmother, from the early 1920's.
He owned a print shop and this is another of his pieces.
to my Grandmother's Birthday Party.

Have a Sweet and Cozy Valentine Weekend,

Hugs and Love,

p.s. Thank you all for your sweet comments!
I seem to be having a "time management" issue with
preparing for the new booth opening.
Please just know I love you all and that
each and every comment
blesses me.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ozark Festival Goodies And 200th Give-Away!

Today here in Southwest MO it is raining cats and dogs. I love an afternoon like this, but I had planned to get a few errands ran. When it's like this, sorry, I just don't get out. So before too much time had passed from last weedend's Fall Festival, I thought I'd share a few of the things that my sister and I nabbed.
These were in several booths, and I thought they were so cute. Since I have more vintage suitcases than I can shake a paintbrush at, I let her have the honors, but I really had to think twice. So "stinkin" cute!

You remember Chelsea's and Stacey's booth, "Glamour Girls", this is the darling little Owl necklace that I bought. I have already worn it so many times! (ok, everyday) They had so many darling designs I could hardly pick just one.

Here's my "Scardy Cat on a Stick".

This is my old Pepper Shaker that has been electrified. It has one of those "old timey" look flickering bulbs in it. My sis bought one that was an old mustard tin. I thought they were really unique.

Harvest Pumpkin Sign.

Bittersweet and Scardy Cat Hanger.

 I love initial charms, I found this and the silver earrings in separate places, but just love them!

This has been a great week with the Give-Away. I just kept going for 200, so I'm in the process of putting another bunch of fun items together for the second give-away! I'll anounce the two winners sometime Saturday, So be on the lookout! Remember, it doesn't close until Friday at midnight! There's still time!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ozark Fall Festival and Followers Giveaway!

I cannot tell you how much you all have blessed me these last few days. The response to the "Followers Give-Away" has been amazing. So many new names and faces. Thank you! I hope to contact you all individually, but in case I don't make it by to everyone that left a comment, please know you are appreciated! I will be continuing with the give-away until Friday, October 9th at midnight, for the things that I have, but if we reach 200 by Friday night I'll do an extra give-away! Maybe not the same exact items, but some similar ones.

Here are some photos of my fun afternoon Friday with my sister and my nephew at the Fall Festival in Ozark, Missouri. This festival is mostly crafts, all kinds, but lately they have been having a few booths with antiques and vintage things. I really believe this has been the best year yet. Great jewelry, candles, fall decor, and a ton of other fun things...oh, and of course all the junk food that you can stand, and then some.

Why haven't we learned not to take a picture facing the sun? The McSquinty Sisters!

As you could see in our picture the wind was crazy!

Electrifed vintage items. Just so cute.
I bought an old copper pepper shaker
that had a great little flickering bulb.

Since I LOVE Cats,
 I bought a black "scardy cat" on an old spindle.

Here is Chelsea, isn't she just the cutest?
 She and her friend Stacey had a great jewelry booth
where they sell their fun things with a real retro feel
 called "Glamour Girls".
She is literally holding down the tent!

I'll show you what I bought later.

Great vintage tweedy dress form.

Even a chandelier.

Their space won my vote for overall "cuteness factor"!
They have a space at Spring Creek Antiques,
where my booth is located.

And what's a Fall Festival without a pumpkin patch?

Don't forget,
If you haven't signed on as a follower
you still can, then  leave a comment
for another chance to win!

Many of you have asked where you could purchase the journal. It is the Andrews McMeel Publishing Co. 2010 "Birds of a Feather" calendar/journal. I found mine at a Sam's Club, but when I went to a different one they did not have it. You can order online at Amazon or Barnes and Noble. You will pay a higher price, but you can at least find one.
Thanks again everyone,