Showing posts with label hubby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hubby. Show all posts

Sunday, August 2, 2015

In Harmony with Nature...

...or, what to do if you're easily bored while camping.

Just wanted to check in with you on our/my "camping" progress. We've had a couple of weekend trips; one to the river,(Southern Missouri trout fishing river) the other to a lake (NW Arkansas in the mountains). Both were good, relaxing, and I really enjoyed my time with Hubbs. We grilled steaks and pork chops and had smores (which I thought he'd complain about, but actually he was a trooper. And even though we forgot the long fork, we improvised with small kitchen forks, and it ended up being one of the more memorable moments of the trip)

(we didn't actually go to Lake of the Ozarks, but I love these vintage fold out postcards, 
so I thought I'd share that bit of vintage lake goodness)

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Happy Camper

I've been thinking about writing this post for the last couple of weeks...I guess it's time. It definitely falls into the category of "Old Dogs", as in "teaching them new tricks". Or as in today's new vernacular aka Jimmy Fallon #hashtags, I could label this:

But, I don't want be a stick in the mud, and this is something my husband is going to love, and has always wanted to do.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What's New on the Dining Room Buffet

It's really easy for me to find myself in a rut when decorating for the seasons (or any time for that matter). I know what I love and what's worked in the past. But I have tons of "stuff" and sometimes it's just a matter of clearing things out and then being willing to look at things from a different perspective. That means taking a chance by changing things up a little and moving things around.

That's what happened here in the Dining Room. I'm still in love with my chippy white windowbox for the DR table centerpiece, but the buffet was in need of some attention. My lamb and sheep collection got a little makeover for Fall with some cloches. So it was screaming for something new and different. OK, not new, just different.

So down from on top of the armoire in the Living Room came this monster sized birdcage. It doesn't look all that big here, but believe's BIG.

I had hoped it would actually have a way to get some bigger items inside, like a large candle and some bigger pumpkins, but guess what...? it actually IS a birdcage, so big things weren't going to happen. Bummer...I could see it in my head all decked out in Fall foliage and pumpkins. I did manage to squeeze a few things in through the wee birdie sized door, like these three mercury glass votives that are lit here in the early evening light.

When hubby got home from work I was excited to show him my latest decorating work of art. I take him into the entry so he can stand back and admire my artistic flair for the out of the ordinary vignette. I say,
"What do you think?"
He stands there with a bewildered look on his face...I give him a moment to let it all soak in...
"How do you like it?"
... still nothing...cue the crickets.
 OK, one more shot...
"Do you see what's new on the buffet?".
 I kid you not, he says,
"oh yeah, you have antlers". 
Is he a man or what?

Then he said "OOOOOOHHHHH, well it kinda just blends in you know". 
A perfectly good excuse for not seeing the elephant in the room.
(maybe I should paint it neon blue if I want something noticed around here)

And here is the new wreath for the mirror.
The "Easy Custom Wreath" from last week.

He didn't notice that either.

I'll share the rest of the room in a bit...


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Heads Up...

I guess this post could be filed under several topics, but firstly it would have to be the top contender for "you don't know how wrong something looks until you photograph it and then put it out on the blog for thousands of people to see". The next category would be "coming super late to the party". 

The second category, first...
This is my first shot at Annie Sloan Chalk Paint.
I know, I know....
don't judge me for being a little slow to get to the party.
LOVE this paint...
dried quick, distressed so easy,
but then you ALL know that don't you?

I've had a can of Old White for over a year, but when you have a husband that's sick
or any kind of family issue, most projects just don't happen...nope. not happening.

(He's much better, long road...but better.
Inner ear surgery for Meniere's Disease)

I've had this wonderful old piece of detailed wood hanging out in the garage for months, taunting me to get my rear in gear and paint it. 

but when I saw this photo (below) from a post I did back in March I cringed,
'cause the teensy header I had was lost on the door and flanking windows.
(btw, this post was my highest viewed post ever)

So I finally got around to doing the deed and hopefully making the entry look a little more thought out. I love using old headers and furniture remnants to help beef up the moldings above the room openings. This space could use something even bigger, but until then, I think this will work.

Skinny moldings must have been all the rage in 1982...

This one is above the Entry in the Dining Room.

another smaller one heading toward the Kitchen.

Here is the culprit from the entry that found a new home in the Hallway, 
going into the Dining Room.
(I need to straighten it up a bit)

 from the Hall into the Powder Room
(and no, that's not dust on the door panels,
I just like a gray film all over things...)

But here's my fave baby of them all.
The hunky piece that got me started on this.

I swooned over those scallops.

In the Kitchen going to the Living Room.

That's just one little thing I can cross off my to-do list.

and a note from Tornado Alley...
we're all so so tired of this.

Joining in on these parties:

Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
The Scoop at Cedar Hill Ranch

Have a great weekend,

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Organizing the Potting Bench and other backyard business...

This cold Spring has really put me behind in getting things cleaned up and functional outdoors. It's been the "domino effect" around here with chores and projects. Get the yard people out to do the Spring "clean-up" and shrub trimming, then a big job of painting our pool deck which my sis and nephew helped me do. I can't do much more until we open the pool, which is usually around Mother's Day. (If it doesn't warm up it might be the 4th of July!) Then, all the real work (and fun) will start.

So... under the deck, where we house all our patio furniture, (and the potting bench) looks a little like a bunch of homeless hillbillies have been taking up winter residence. But I did manage to get the potting bench scrubbed down and put in a little bit of order.

I'm just getting started, and I'm looking forward to a visit to the nursery for some cheery blooms. But right now the potting bench is just a clean slate, emphasis on "clean". Hubbs and I put this together a couple of years ago. I'd been looking for ways to create a place to organize my flower pots, plantings, garden tools, and soil storage. I ended up with this great worktable that had been used for a tool bench and an old bookshelf. I properly "married them", and it's been fun having everything organized together within easy reach.

In lieu of purchased plants, I did find a small patch of wild violets along the fence to use as a stand-in until I can get my hands on some storebought blooms.

just a sweet little gift from nature in an old McCoy planter

Here's my vintage garden cart that I also put together a couple of years ago. I just love creeping phlox, but I've never been able to keep it going in a bed or border. I'm not sure why, maybe not enough water throughout the year, but in here it's taken off like gangbusters.

This little area will get more attention when the white garden chair gets decked out with geraniums and some other annuals join in on the fun. It's still a little bare around here, especially since we've hovered around 32 degrees several times this last week.

Here it is when I first planted it two years ago. My husband had threatened to haul it out to the curb for the trash man if I didn't do something useful with it.

How could you pitch this little garden cutie?
OK, sometimes we don't ask those rhetorical questions,
for fear of an honest answer...

I'm really looking forward to have the time to get everything in shape.
Next to Fall, this is my favorite time of the year...
Has the weather been cooperating with your outdoor plans?

joining in for these parties:

Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Swing Into Spring at DIY by Design
Open House Party at No Minimalist Here
Transformation Thursday at The Shabby Creek Cottage
Tips and Tutorials at Stone Gable
French Country Cottage
The Charm of Home
Rooted in Thyme
Jennifer Rizzo
From My Front Porch to Yours
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings


Sunday, April 21, 2013

a little family news...

OK, I have to admit that this photo below of the adorable baby French Bulldog has nothing to do with my family news...except maybe that it has the sweetest most nibble-able ears I've seen. I looked for a more appropriate illustration of the situation, but believe me, you'd rather see these sweet pink ears!

google images

...Now on to the news...

If you've been reading me for awhile you'll know that I've mentioned several times that my hubby has been dealing with an inner ear condition called Meniere's Disease, which causes hearing loss, vertigo attacks, and a bunch of other awful symptoms. It's been almost two years that this has been a daily struggle, and it's only been since October that he's been diagnosed and we've been seeing a specialist. 

The doctor has had several methods of treatment that he tries before considering surgical options. Well...none of those have helped enough for my husband to lead a normal life, so he will be undergoing surgery this week to have a shunt inserted into his inner ear through the bone behind the ear. The shunt will relieve the fluid build up, which is the culprit in all this.

After much prayer we believe that this will be the means to get his life back, and feel like himself again. We appreciate your thoughts and prayers this week. I'll be scheduling The Marketplace, and  Be Inspired Party as usual, but I'll be out of the loop so to speak. I'll be keeping one eye on the blog, but he'll be in the hospital for two days as they keep an eye on him, since this is a major surgical procedure with general anesthesia. I'll be giving an update on things later this week.

see you tomorrow for

and Thursday for

just wanted to let you all know...
and say thank-you in advance for the prayers.
