Showing posts with label home tour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home tour. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Spring is in the Air Cottage Home Tour

Depending on where we live, we might be enjoying warm weather with tons of green grass and colorful blooms popping out... or we might still be dealing with snow storms, high winds and brown yards. And maybe since it's March... we can be doing both!

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Autumn Home Tour

In the Entry and Dining Room

Hello dear friends, September is speeding by and we're now headlong into the Autumn season. Even though the long awaited fall weather seems to be dragging it's feet for most of us, our indoor spaces are reflecting the harvest colors and décor that are a yearly hallmark for our love for Fall.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving Welcome Home Tour

So glad you're here, Friends. I'm grateful and thankful for each of you. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day and weekend!

Hello Everyone, holidays have a tendency to creep up on my decorating schedule. Thanksgiving to Christmas is especially tricky for me because I really enjoy late Fall, Thanksgiving and November and don't like to get in a hurry to jump into Christmas with both feet.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

My 10 Tips to Transition to Fall

If you know me and have been a reader of my blog for long, you'll know that Fall is my favorite time of the year. I've always loved the cooler temps, changing leaves, and knowing that Thanksgiving and Christmas are on the way. It's a fun time to cozy up our homes and spaces. Here are my own Top 10 Tips to Transition from Summer to Fall.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Vintage Christmas Home Tour

Hello Friends, today I'm super excited to be part of a wonderful Christmas Tour of Homes with a bit of a twist.  Our good friend Amber from Follow the Yellow Brick Home has put together a great group of bloggers to share how we decorate our homes for Christmas with vintage pieces and decor. Some of us are fortunate enough to live in historic homes, and others of us just love antiques and vintage furniture that we use to give our spaces a vintage vibe.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Christmas Home Tour 2020

Hello Everyone,
 Hope you had a Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas; unwrapping gifts, indulging in all sorts of mouthwatering goodies, enjoying the company of our loved ones, taking a walk/nap... It was quiet here, just the two of us, be we had a very nice day and stayed in as it was in the 20's. I'm a little late with a Christmas Home Tour, but I like to keep a visual diary of our home during the Christmas Season for myself and the blog. I'll be short on words, but I wanted to record the decor and essence of the Christmas Holiday Season, 2020.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Cozy Winter Home Tours

Hi Friends, glad you're stopping by today as I'm joining in with some wonderful ladies who are sharing our take on a "Cozy Winter Home". After all the Christmas decor is stashed away it can look a little bare around the house. In January I'm ready for a more neutral look with soft and warm textures and spaces. Give me a cozy chair, a warm quilt or throw, a couple of squishy pillows, candles, a hot drink of something yummy, and of course a fire (if you can get one.) Our hostess, Amber from Follow the Yellow Brick Home came up with the perfect idea to get us in the mood for winter. If you came over from Marty's lovely living room decorated for winter at A Stroll Thru Life, thanks so much. Glad you're here.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Welcome Home Christmas Home Tour 2019

This is the first year in our new-to-us cottage and we've had a long year of renovations, updating, moving, organizing, and lastly a major landscape redo. Most of our living space is on the main level and we love having the open spaces to spread out. I like to have a photo journal each year of our home decorated for Christmas. So even though this is a little late, it's my way of looking back on and remembering this wonderful time of year.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Celebrating Summer with a Mini Home Tour

Hello Friends, Welcome to Celebrating Summer, 
a Blog Hop hosted by our sweet friend

As Summer winds down through the month of August, there's still time to enjoy the warm weather, family time, and a few delicious alfresco dinners. Last year this time, we were just starting to pack for a big move and readying ourselves for a year of home renovations. I really hadn't been able to enjoy last Summer at all, so this year I've been thankful for having a home and outside spaces that have been fun to decorate with flowers and plantings, to relax in, and basically get back to "living life".

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Vintage Easter Joys Blog Hop

Hello Everyone, Happy Easter Week! We've gathered 12 Vintage Lovin' Bloggers together to Celebrate Easter and Spring this week. No matter what the weather, we're all decorated and ready to share the fun of Easter, with a vintage twist.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Spring Home Tour 2018

Hi Everyone, and welcome to the 2018 Spring Home Tours hosted by our friend Marty from A Stroll Thru Life. Marty herself is putting the finishing touches on her lovely home and has taken us on her remodeling and decorating journey this last year. Thanks so much for including me in the tour, Marty. If you're here from Far Above Rubies, I know you enjoyed Anita's amazing one-of-a-kind vintage eclectic home filled with wonderful color and pattern. If you've missed part of the Home Tour, I have a list of participants at the end of the post.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Summer Home Tour

Hello Everyone, Welcome to my Summer Home Tour, 2017. I'm joining Marty from A Stroll Thru Life and a talented group of bloggers who are sharing their Homes decorated for Summer. If you are coming over from Haneen's Haven, so glad that you came by today and I hope I'll be seeing you again, soon.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

The Official, better late than never, Spring Home Tour

Hi Friends, after the last post, there's probably no doubt in your minds that I've been a little cray-cray this year, but I realized that I've never posted a complete Spring Home Tour. I like to keep an "Official" Tour on my sidebar and on my "pages" for each season. I just rounded up most of my photos from earlier this Spring...before Easter, so here they are, all in one spot.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Living Room and Sitting Room Spring Home Tour

Hi Friends, are you feelin' all the "Spring" Love this week? It's overflowing here in Blogland with all the Spring Home Tours filled with beautiful decor and ideas to get us out of the winter doldrums and bring us into all the fresh colors and warmth of the new season. 

Monday, March 20, 2017

Spring Dining Room with Hello, Spring Blog Tour

Spring officially arrives today, and I'm here to celebrate with the Hello, Spring Blogger Home Tour with Katie from Let's Add Sprinkles and a wonderful group of talented Ladies. I'm so glad you're here. I'd love to share my Dining Room for Spring.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

My Year in Pictures...

It's the time of the year, as all bloggers know, to take a look back at what we've blogged about this last year; basically to do a little recap and review of 2016. I'm a little short on projects, room reveals, and DIY's. I didn't travel the world, go to enlightening blog conferences, or have a feature in one of my favorite decorating magazines. Those are all great things, but basically that hasn't been my year in 2016.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Blogger's Seasonal Harvest Tour

Hi Everyone, and Welcome to the 
2016 Bloggers Seasonal Harvest Home Tour
this week, presented by Cozy Little House

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Blogger Fall Tour

Hello Everyone, and welcome to the
  Blogger Fall Tour

I'm so happy to be included in this fun line up of 28 blogs this week. If you're taking the tour and came by way of Susan at Love of Home, I'm so glad you're here, and I'd love you to come back to visit again! 

Monday, September 14, 2015

A Taste of Fall

I thought I'd share a few pics with you today of the Bloggers Fall Tour that will happening starting Tuesday and going until Friday of this week. I'm just giving you a little "Taste of Fall". I hope you'll take the Tour with all 28 of us, who will be sharing projects, DIY, recipes, decor and more.