Showing posts with label hearts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hearts. Show all posts

Friday, February 14, 2025

Last Minute Vintage Valentine's Day

Here it is the day before Valentine's Day and I'm sticking to my usual "M.O." by waiting to the last minute to share the rest of my holiday décor. I like to use the blog as a visual of my holiday decorating, so I had a few vignettes yet to share. 

Friday, January 31, 2025

Easy Boxwood and Ribbon Wreath and the Valentine's Cupboard

Valentine's Day is definitely one of those holiday themes that show up in the "Holiday Cupboard".  I've loved antique and vintage paper goods and ephemera from the first time I saw a vintage school Valentine card and found a few pieces of my paternal grandfather's cards to my grandmother in their old attic. Old Valentine postcards are easy collectibles as so many of them were created in the early 1900's. School Valentine parties and sweetheart's notes were popular among young and old alike. 

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Love You More...

Hi Friends, This year thinking about Valentine's Day decorating, I thought I'd try to lean toward some rustic settings. January is usually a time I keep out the more rustic elements of Christmas and winter like "leftover" evergreen trees, pinecones, and winter garden elements. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Lovely Lace Hanging Heart

Hi Friends, Hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day. I'm a little late getting this post out, but I wanted to share this with you on this special day that we celebrate all things lovely and romantic. And what could be sweeter than a precious hanging heart made from vintage lace?

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Farmhouse Table Valentine Tableau

My Garden Room farmhouse table needed a new look once February arrived. I'd been using my rustic vintage wooden ice cream-maker bucket which I've loved, but I wanted something a little more garden-y and "french-y" for Valentine's Day. I cleared the table top and tried something fresh for February.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

How to Make a Moss-Covered Heart

I love organic decor accessories and using nature to guide and enhance the Seasons and Holidays. I'm  also a fan of layering those natural organic pieces with mirrors and walls, doors and vignettes. Wreaths, faux flowers, branches, and natural elements can come together to create a one-of-a-kind Holiday Centerpiece for your room.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentine Entry

I have a few vintage favorite pieces I've used for Valentine's for years.
I mix and match and move them around each year, and this year
I'm using my vintage ceramic mold here as an accent on the Dining Room Table.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Share the Love...

I don't go "all out" for Valentine's Day. I don't think many of us do unless we have kiddos that have fun with it, and expect to see decorations for every holiday that comes along. I enjoy bringing some reds and pinks and vintage items into the decor, especially here in the Kitchen Sitting Area. That's the place where I can indulge my holiday decorating gene to the fullest. 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Moss Covered Heart on the Old Door

Do you want to know what the hardest part of "not blogging" has been...?

(aside from not visiting with you all)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Moss Covered Heart: How-To

I can't tell you how long I've wanted to make one of these. Working with moss can be messy to say the least, but I had found a paper mache form in the shape of a heart at Michael's, so I thought I might as well dive in. literally. I didn't want to run around town looking for supplies, so I hoped that I had everything that I needed in my stash. (I was a little short on moss since I'd used a bunch on another recent project). Yesterday I shared my inspiration for a Moss Covered Heart for Valentine's Day that will go into Spring and Summer.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Moss Covered Hearts

When thoughts of Valentine's Day and thoughts of Spring collide, I decided a moss covered heart would be fun to create. My inspiration piece has always been this beautiful moss covered heart with Autumn florals and leaves by Robin Gilmore, owner of The Vintage Suitcase, here in Springfield. I've had this photo in my archives and on the blog for several years. I love her work, but wanted something Valentine-y with fresh Spring-y colors. I didn't want to "copy", just give my own interpretation.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Entry Dressed for Valentine's Day

I'm so glad it's February! January felt long and cold and boring. To me, January feels like trudging through mud, creatively speaking. I'm ready for some hearts and flowers, chocolate, and little cupids flying around. So...I'm glad it's time that we can do a little fun decorating for Valentine's Day.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Romancing the Mantel

I wanted to bring in a little bit of a Valentine feel to my mantel. Last year I used some of my frenchy "couple" figurines, but this year I just opted for feminine and some pastels. I don't have a lot of pastels for decorating, so I turned to my kitchen china cabinet for some inspiration. How about some vintage English teapots? that sounds pretty romantic to me.

Last summer I was gifted with this precious monogrammed heart by my sweet friend Julia, from the blog Vintage with Laces. I had tried a few different things for the center of the mantel, but hanging this lovely linen heart from a scrolly mirror seemed to be the answer; a subtle nod to Valentine's Day, with just the right amount of romance.

I brought back my two white urns with faux and dried hydrangeas and roses in place of the white Wolff Pottery. This mantel is always hard for me to style as it is over 7 feet long...eeck.

My layered vintage mirrors are always my backdrop.

I would say that vintage teapots is my oldest collection, 
as I started it before I was married. 

Even though this didn't end up staying, I wanted to share this wonderful German wedding certificate that I found last year. I need to find a frame for it, but wanted to let you see it today as the graphics are so pretty, and definitely full of romance.

(just click on the  photo for a bigger image, then click again for details)

And another little random bit of romance is this little cardboard crown that I found in St. Louis several years ago and haven't yet shared with you.

Who wouldn't want to be "Queen for a Day" in this?


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cupboard Love

  Hope it's not too early to share a little
cupboard love
 from the Holiday Cupboard. 

Last month, before Christmas, I mentioned that we had stopped off in Washington, Missouri, a quaint little river town on our way home from St. Louis, to visit a few antique shops and have lunch at a wonderful little inn.

Just the day before we left town, I had said that I'd wanted to dress the Holiday Cupboard in red transfer ware for Christmas, but just didn't have enough dishes to make a nice display. Well, guess what was waiting for me 200 miles away? A small set of red in my favorite Johnson Brothers pattern, Old Britain Castles.

With those extra dinner and salad plates I was able to add a few of my basic white and then a few chintz pieces (Staffordshire, Tudor Roses by Meakin) to bring it all together.

So when I put away all my Christmas,
 I just went ahead and made the cupboard up for Valentine's Day.

This is my little Lefton Candy Dish with Cupid.

and a new paper mache sweetie.

This is a collectible hand made and painted ceramic mold from a family company called Laxa Family USA, which depicts the symbol of the Lamb of God with a center flower pot with heart and flowers. I've had this for years, and bring it out to enjoy each Valentine's Day.

 I don't have the rest of my Valentine things out, but since this has been up for awhile, I thought you might enjoy my first display with my new transferware. Now I'm on the lookout for more!

Hope you're having a good weekend, we just got back home from another doctor visit for my hubby in St. Louis. We visited a few antique spots, but I only grabbed a couple of items. I'm trying to curb the clutter around here, so I think I'm getting more particular in what I buy. I've been cleaning out my closets today and I have four huge bags of clothes. yikes. I think I'm going to go curl up with a cup of tea and my new Southern Living Magazine. (yes, I'm a southerner at heart...)


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Have a Heart...

Just thought I'd share some "sweet" hearts that I've found on Etsy.

Theresa from the Old White House
Me and You stuffed heart
(one of these came to live at my house)

(I have one of Rebecca's art journals, they are a work of art!)

has these wonderful script fabric hearts

Ann from On Sutton Place created a wonderful primitive
heart pillow made from an old quilt top.

 Rhonda from a Little Bit French

from the Old Willow

And one of my Vintage Key Necklaces
with a Celtic Heart and Crown

If you haven't joined in for the Vintage Valentine Party,
then just scroll down to the next post.
Have a great weekend warm-up for Valentine's Day!
