Showing posts with label frenchy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label frenchy. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Vintage Architectual Element on the Fall Mantel

Now that September has arrived and the official start to Fall is just a week away, it was time to bring out small touches of Autumn on the mantel. I've mentioned before that mantels are always a challenge for me. I strive for that "Goldilocks" look.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Farmhouse Table Valentine Tableau

My Garden Room farmhouse table needed a new look once February arrived. I'd been using my rustic vintage wooden ice cream-maker bucket which I've loved, but I wanted something a little more garden-y and "french-y" for Valentine's Day. I cleared the table top and tried something fresh for February.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Spring Paint Refresh for the Goat Cart

After Valentine's Day is here and gone, we can legitimately begin to think about Spring. Around here in the southern Mid-West, February is still considered Winter. Cold temps, freezing rain and snow are the norm. Once and awhile we'll have a surprise day or two of 65. There may be a few little Daffodils pushing up through the snow, and we know the worst of Winter is usually over. We can now start dreaming about gardens, flowers, and all things "green", without judgement. (insert happy face and a wink)

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Just what I need....

So here's my latest addition to the sitting area. A pitchfork...only to be used if the hubby starts getting smarty pants. Seriously, don't we all need a pitchfork in our kitchen? And don't you love that big crack that runs down the length of the side on the armoire? It will be on my "to paint"and repair list as soon as we find a house.

I've had a slight obsession with French Country Garden Goods, and I've been on the lookout for old gardening tools. With all the "stuff" hubbs and I have been dealing with since the end of last year, really... garden tools are the last thing I need.

Just ask him...
he'll let you know.

But I have this mental fantasy that I'll have a garden room again 
and that I can decorate it with all kinds of frenchy garden things.

I've realized it's important to keep some "dreaming" alive
even if it seems impossible at the moment.

Here's the French Inspired Garden Frame from my last post.

I have other old tools hanging out in our garage.
One that I found was an old bulb planter that I'll share later,
I plan on using it...
Right now I need to just not be tripping over them,
or have them in a place where hubbs actually has to see or deal with them.
Why can't guys realize that sometimes we just have to go with our gut?
In hubby's defense, 
he was the one that had to pack box after box of my old garden junk.
when I was out of commission.
He's reached his limit, I'm pretty sure.

I found these breadboards at Antique Farmhouse.

And I've had some of you ask about my basket full of linens...
do my kitties nap there?
They are a lazy couple of cats,
but I've never seen them in there.
shhhh...don't tell them...

Here is a collage of pics from my French Garden Fantasy over at Pinterest.

Hope you're having a wonderful week. We're having a cool-down like a lot of you. Perfect for me, I'm not a fan of the heat. The older I get, the less I like to sweat.

Joining in on these great parties:

Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
It's a Party at DIY by Design


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Pear Branches and Some New Old Pillows

Our little city has been full of these wonderful blooms these last few weeks; tufts of small individual blossoms cover the trees, and give a haze of billowy whiteness. I hadn't been up close and personal with the blooms of the Bradford Pear Tree, but I was eager to clip a few branches that are in our new back yard to bring inside...

until I actually took a deep breath to inhale the delicate white blooms, that look a lot like Spirea, or Bridal Veil, and then I got a huge surprise... they're the stinkiest plant I've ever smelled!

Stink, Stank, Stunk!

So the kitty girls were curious too, 
let's just say one whiff and they were not interested any longer.

But I still brought them in because they're so dang pretty.

and besides, I wanted a new coffee table vignette.
This is one of the lanterns from Pottery Barn that I ordered last Christmas.

I wanted to keep things white,
so it's an iron rabbit, on a vintage flowerpot.

we see you...

on a frenchy farmhouse tray with a chicken wire bottom.

While I was taking pictures, I decided to add in this old paper mache tray for some more coordinating color.

It's been well used over the years, but the cottage is so charming, 
I looked past the damage.

Sorting out things for a garage sale, I realized that there were two pillows that might work on my new sofas. When I brought them over, I saw that the caramel really highlighted the colors of the vintage print. So I think they'll stay.

This is a tapestry upholstery fabric I used a couple of years ago;
an old bed pillow is inside.

I know it's kind of a stretch to use with a leopard print,
but it works for me, since there's not much pattern in here.

Here's the loveseat, and another pillow I had used in the living room on my Bergere chairs once they were "slipped".

I think the tans, browns, and creams pull it all together.

Hope you're having a beautiful Easter Week. 
(just stay away from stinky trees...)

joining in on these great parties:

Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Swing into Spring at DIY by Design
Blissful Whites at Timewashed
Share Your Cup at Mrs. Olson's
Treasure Hunt From My Front Porch to Yours
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Home Sweet Home at The Charm of Home
Shabbilicious Friday at Shabby Art Boutique
Fabulously Creative Friday at Jennifer Rizzo
Simple and Sweet Friday at Rooted in Thyme


Today's Sponsor

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Making a Statement

Sometimes all it takes is a focal point. 
One piece of furniture that sets the stage for the rest of the room.
 A piece that says "this is me; this is my style".

I've shown my favorite chair many times, and this month it's in the spotlight several times. It's not old, my husband bought it for me as a surprise about 15 years ago for our anniversary. That chair has been dubbed "The Christmas Chair", because when we all gather at Christmas to open gifts, that's always the chair I choose. Funny how little traditions come about. 

As you can see, it didn't start out as a neutral slipcovered piece. When I went to a more subdued "white" decorating palette I opted to try my hand at a quick slipcover. It was hit and miss, and certainly something I wouldn't want any professional to scrutinize, but it has served it's purpose well, and gave me a fast option in transforming my space.

covered arms with antique linens

I love it's lines and curves and I wanted to keep it's original dark wood frame to balance out all the white that was coming in to the room.

When asked earlier this week, I was thrilled to help One King's Lane let you all know about their new Home Decor Resource that is filled with ideas, historical information, and examples of furniture design. Not only chairs, but sofas, settees, chaise lounges, benches, and ottomans. Do you have a favorite style? They can help you locate pieces that will definitely "make a statement"!

Run by One King's Lane Design Resource and do a little browsing, then do a search for your favorite style. I just typed in "French Chair" and these were just a few of the options that came up in their wonderful inventory. Not only do they have current manufactured items, but also vintage and antique pieces to choose from. Have fun, then stay to shop throughout their website. One King's Lane also has a blog you'll really enjoy to keep you up to date on all that they have going on for the Holidays!

If you haven't joined in on Be Inspired this week, the party is in full swing. I couldn't get blogger to update my posts for two weeks, now it's publishing when I didn't ask them to. So just a break from our regularly scheduled party... just scroll down to the previous post! thanks everyone!


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

French Lavender

What is it about the fragrance of Lavender? 
To me it just smells like Summer rain..

My long awaited dried lavender bunches arrived from Antique Farmhouse and I couldn't be happier. It's so hard to find lavender here in the Midwest, and online prices generally run high for just a small bunch. I tried growing my own last year, but bees took over our back yard and built hives in the birdhouses and pool equipment... that was the end of my lavender growing.

If you don't know Antique Farmhouse then you should. They have beautiful items with new "events" daily. Things sell out fast so you have to be quick. I don't think it's available at this moment but keep checking back they may have more in. Anyway, I bought two orders of 3 bundles each, and I could smell that magical fragrance before the box was opened. I had to do a little styling in an old Frenchy basket. Anyone know technically what this basket was used for? Harvesting flowers maybe? I've also used it for wine bottles, and French Baguettes. 

I collect these little gift books from the early 1900's 
and this one has precious illustrations.

We're in the Living Room on one of my Bergere Chairs that I slipped a few years ago. And I wanted to show you my new grainsack that I talked about here. It's heavier than my others and has two yummy caramel stripes down the center. 

 The bundles came banded with rubber bands, 
so I just covered them with some burlap ribbon.

I just used three of the bundles in the basket, so the rest came into the Dining Room and found a spot on the breakfront in a wine crate.

Styling Assistant at the ready...

she didn't want to eat it, just roll in it...

It's been raining for days,
and I'm ready for Fall...

joining in with these party gals:

Inspire Me at A Stroll Thru Life
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
The Scoop at Cedar Hill Ranch
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Blitzed on Pinterest at Debbiedoos
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Inspiration Gallery at Ella Claire
It's a Party at DIY by Design
Blissful Whites at Timewashed
What's it Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants 
TTT at Stone Gable

Hope you're having a good week,