Showing posts with label door decor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label door decor. Show all posts

Monday, March 3, 2025

Spring Green in the Cupboard

I'm ready for some Spring Green to pop out and replace the blah brown in the landscape. How about you? We will still have some cold weather during the month of March, but I'm hoping we're finished with the subzero temps, foot of snow and biting cold we endured last month.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Porch Decor while in Transition

Hi Friends and welcome to the Spring Into Summer Porch and Outdoor Spaces Hop 
hosted by my talented, good friend Amber of  Follow the Yellow Brick Home
Are you needing some ideas to help spiff up your outdoor spaces? Put together something different? I know I am! We are in the middle of a facelift for our front porch and landscaping and sometimes it seems easier to just opt out of decorating an incomplete project. But I'm here to give it a try so I don't feel like it's a lost cause living with an outdated front porch.

If you're coming from Marty's at A Stroll Thru Life, I'm so glad you're here! I know the title to this post might seem a little strange, but it's an honest look at sharing the ups and downs during house renovations. 

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Finally... the Fall Front Porch

I was beginning to wonder if I was EVER going to get things together enough out here on the front porch to actually get a few pics taken, and call it a "post". I had my mums out and planted by the first week of September, found some fun pumpkins at the farmer's market down the road, and even had my door basket decked out for Fall with some new brown plaid ribbon. And then the unthinkable happened...

Monday, August 7, 2017

10 Tips for Transitioning to Fall

Looking through blogland this last week, it's been filled with posts about transitioning our decor from Late Summer into Early Fall. Our individual methods may be similar, but each person has their own unique style and ideas to make this a fun and easy change-over. The fact that bringing out the Autumn decor is one of my favorite things to look forward to, makes this a special time to savor and enjoy for me.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Summer Door Decor in the Sitting Room

I've been "Summer-fying" the kitchen sitting area this weekend, and you all know that means changing up the quilt, pillows, and the florals that decorate the old door and mirror behind the wicker settee. I had this post named "Summer Swag in the Sitting Room", but it dawned on me some of you all might not be familiar with that term... a swag... meaning a gathered bunch of flower stems.  It's not a wreath and it's not in a basket. I guess it gets it's name from being similar to a swag curtain. Fabric that drapes down and is gathered together and sometimes tied with a ribbon. OK, whatever we call it, I have one here on the old door.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

(It's a Chilly) Christmas on the Front Porch

Welcome to our Home for Christmas!

I think we're all having below normal temps this last week.
Actually, it's been pretty chilly around here for the last several weeks;
chilly enough to keep me from wanting to spend time outside
 fiddling with Christmas decorations and my camera.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Vintage Metal Bench on the Fall Porch

I finally have some pics of the front porch and the "new/old" bench dressed for Fall.
It's taken me long enough, if I'd waited much longer we could go straight to Christmas!

Friday, December 18, 2015

"Reflections" on the Old Door

One of my favorite places to change things up, is on the old door in my Kitchen Sitting Area. The old door had been on the Sun porch at the old house, and moving it into the Kitchen Dining spot when we moved here, gave me the sense and feel of the old space that I loved so much.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Christmas Entry, In and Out...

Hi Everyone, are you in overdrive this week, trying to get ready for Christmas? I'm making progress, but I need to start wrapping gifts. One thing I realized I needed to do was to share pics of my Entry and front porch. I've had to get them over a span of several days, and because of the blah weather they've not consistently turned out. So, again today, I gave it a try. I'm just an "accidental photographer", meaning it's an accident when I can get good photos...

Friday, October 9, 2015

Front Porch for Fall

I finally have the front porch put together.
It's a small little porch, and I've been warned  asked
not to cram too much out here.
That's a hard one...

It's Fall,
 and that means mums,
 and my black wagon.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Entry with a Vintage Sunflower Print

I hadn't done much if anything, different with my Entry Area since I received the wonderful Sheep Print from Canvas Pop, earlier in the year. But now it's time for a little more "Late Summer" sprinkled around in here. 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Patriotic Door and Windowbox

Hope you all are having a great weekend...

I realized I hadn't shared my Patriotic Door Decor.
I changed out my door basket before Memorial Day
and I'll leave it out for another week or two.
A mix of red geraniums, blue hydrangeas, and white daisies.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Baskets for Spring Door Decor

I've slowly been putting "Winter" away, and bringing "Spring" into the house this last week. After Christmas I keep some of my winter faux greenery out as a backdrop and base for winter flower arrangements, and in baskets. Since snow covered trees and evergreens have been about the only landscape in sight, I've enjoyed my transition time from Christmas to Spring. But now that the sun is shining and the thermometer is going to be in the 50's and 60's we have a good chance that the worst of winter is behind us.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Buggy Wheel Door Decor and more...

What kind of fun are all of you up to this weekend?
I have a couple of little tidbits to share with you that were happening this last week. First off, I've had this old baby buggy wheel for years, but haven't done anything with it. I think it was the Junk Market gals, Ki and Sue that first had pics of these used as door decor. Of course I'm usually a day late and a dollar short, so I'm just now slapping some preserved leaves and a burlap ribbon on it and calling it "done".

My old picket fence gate with the great natural chippy white paint 
always seems to be the perfect spot to show something off. 

And my dear friend Becky from Timewashed sent me a couple of adorable fat pumpkins a few weeks ago, and I'm just now getting pics. Isn't that ticking stripe just the cutest? It matches my ticking pillows out here on the sunporch. She still has some cuties in her Etsy Shop and is starting on Christmas items. Can't wait to see what kind of goodies she will have.

thank you Becky, you're such a sweetheart!

and just a "Blogger" question...
anyone else out there having problems with it being slow?
takes forever to download photos...
doesn't read color or white correctly on photos...
Doesn't like "saving" the post...
acts like it's possessed?

I'm on Google Chrome,
any thoughts?

I've been pulling my hair out trying to do posts and get a new Fall header up.
If it's not "Blogger" then I'm skeert to think what it might be.
I don't like computer goblins.

(see what I mean, the background below is supposed to be white)

So, if you have this problem of your images turning grainy, mine were especially after saving them back to my file from PicMonkey, please read the comments below from Nita Stacy. She has the answer. Change the jpeg to png when you save it back to your file.

after changing it over to png.


joining in at these great parties:

Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
The Scoop at Cedar Hill Farmhouse
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
I Love Junk Party at Thistlewood Farms
