Showing posts with label dollhouse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dollhouse. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Christmas Greetings from the Garden Room

I have a lot going on in the Garden Room this Christmas. (well, I guess that's nothing new since I usually do!) It's been fun taking a bit of a different theme on the Baker's Rack and the Holiday Cupboard this season, which I'll be sharing soon. But for now I wanted to wish you a Merry start to the Christmas Season, along with my two old Christmas buddies.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Repainting a Dollhouse ...

I have to admit, this has been a strange week. My usual schedule; my comfort schedule, has purposefully been altered. This is the longest I've gone without sharing a blog post in the last almost 5 years. (Even when I've been in the hospital I've managed to get my hands on my computer) It felt a little like mourning, a little like freedom. But either way it's something I knew I had to do.

I said I'd post when I had something interesting to share with you all, and right now even though I have lot's of things on my mind, and still can grab onto some inspiring things, I've known that I needed to slow down and not feel any pressure and "compulsion" to blog. I think there have been a lot of us that have been blogging for awhile that can agree, blogging can become more than a little addictive. It's been a "good" habit for me, but still one that keeps a person always on the lookout for that photo, that topic, that subject that is begging for attention. 

So, this little dollhouse is something I've wanted to share for this last year, but just haven't gotten around to working on. Back in the 80's when we lived in Marietta, Georgia, dollhouses and miniatures were all the rage. I had my father-in-law put together two dollhouses, one for each of the girls, then I painted and decorated them. My older daughter is and has always been a person that loved to play with small things. The younger daughter has always been a bicycle, exercise, ball playing nut, so she wasn't quite as "into" the miniature stuff as her sister. 

This one is the younger daughter's. Even though she's been married for eleven years, this has set in our attic until last Fall when I asked her if she'd mind if I repainted it and use it for "decor". I think she was secretly glad for me to take the responsibility and itsy bit of guilt off her shoulders. 

It's been knocked around a lot and some of the gingerbread trim was lost years ago. The posts are a little wonky, but it still needed to be loved. A couple of coats of White and ASCP Paris Grey for the shutters and trim, did the trick.

My paint job is messy, but I wasn't going for perfection,
 just want it to be for decor right now.

Hopefully, I can get around to repainting the inside at some point,
 until then it's not going to show.

As you can see, it wore the country colors of the 80's, 
country blue and a mauvy-red.

Here are some wonderful images from my Pinterest Board

And this last pic is from a sale at The Seedbox Antiques Spring Sale in 2011. I just fell in love with this old dollhouse sitting out on their porch. I should have gotten a better pic of the weathervane...can't remember now what it was.

So now I'm just waiting for my husband to set this up on one of my pieces of furniture in my studio. And speaking of studios, I've lost all control of it. It has turned out to be "temporary housing" for any and all things that needed to be brought over here. It's a mess.

On the big house, we're down to patching nail holes, working to pack the garage, and finishing up some outside work...we're shooting for mid-June to list it. I haven't been able to do much of the work. My hubby says he just wants me to "supervise".  

Thank you so much for all the wonderful notes and sweet comments. I've read each one with tears in my eyes. This is just something I need to do for now. I know you understand...when something so big takes over every waking moment, there's no getting around it. I need all my focus and strength dedicated to getting through this health situation, but I'm hoping to post once a week, and keep you all filled in. OK, see you soon...

Joining in at these get-togethers:
