Showing posts with label diy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diy. Show all posts

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Easy Woodblock Christmas Gingerbread Houses

It seems like each year there's a new trend in Christmas decor, and the Gingerbread theme has been popping up everywhere the last few Christmas seasons. I love Gingerbread houses and Gingerbread Men/Women/People cookies as they are so traditional and geared toward the "kid" in us. I think most of us at one time or another attempted a Gingerbread House or cookies. The fun is in the creative process. Also nice if it turns out cute and actually stays in one piece!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Summer Decor DIY at All About Home #149

Hello friends and Welcome to the 
All About Home Link Party!

I hope you all had a wonderful Father's Day and enjoyed some family time. We're still in the 90's here in Missouri, without rain for a couple of weeks. Way too hot for June. Even the squirrels get too hot by noon to raid the birdfeeders. They'd rather lounge on the patio chairs.

Thankyou all so much for coming by each week to share your lives and homes. 
I love seeing all your great ideas and beautiful inspiration!

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Elegant Glitter Snow Owls DIY

As the calendar goes, it's a little late in the season to be sharing Fall DIY projects, but I was ready to post my Late October Entry where I'm using my pretty little Glitter Snow Owls. So before I shared my current October Entry, I wanted to post again how my little Glitter Owls came to be. 

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Late Summer DIY's at All About Home #107

Hello friends and Welcome to the All About Home Link Party. It's the last week of August, (thank goodness!!!) and I'm so excited for September! Thank you for taking the time to come by and share what you're up to this week. We always look forward to seeing all the great DIYs, decor, crafts, gardening, and recipes that you are all creating. 

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Spring DIYs At All About Home #90

Hi Friends, Welcome to the All About Home Link Party.
There are so many fun ideas and inspiration 
out there for Spring! 
Thankyou for taking the time to come by 
and share what you're up to this week.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

How to Make a Moss-Covered Heart

I love organic decor accessories and using nature to guide and enhance the Seasons and Holidays. I'm  also a fan of layering those natural organic pieces with mirrors and walls, doors and vignettes. Wreaths, faux flowers, branches, and natural elements can come together to create a one-of-a-kind Holiday Centerpiece for your room.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Spring Bouquet and the Baker's Rack

Taking photos in the Kitchen and Kitchen Sitting Area can be a little tricky. The light comes from the South and Southwest, so it's often harsh and blinding. I try to wait for a cloudy day, but even then the pics can be lackluster. Late this afternoon I grabbed my camera and changed the lens to try to get a few close-ups with better color... a little better...

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Gathered #3

Hi Friends, 
I mentioned a few weeks ago, that I was starting a new weekly (or so) post where I had a place to bring together random ideas, pics and inspiration from the Blogging World. I also want to have a place to share with you some things I'm doing and thinking about. I've said before, that I'll never turn into a fashion blogger, (for many reasons) but I like to share a new piece of clothing and how I'm wearing it. Sometimes I get stuck in a rut and I like to see how others are putting themselves together. That being said, I'm in the Over 55 Crowd, so I don't want to look inappropriate, but I do like trendy clothes. 

knock off J. Crew vest

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Gathered #2

Last week I started a new blog post concept; well, it's just new for me. Many bloggers have a weekly post like this, and I really enjoyed taking a few minutes to share with all of you some of my weekly finds across Blogland and Pinterest. These are just a few of the pics and posts that caught my attention; Gathered here for you.

I ran into these elegant, but casual Thankful Plates from Crate and Barrel.
They have a whole line of glasses, napkins, etc.
I'm wondering if it would be possible to make these yourself,
or for that matter write any message or word using some sort of permanent gold marker.
It would have to be waterproof and non toxic, but oh so pretty!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Gold Leaf Pumpkin

Can we all talk about the hours that we spend on Pinterest?
OK, maybe you're not a junkie like I am, but honestly,
 it's a place where I always leave with new ideas and inspiration.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Not So Boring Shell Decor Inspiration

After posting my last post on my Seashell Entry Vignette, I got to looking through Pinterest for some other ideas using seashells. If you're like me, you may have boxes or tubs filled with loose shells from long ago vacations that are screaming to be used in something fun, beautiful, and inspirational. I've made some collages of random images to give you some ideas. Once I saw all these I realized how easily I can get into a predictable and "boring" place. So enjoy and let your creative imagination go. I think the easiest might be to just take the tealight out of it's metal container and place in the shell for some quick romantic Summer ambiance.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Moss Covered Heart on the Old Door

Do you want to know what the hardest part of "not blogging" has been...?

(aside from not visiting with you all)

Monday, December 7, 2015

"Village Churches" Mini Makeover

I think many of us collected the various "Village" Houses and Churches back in the late 90's. I know that I concentrated on finding just the white churches, without giving in to the obsession of collecting a whole village of people, shops, churches, houses, and figurines. Last thing I needed was one more "collection" of anything...

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Snow Owls on the Mantel

It just wouldn't be October on the Mantel without my little Snow Owls. A few years ago white owls were the latest addition to the Fall Scene, and that reminded me of what a fad owls were in the early 70's. All the poor homely little ceramic owls that had been packed away or sold at garage sales started to make a comeback on the shelves of flea markets and antique malls. They were still homely, but I had a plan...

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Seed Box Graphics

I was sitting here looking at the calendar in my studio, when I was reminded of just how wonderful these old Seed Box Graphics really are. I buy the Smithsonian Seed Catalogue Calendar each year, and this is where my graphics are from when I've put together my own "make your own" seed boxes. Here are a few of my favorites on this year's calendar.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Framed Bathroom Mirror

Hi Everyone! Well, we're down to the last couple of weekends, and we will be listing our house with the Realtor this evening. To say we are glad all the work is almost over is beyond an understatement. We've had to be working on this house every weekend for the last six months, and we're so pleased at how it's turned out. We've invested lot's of money in updates, and extras to hopefully give us an edge in the market. Home sales in our area have finally turned around, and last month was the highest volume of homes sold in the last quite a few years. Not only sold, but prices are rebounding, so good news for us as sellers!

Hall Bath Makeover February 2012

We still won't recover all the money we paid for it back in 2003, (highest prices in forever) and on top of that we've put over $25,000 into it in updates. But it's still much better than it would have been even a couple of years ago. We lived with some issues that we should have tackled over the years. But you know how it're busy, and all the little things and repairs take a back seat to the more important things in life.

When we moved in I was pretty unhappy with the condition of the mirrors in a couple of the bathrooms. We had removed one humongous wall mirror over the bar, only to have problems with covering up the mega holes, torn wallboard, and gouges. So we just lived with the mirrors. Problem was that over the years, splashed water and humidity had caused the silver to disintegrate on the outer edges of the mirrors. Now, I love that look on antique mirrors, but in an updated bath?...not so much.

So we explored options for removing, covering up, repairing etc, and during one of my "Google-ing" sessions read this blog post from Rhoda over at Southern Hospitality. She had successfully "framed" a few of her bathroom mirrors for a very modest investment, and a little elbow grease.

We found our MDF white molding at Lowes in the 2 and 1/2 inch size, and some corner rosettes that we needed to paint white to match. I had to do a light coat of white trim paint to cover up some problems that taping caused, but we love how they turned out. 

Rhoda used a glue gun, but we had some of this DAP Sealant that worked perfectly. We just put some masking tape up for 24 hours to make sure it held.

We started at the bottom and worked our way to the top of the mirror.

Sorry I can't get a good photo. This was at night and no natural light.

So thank you Rhoda! we followed her instructions and found a wonderful "fix" 
on something that definitely had had us scratching our heads for all these years.

love it!!!

If you want complete instructions,
 please check out Rhoda's great DIY post for the details.

Hopefully, I'll get the "after" shots. and the listing on the house soon to share them with you all. Thanks so very much for all your encouragement and prayers while we've been going through this. Now please just pray for a quick sale. We're heading to St. Louis for my doctor's appointments soon, and we need to focus on whatever is waiting for me there.

joining in at these get-togethers:
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Show and Share at Coastal Charm
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Chalkboard Cheater...

OK, I'm the first to admit that there have been several other gals who have beat me to posting about finding a way to do a "faux" chalkboard. It's not that I don't love real chalkboards and respect the huge amount of talent and patience that goes into creating those amazing works of art. It's just that this year, decorating for Christmas has been a rush job in every sense of the word.

So I just had to resort to cheating...

Above my sideboard in the hallway is a perfect spot for a chalkboard. I wanted that look without all the work. sounds bad...but Hey, I just love all the ones you all are doing out there. And then there's the fact that I hate to think about all the hours put into coming up with a fabulous creation, only to have to wipe it down the week after Christmas!

So I just bought some black foam board at Michael's and then proceeded to enlist the help of my sis and her trusty Silhouette Machine.

I think it's pretty good.
Maybe not the real thing, but I love the look.

I bought the chalk markers, so hopefully at some point I can try to create a more "realistic" one that actually resembles a chalkboard design. But until then, I can pop this one out and then beg my sister to make me another one...maybe one that says "Happy New Year". Have I told you what a great sister I have?

Yep, she's the Best!
(she reads my blog, too)

For some great Chalkboard Inspiration
Click Here for my Pinterest Page

I'll be joining in these fun parties this week:

Don't forget to check out all the fun shopping over here
at The Marketplace.
It's live all week.
Just scroll down to the next post.


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Around the house...

I've had a few things I wanted to share with you, just little things around the house. Some small additions and changes, so I thought I'd lump them all together in one post. I found this wonderful pillow last month in Ozark at one of my favorite stores, The Feathered Nest. It was made by one of the owners; hand painted in a wonderful Old World calligraphy style. I use this in the Master Bedroom, but I brought it into the Dining Room for better light, then paired it up with a couple of my flea find pillows, that I use on the sunporch.

Can you see "Paris" on the bottom?

Loved the back closure with raw edged ties.

While Anne was here we did a little shopping downtown and I found this great wicker trunk. It's really a nice size for some storage. (just as long as I don't put something in here, then forget where it is...I've been known to do that once or twice.) It was just $30. I see these frequently, new and used, for about $75, so it felt like a good buy. 

I wanted to give it a French Gray wash, so I used a little spray paint,
 but that wasn't doing it for me, so I did a dry brush of antique white and gray latex.

I think I'd like to try a French stencil on top or the front...
not sure, but I'm thinking about it.

AND, finally some photos of the new floral pillows I made for the Living Room sofas. They're pretty plain, no fancy schmancy stuff, but just what I wanted to bring in a little different feel for Fall.

We're having a little rain this weekend; we are still so far below normal. But here in Missouri, September is a rainy month. You won't believe this, but with the cooler weather, look what I have in the back yard...

The extreme heat and drought almost killed the hydrangea bushes this year, but they're trying to rally in the more mild temperatures.

I'm joining in with these parties this week:

Thrifty Treasures at Southern Hospitality
Make it Pretty Monday at the Dedicated House
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm

And if you haven't entered the Give Away
 with Tattered Goods then click here

Keeping all of you in Issac's path in my prayers,