Showing posts with label cottage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cottage. Show all posts

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Farm Animals in French Country Decor

Somewhere deep in my DNA I have the Farmer/Shepherd gene that has been dormant for many years. When I was growing up my dad always kept a few beef cattle at the farmhouse, but we weren't allowed to name them or pet them because well, you know why...  So, next best thing is to just collect cows and sheep to decorate with in my vintage Cottage, Farmhouse, and French Country decor.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Cottage Kitchen Christmas

The kitchen at our home was renovated back in 2015, which consisted of a complete gutting and opening up the kitchen to the "family room". We of course didn't own the house at that time and the homeowners did a great job with an up-to-date remodel. They had a large TV and sound system located in this niche shelf above the bank of cabinets and counter. We didn't want a large TV there, as I prefer a smaller one on the counter that I could see when seated at the bar. So... what to do with that open shelving that left a big vacant space between the cabinets?

Friday, October 7, 2016

Easy Fall Centerpiece with a Galvanized Watering Can

I love a centerpiece on the Kitchen Table, 
and I usually have a small wooden tote here, 
but recently I've had to admit, a tote may not be very practical
 when you have to move it several times each day.
 Filled with dishes, a candle, tea towels, or a small ivy, it can get unwieldy...
 and then it becomes an accident waiting to happen!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Spring Forecast is Green

One of the things I loved most about having a shop space or antique mall booth was the styling and designing. I always had plans for each new Holiday and Season rearranging furniture and displays. That part was something I truly enjoyed, and I've really missed those days that I could bring in some new items and then just "play". Taking a color scheme and expanding on it with prints, dishes, linens, and accessories was and still is, one of the best ways for me to get my creativity and inspiration flowing.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cottage Charm Give Away

Hi Everyone!

I haven't had a Give Away in a really long time,
so when I heard about the Blogwide Give Away
I wanted to join in.

Nature has always been one of my favorite cottage elements,
so I thought I'd have my give away be
"Nature Inspired"

A Cavallini Journal

An old wooden dresser jewelry box with a landscape scene,
that is mirrored inside.

And one of my signature key necklaces,
with an enameled flower charm and teensy birdie charm.

You have a chance for 3 entries:

1. Leave a comment on this post.

2. Leave another comment saying you are a follower.

3. Leave another comment
telling me you have blogged about the giveaway,
or have posted my button on your sidebar.

Then be sure you head over to The Twice Remembered Cottage
and check out all the other Give Aways.

Winner will be announced May 29th.

Thanks so much to all my readers and followers.
Thanks for sharing "life" with me;
love you all!

If you don't have a blog,
you can still enter by commenting, choosing "anonymous".