Showing posts with label copper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label copper. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Giving Thanks in the Holiday Cupboard

Probably most of you are thinking like me; "Where has this year gone?" I don't know why this surprises me because my lifestyle isn't particularly hectic or do I have a crazy schedule. But the weeks go by and I'm  amazed when Thanksgiving and Christmas roll around and come knocking on my door. I'm always thrilled to see them, but never really fully prepared.

Friday, December 23, 2022

Gathered For Christmas in the Holiday Cupboard

This has been such a busy month that Im running behind (what else is new?) But it's not every Christmas that your first grandbaby arrives! Christmas will be here in a few days and I have to start getting ready for overnight guests and bake a few desserts. 

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Using Copper and Neutrals on the Christmas Baker's Rack

Hello friends, Happy Week before Christmas!! I know this will be a super busy week for all of us, so thanks for coming by to visit. 

The best news of the Season is that our new (one and only) granddaughter arrived Sunday morning at 12:00 am. So glad she's here! She's a little miracle. 

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Christmas Copper On the Hearth

Happy, happy day after Thanksgiving, friends! I hope you all had a wonderful day Thursday (and this weekend) with family and friends. Some of us still have family here so we're enjoying a bit of shopping, resting, and eating leftovers. How about you. Are you itching to get on with Christmas decorating?

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Copper Styled Thanksgiving and Christmas on the Baker's Rack

This last few weeks I've been straddling the fence with Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's the same each November... I love Thanksgiving, but I'm also ready for Christmas. Here's the baker's rack for Thanksgiving with a bit of a peek at Christmas. Here's the fun Christmas teaser...

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Vintage Market Finds and the Copper Stash

Hi Friends, I hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend. It was a "working" weekend for us, as we concentrated on getting the basement cleaned up and put together. We got tons of boxes emptied, the family room usable, and my husband's office pretty much up and running. The basement has been a convenient catch all since we still had both storage areas to finish organizing and lots of books and decor to decide on. So now it's a great place to go and relax, without feeling like you're in a storage unit. It's really good to finally have this done. Pics coming soon.