Showing posts with label christmas decorations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christmas decorations. Show all posts

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Holiday Home Christmas Tour 2022

Hi Friends, I wanted to take a minute and share a short version of my Christmas Home Tour for 2022. Yes, it's after Christmas, but I wanted to do a Christmas tour "Diary" of sorts so I can look back and see how I decorated this year.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Christmas Mantel in the Hearth Room

It's my first Christmas here at our new-to-us cottage, and I finally have the fireplace and mantel I have hoped for. I had a few criteria that were on my wish list in a new home: an actual hearth room that had either a wood burning fireplace or a gas fireplace that didn't make me nauseous from gas fumes, a lower mantel that I could actually reach to decorate, and that it would be white. Is that too much to ask for? I didn't think so.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Snapshots of Coming Christmas

Are you busy decorating for Christmas?
I imagine most of us are since we're getting a late start.
I'm just sharing a few pics of what I'm up to this

These are just a few snaps of what's happening over here.
It's no surprise that it's vintage and plaid
Hope you're having a wonderful Thanksgiving Weekend!

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Spirit of Christmas Past: Entry in White

Hi Friends, I'm really missing not being able to decorate for Christmas this year. I didn't get to decorate for Fall either, but I knew that wouldn't happen from the minute we signed papers on the new house. But... I had hopes that we'd maybe be moved in by the end of November. As we started working at the new place more and more projects that needed to be done came to our attention, so now it's December and we are still working. At this point I'm hoping to move at the first of the year. I'm not complaining because I want things accomplished before we get there. So I'm doing a little reminiscing. 

Friday, December 15, 2017

Christmas Mantel and Home for Christmas Features

Hard to believe we're counting down the days to Christmas now, and I still have several posts to share. Today I'm combining a little look at my Christmas Mantel and also sharing a few feature pics from the Home For Christmas Link Party, that's still Open.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Home For Christmas Blog Link Party

Hi Everyone, and Welcome to the Home For Christmas Link Party! This is the place to come link-up your favorite Christmas Posts from this year or the past. I'm hoping everyone will take the time to join in to share all the fun and inspiration. I'll be doing a feature's post later on in the week, of some of your wonderful Christmas Party links. After you're finished linking up, if you have a minute, run by and say Hi to Amber my co-host at  Follow the Yellow Brick Home. I have a feeling she has something fun going on!

Friday, December 8, 2017

Our Home for Christmas 2017 Tour

Welcome, everyone! Yes, we've made it to Day 5 of Marty's wonderful Christmas Home Tour Week. A big round of applause needs to go to our friend and hostess, Marty from A Stroll Thru Life. She does an amazing job of gathering a diverse and talented group of bloggers and decorators who all share a love for celebrating Christmas.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

A Nature Themed Kitchen Cupboard

Smaller house equals less spaces to decorate, and that goes for Christmas decorating too. So I have to think "inside the box". This box would be inside the Kitchen China Cupboard, which at the old house never was decorated for anything. But here, it does double duty as the home of my Brown and Red Transferware and a stand in for my "Holiday Cupboard" which used to be in the basement family room at our previous home.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

...On to Christmas

I imagine there are a lot of us that woke up this morning with plans to get busy on Christmas decor. We had a great Thanksgiving Dinner with my sis and her husband, boys (and friends), our youngest daughter, and my mom. We always keep it pretty laid back with a big buffet in the kitchen and since my sis has my grandparents antique oak table, we can seat 10 at the table in the Dining Room without problem.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Christmas Lite

Hi friends, I hope you all are having a good week before Thanksgiving. Last week I was on a roll getting out the basics for Christmas. Of course bringing out Christmas decor requires putting away all the Fall decor, first. That's not near as much fun as getting it all out, so I'm doing a little at a time. I found a mid size white-washed olive bucket and the perfect size faux tabletop tree last week at the Christmas Open houses. So today, I just wanted to share the little spot in the kitchen sitting area where they landed.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

(It's a Chilly) Christmas on the Front Porch

Welcome to our Home for Christmas!

I think we're all having below normal temps this last week.
Actually, it's been pretty chilly around here for the last several weeks;
chilly enough to keep me from wanting to spend time outside
 fiddling with Christmas decorations and my camera.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Christmas Cloches au Natural

Hi Friends...
I thought I'd do a quick post 
and share my two Christmas Cloches
from the Dining Room.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Kitchen China Cupboard for Christmas

I think most of us are pretty well into the decorating.
As I've mentioned, the bigger things are finished,
now it's time to "play".

One of the areas that's fun for me is in the Kitchen.
I can go a little crazy with the vintage Putz Houses and Churches.
Since I didn't put up a big tree,
I'm using a few vintage Shiny Brites here and there.
The Transferware misfits were begging for some "sprucing up".
(I guess that qualifies for a Christmas pun, tehe)

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tartan Plaid Lunchbox with a Little Christmas Kitch...

Hi Everyone, have you made a big dent in the Christmas Decorating,
or are you still recovering from Thanksgiving?

I've reached the place where the big things are done,
and now I get to "play" with the vignettes and details.

I've seen several fun boxes, lunchboxes, sewing drawers etc. 
filled with Christmas "kitch" and odds and ends on Pinterest.
Those pics got me excited to do a little project on my own.
If you're like me you have lots of small vintage minutia
that floats around at Christmas.

So I decided to put a few of them together for a little 
display on my Baker's Rack.

The light wasn't the best when I took these pics.
(Typical November here: gray and cloudy, and misty rain)
so I came into the Dining Room for a better photo op.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

"Home For Christmas" Blogger's Link Party

Hi Everyone, 
so, raise your hand if you've been snacking on leftovers 
while simultaneously decorating for Christmas.

I just wanted to let you all know that Brenda and I will again be co-hosting
a Linky Get-Together to celebrate with all of you, our homes for the Christmas Season.

We'd love to have you join in by coming by our blogs December 13, early morning,
and link up your Christmas and Holiday decor, recipes, crafts, traditions...
anything that "says" Christmas!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Just a Little Christmas...

I'm working in the Kitchen China Cupboard this afternoon;
Changing out the Transferware from Brown to Red.
But I can't seem to finish that little project,
 because I keep seeing things that I want to add to another spot.

Nothing is finished around here,
so I thought I'd just share some snippets
of what and who are celebrating with us this year..

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Christmas Entry, In and Out...

Hi Everyone, are you in overdrive this week, trying to get ready for Christmas? I'm making progress, but I need to start wrapping gifts. One thing I realized I needed to do was to share pics of my Entry and front porch. I've had to get them over a span of several days, and because of the blah weather they've not consistently turned out. So, again today, I gave it a try. I'm just an "accidental photographer", meaning it's an accident when I can get good photos...