Hi there friends, welcome to the March edition of A Lifestyle of Love Blog Gathering. We get together every other month to share how we use vintage items and concepts in our décor. Cindy from County Road 407 is our hostess and this month we're talking about Dried Flowers. If you're coming from Rachel's at The Pond's Farmhouse, where she's sharing a wonderful rustic hydrangea centerpiece, Hello and welcome!
Showing posts with label botanicals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label botanicals. Show all posts
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Sunday, January 9, 2022
The Snowy Day
When we bought this house three years ago we got an added bonus with a finished basement. It's a 1964 brick rancher that had all we needed on one level, which was the requirement. So the basement became my husband's domain with his office, a storage room for him and one for me. It also has a large living space for a big screen TV and fireplace, bath and exercise area. The stairs are easy to navigate, unlike what we had before which were terribly steep and daunting. I was thrilled to have a lower level and the storage; even better because I didn't have to visit it each and every day.
Garden Room,
vintage prints
Sunday, February 14, 2021
Valentine Botanical Farm Table Vignette
Hi Everyone, I hope you're having a sweet Valentine's Day weekend!
A few weeks ago I was part of a fun blog hop where we each shared our ideas for Winter Botanicals and Gardens. It gave me a real emotional lift to be thinking about Spring during this long and cold stretch of winter. I've had that farmtable vignette out in the Garden Room since the hop, and last week I decided to tweak it a bit and give it a Valentine's Day spin with a few vintage postcards.
farm table,
Garden Room,
Valentine's Day,
Saturday, January 30, 2021
Winter Botanical Tabletop Garden
Hello Friends and Welcome to a very fun
and a bit different Blog Hop
that my friend Amber from Follow the Yellow Brick Home
has put together in this very cold and dreary month of January.
Yes, you read it right, it's a Hop where we're sharing
our "Winter" Botanical and Garden ideas.
Thanks so much Amber, for putting this all together
to share some fun ideas and inspiration for winter into spring.
Blog Hop,
farm table,
Garden Room,
Thursday, September 12, 2019
An Early Fall Entry
This space in the Entry has gone thru multiple renditions this last month. From late August to now in "almost" Mid September, my Frenchy console has had a few different looks. I thought I'd better share this current look from this week before it accidentally gets changed up once again.
early Fall,
entry console,
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Botanical Prints in the Hearth Room
Hi Friends, I hope you're having a good weekend, I just wanted to share a quick post about some little vintage Botanical prints I just got around to hanging this week. I've been thinking about what to do with them for months. I finally decided I could make a commitment, so I jumped on in and had Hubby grab the hammer.
Garden Room,
hearth room,
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Vintage Market Finds and the Copper Stash
Hi Friends, I hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend. It was a "working" weekend for us, as we concentrated on getting the basement cleaned up and put together. We got tons of boxes emptied, the family room usable, and my husband's office pretty much up and running. The basement has been a convenient catch all since we still had both storage areas to finish organizing and lots of books and decor to decide on. So now it's a great place to go and relax, without feeling like you're in a storage unit. It's really good to finally have this done. Pics coming soon.
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Sunflower Botanical Cloche
I have several cloches that I keep on the Buffet in the Dining Room, and even though they usually have the same basic elements of nests, birds, and woodsy things, I like to give them a mini update with florals and seasonal elements.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Decorating with Seasonal Botanical Prints
Hi Everyone, I hope you had a wonderful Easter! We had an early dinner/late lunch at my sister's. What would you call that...Dunch? Linner? Since there aren't any little ones running around, (except their doggy, and you can't call Harley, little), things were pretty low key, and I got to enjoy my belated vanilla coconut cake. yum.
Kitchen Sitting Area,
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
The Botanical Window Returns
I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that we started going through some of the many boxes we have in storage marked "PRINTS". We only made it through about half of the boxes before we called it an afternoon. We grabbed several prints that I thought I could use and brought the rest out of our storage space and into the main area of the lower level family room area. They're still wrapped in bubble and shrink wrap, waiting for me to figure out where they might go.
Poor Hubbs, he's the one that had the brunt of wrapping and boxing them all up. He did a great job, so good, that it's hard to see through all that green cellophane to tell exactly what you're looking at. But one box that I knew I wanted to get into was extra long, and I was pretty sure this was inside!
Dining Room,
old windows,
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Pick a Pair (pear) of Prints
Time for an update, can't believe I haven't posted in over a week...
We were in St. Louis last week for my followup cardiologist appointment, which went well. We had a great visit with the kiddos and had time for a little shopping one afternoon. They are in the middle of a major kitchen renovation to their 1906 home, which had last been redone in the 70's. It was really the perfect timing, since upon inspection, their electrical system was bordering on dangerous. They have a makeshift kitchen in the basement, so we stayed at a hotel to keep out of the way, and stress to a minimum.
There are a couple of side-by-side antique malls that we love to stop at if we have time that are about an hour south of St. Louis, in Cuba, Missouri. They always have a turnover of interesting things, as they are right off the highway and have quite a bit of traffic. Last month we stopped by, but I wasn't in the shopping mode. Hard to believe I could not be interested in shopping. A lot has happened this last month, one thing being that we bought the new house and now have a more solid plan for the future. Yay...
We were in St. Louis last week for my followup cardiologist appointment, which went well. We had a great visit with the kiddos and had time for a little shopping one afternoon. They are in the middle of a major kitchen renovation to their 1906 home, which had last been redone in the 70's. It was really the perfect timing, since upon inspection, their electrical system was bordering on dangerous. They have a makeshift kitchen in the basement, so we stayed at a hotel to keep out of the way, and stress to a minimum.
There are a couple of side-by-side antique malls that we love to stop at if we have time that are about an hour south of St. Louis, in Cuba, Missouri. They always have a turnover of interesting things, as they are right off the highway and have quite a bit of traffic. Last month we stopped by, but I wasn't in the shopping mode. Hard to believe I could not be interested in shopping. A lot has happened this last month, one thing being that we bought the new house and now have a more solid plan for the future. Yay...
I saw these two vintage fruit prints last month and debated on buying them, but I have so many prints, that I just put them back. I loved the colors and the old frames, but Hubbs had been the one to pack away all the seemingly hundreds of my prints, so I spared myself the scrutiny and criticism of buying more...
But last week when we stopped back by, they were still there, and this time I didn't hesitate to make the purchase. They have some nicks and scratches on the wood, but nothing a little "Old English" didn't take care of. They are in my new color palette I'm going to be using at the new house. Grays, taupes, golds, browns, with a little chartreuse...maybe, if I can find the right color and not chicken out. A lot depends on finding the "right" rug, which will determine several color and fabric choices.
I have another set of vintage fruit botanicals that I may try to incorporate in a grouping. These will make wonderful companions, as the other ones include "pears" too. You can't see it, but the prints have some interesting foxing; no identifying marks, though.
I'm still gathering ideas on wall paint. The more I've looked, the more I think I'll go a lighter shade of gray/greige. Maybe this might be a little closer, Coastal Fog by Benjamin Moore. I don't want to get into anything that's too dark. Just a little contrast with the white woodwork and moldings. I'm going to be mixing some darker wood pieces with my chippy whites and soon-to-be-taupes at this new place.
Gosh, can you tell I'm excited?...
now, to figure out what to do with the tv niche above the fireplace...yuk.
I'm not a tv above the fireplace kinda gal.
OK, just wanted to say Hi, and let you all know what I've been up to.
more to come...
Joining in at these great parties:
Show and Share at Coastal Charm
Inspire Me at A Stroll Thru Life
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Junkin' Joe at The Cottage Market
Friday, June 20, 2014
Daisy Botanical in the Entry
Just checking in to say Hello, as this may possibly be my last post for awhile. We leave early next week for my appointment with my new cardiologist. After all this waiting, I'm starting to feel a little anxious about it all. I've spent all week checking to make sure all my records have been transferred from three different sources, and it doesn't help the situation for calm when one of them keeps giving me the run around and putting me off... not surprised, it's their usual.
Getting the house listed and all the little details have about done me in. We've been trying to finish up, but now that Summer is here the garage has turned into an oven. My poor hubby tries to do things after work, but it's still too hot. Honestly, we're too old for this...word to the wise, downsize and get your junk dealt with before you are too sick or tired to mess with it. You AND your kids will be thankful. Do I sound tired and grumpy?
Getting the house listed and all the little details have about done me in. We've been trying to finish up, but now that Summer is here the garage has turned into an oven. My poor hubby tries to do things after work, but it's still too hot. Honestly, we're too old for this...word to the wise, downsize and get your junk dealt with before you are too sick or tired to mess with it. You AND your kids will be thankful. Do I sound tired and grumpy?
Time for a change in the Entry this week. I had a couple of raw canvases that I'd brought home with me from the other house. I love their natural oatmeal-y linen look with tattered edges and nails. I thought a botanical of daisies looked perfect attached to the front.
Speaking of daisies, I had planted Becky Shasta Daisies and Black Eyed Susans several years ago and have babied and babied them, but they've been slow to get growing...until now. Now there is a profusion of them, just getting ready to bloom. Hope I can enjoy them just a little.
Google Images
We've had quite a few house lookers, so hope good news will be soon.
We're ready to move on to the next chapter in life.
Feels like we've been stuck in this one for a little too long.
My little heart topiary needs to be trimmed up,
but I'm enjoying the wild look.
Little birdie is back on his bookstack.
Yep, definitely needs a trim.
That's some good ol natural patina there on this clay pot.
just can't replicate that.
I'll try to check back in next week and let you all know what's going on. This has been a hard week, as I'm having some fun new heart related symptoms that have kept me in bed most of the week. I know this is just a "season" that God is allowing me to walk through, but it's hard nonetheless. I've missed the last year of my life feeling like doggy doo, (see...I still have a sense of humor) and I'm ready for whatever it takes to get well and get this behind me.
Thank God for a husband that is my best friend.
He has a lot on his plate right now.
Almost forgot...this week is my 5 year blogging anniversary.
Keep up the good thoughts and prayers, I wish I could get back with each of you individually, and give you a big hug and squeeze. You all mean so much to me, and I'm super grateful for you all being there. I've been trying to keep up with your blogs, even though I haven't left comments...I've still been there. OK, this is sounding pretty pitiful, so I'll say...love you guys, talk soon.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Vintage Botanical Window
If you're like me, then every once in awhile, you get the urge to move things around. Changing furniture arrangements won't work here, (believe me, I've tried), so I have to change up smaller things; new vignettes, different accessories like pillows and tablerunners. This week I had that urge, and it landed on this great old window with original botanicals that I put together a few years ago. I dragged it around the house looking for another spot for it, but when I had worn myself out, I brought it back here in the Living Room right where I found it.
It just "fits" this space...
So I decided to share it again with all of you, since so many of you are new followers. A few years ago I found a college notebook probably from sometime before the 1930's filled with these individual sheets at a local flea, and grabbed it up. They sat unused for awhile, thinking I might frame them individually. I still may do that with some, but I picked out a few for this great old window that I'd had for awhile in the garage.
(I've had a few people inquire if I would sell any of the individual sheets,
but I just cant' part with them)
We have ten chairs that go with our Dining Room set; more than we could ever use. So when I was on my white painting spree a couple of years ago, I decided to go ahead and paint out two of them to flank the sofa table. There's a part of me that would love to paint the whole Dining Room set, but I just haven't been able to make that leap.
(roses from my birthday a few years ago)
This is a hard spot to photograph because of furniture placement...
Here are closeups of a few of the individual panes of glass. Each specimen sheet is categorized and labeled in old type and taped. Over the years they have faded to a perfect study in neutrals; delicate blossoms and stems have separated, but each one is work of art to me.
this pic required standing on one of the sofas...
This pic sort of gives you a reference idea of where it's located.
I found those wonderful French-y sconces two years ago,
but still haven't put candles in them...
maybe soon.
maybe soon.
Thanks for revisiting one of my "favorite finds".
Hope you're having a wonderful week.
joining in for these parties:
Inspire Me at Liz Marie Blog
Inspire Me at A Stroll thur Life
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Blissful Whites at Timewashed
WOW us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
The Inspiration Exchange at Ella Claire
House Party at No Minimalist Here
Transformation Thursday at The Shabby Creek Cottage
Swing Into Spring at DIY by Design
Tips and Tutorials at Stone Gable
Inspiration Gallery at Craftberry Bush
Living Room,
old windows,
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Of Roses and Redoute...
Last weekend I shared some photos of the front yard, and a Knockout Rose bush that is blooming profusely this year. Our yard has two levels and this bush is nestled in a little grotto area that is shared by a much used bird bath and surrounded by Black-eyed Susans.

I also just recently found this little white chippy box and thought it might work for one of my "Vintage Seed Box" embellishments. Spring and Roses go together beautifully with one of my two vintage Redoute framed prints from the 40's, that I had on my baker's rack on the sunporch.
Pierre-Joseph Redouté (10 July 1759 in Saint-Hubert, Belgium – 19 June 1840 in Paris), was a Belgian painter and botanist, known for his watercolours of roses, lilies and other flowers at Malmaison. He was nicknamed "The Raphael of flowers".
My heart is heavy with all the devastation in Oklahoma. We are in the same "tornado alley" as they are. Storms start in North Texas and then take the northeast route each Spring. Many of us here in Missouri have basements, but Oklahoma has so much bedrock that basements aren't incorporated into a home's structure; not much comfort, but a little. I'm praying for all those who have lost so much in these storms this week.
I thought I'd clip a few sprigs of blooms and bring them inside to enjoy up close.

I thought they'd feel at home in this petite Staffordshire Crown China teapot, trimmed out in a lacy pink pattern of flowers with gold trim.
Below, I included some interesting information about Redoute. Knowing a little about the artist makes these beautiful prints all the more interesting.
He was an official court artist of Queen Marie Antoinette, and he continued painting through the French Revolution and Reign of Terror. Redouté survived the turbulent political upheaval to gain international recognition for his precise renderings of plants, which remain as fresh in the early 21st century as when first painted.
Paris was the cultural and scientific centre of Europe during an outstanding period in botanical illustration (1798 – 1837), one noted for the publication of several folio books with coloured plates. Enthusiastically, Redouté became an heir to the tradition of the Flemish and Dutch flower painters Brueghel, Ruysch, van Huysum and de Heem. Redouté contributed over 2,100 published plates depicting over 1,800 different species, many never rendered before.
Marie Antoinette became his patron. Redouté received the title of Draughtsman and Painter to the Queen's Cabinet. In 1798, Empress Joséphine de Beauharnais, the first wife of Napoleon Bonaparte, became his patron and, some years later, he was her official artist.
What perfection is found within the bloom of a rose.
My heart is heavy with all the devastation in Oklahoma. We are in the same "tornado alley" as they are. Storms start in North Texas and then take the northeast route each Spring. Many of us here in Missouri have basements, but Oklahoma has so much bedrock that basements aren't incorporated into a home's structure; not much comfort, but a little. I'm praying for all those who have lost so much in these storms this week.
I'll be linking up to these parties this week:
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
A Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
Stone Gable
House Party at No Minimalist Here
Rooted in Thyme
The Charm of Home
French Country Cottage
Shabby Art Boutique
Jennifer Rizzo
Craftberry Bush
A Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
Stone Gable
House Party at No Minimalist Here
Rooted in Thyme
The Charm of Home
French Country Cottage
Shabby Art Boutique
Jennifer Rizzo
Craftberry Bush
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