Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

Friday, January 1, 2021

A Look at Life in 2020

At the end of the calendar year, I'm like most bloggers and I like to do a recap of the year through the lens of my camera and the posts which document what I've been up to these last 12 months. So here's a few popular posts, a few thoughts, and maybe even some optimism for the year 2021.

Friday, March 20, 2020

A Personal Update and Blogging Note

Hi Friends, it's been awhile since I shared much personally about what's been going on with me health-wise. I'd thought about sharing often, but haven't because things have been inconclusive as to a diagnosis. So it's time to say a bit and tell you about things that are coming up.

(sharing a few pics from past Spring posts)

Monday, September 16, 2019

Fall Sideboard and a few "Technical" Difficulties

This is one of those posts when I feel like starting out with a big "So..." which is always a telltale sign of frustration. This has been a few weeks of computer/blogging frustrations for me. We all use different computers and different software etc. I happen to like a desktop computer that has a big capability to house tons of photos and programs etc. But my tech skills are not particularly whippy. I freely admit it. I depend on my husband for his technical and computer expertise, so it's a PC not a Mac which I would be on my own with.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Exciting's "All About Home"!

Hi Friends, I've been about to explode for weeks with some fun news that has been in the planning stage! Amber from Follow the Yellow Brick Home and I have been getting our heads together to co-host a new Link Party that will begin this coming Monday, August 12. We're super excited and hope you will be too!

Monday, January 1, 2018

It's Personal...

All the Christmas decor is pretty much put away by today. I packed things up in temporary plastic tubs because it's just too cold to go out and rummage around in the garage (my seasonal decor boxes are in one area) I replaced the Christmas things with "winter" things, because, well, it's winter, and I like winter when it's not 0 degrees outside. We're having an early burst of super cold, and I'm wandering around the house with multiple layers of long underwear and thermal/fleece things. Warmth and comfort, I'm all about that right now.

Friday, December 29, 2017

My Year in Pictures...

Hi Friends, I hope you had a Wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to a Happy New Year. Last year I started what I think will be a new tradition. Instead of having multiple posts about the most viewed posts or whatever, from the last year of blogging, I just decided to share some of my favorite pics and ideas from the year. Some may seem random, but they have stuck in my memory. There are links to the particular post, but you can see much more by just following my journey in my Archives which are on the sidebar.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Blogging Therapy

Hi Friends...

I've been away from blogging for a few days, and the truth is I've needed a little break to try to get back up to speed; not just in blogging but life in general. I know we all feel this way from time to time. Sometimes we push through to try to keep our routine going, but this time I've not been able to do that, better to be honest I think. That's just my own opinion. 

(new old footstool for the bedroom)

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Gathered #3

Hi Friends, 
I mentioned a few weeks ago, that I was starting a new weekly (or so) post where I had a place to bring together random ideas, pics and inspiration from the Blogging World. I also want to have a place to share with you some things I'm doing and thinking about. I've said before, that I'll never turn into a fashion blogger, (for many reasons) but I like to share a new piece of clothing and how I'm wearing it. Sometimes I get stuck in a rut and I like to see how others are putting themselves together. That being said, I'm in the Over 55 Crowd, so I don't want to look inappropriate, but I do like trendy clothes. 

knock off J. Crew vest

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Vegging Out and Some Late Summer Colors...

I'm feeling a little Fall in the air and the color of the sky.
So I've changed up a few things here in the Kitchen Sitting Area,
one of my favorite places to be...

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Moss Covered Heart on the Old Door

Do you want to know what the hardest part of "not blogging" has been...?

(aside from not visiting with you all)

Monday, February 1, 2016

I've been in Blogging Rehab...

It's been about 6 weeks since I've written a post, here. It was the week before Christmas when I said I needed a break. So, I've been on a journey this last 6 weeks, and it was a necessary decision that was a long time coming.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Last Minute Christmas and a Blogging Break

Hi Everyone,
I've been somewhat MIA this last week before Christmas.
I had plans to share with you
 a few of my last minute projects and decorating
but this week got away from me a little.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Kitchen Counter Vignette

Do you have a spot in your house 
where things are moved around...
added and subtracted...
left for days
 because you don't know how to use them in your decor?

...a glorified "staging area".
waiting to be blogged about...
hoping to make the cut?

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Keepin' it Real, Folks

In an effort to blog more "Real Time"
I had a decision to make.
Do I show you what I'm working on today
...or do I not?

I'm choosing to share a project in progress.

Now I know many of you will want to bop me 
for thinking this needs to be painted.
That's ok, I've taken a few jabs this last day or two.

We talked about "being real" and trying to be more 
in the moment on our blogs.
Not to make a "production" out of every blog post,
or strive for perfection.
But to just be ourselves.

So, I'm sharing what I'm up to today...

I've had this little jelly cabinet for about 30 years.
It's not old (in furniture years) 
and it's been moved all over creation and then some.
It has chunks of wood missing and deep scratches and gouges.
I know, you can't see them from here.
But I need something in this spot behind Hubbs' Chair.
I don't want something dark and "noticeable".
Too much of that already.
I'm thinking "blend in" has become my decor motto.
Especially in a small space
with too much furniture already.

This spot drives me crazy.
Nothing I've tried fits, or looks right.
It's one of those odd spaces, due to furniture placement.
So I need something to take up the negative space
and cover up this wall that feels lopsided.

So I'm in the process of painting it.
First coat is French Linen ASCP.
Not sure where I'll go from here.

But I'm blocking the Hallway traffic 
so I'll have to get it figured out pronto.
Thank goodness for chalk paint.
I did not want to sand this thing.

Have you entered the Canvas Pop Give Away?

Endless possibilities for your own canvas art...

See you all Wednesday Evening for 

joining in with:

Back to painting.


Sunday, May 17, 2015

A Give-Away Heads Up and thoughts from my last post...

First, I want to tell you about a Give Away that I'll be starting (tomorrow)'s really good and you'll be surprised what it is. I don't do a lot of Give-Aways because sometimes people just don't find them compelling, and sometimes people think they're too much trouble, but I think you'll love this one. Because this one is going to be a new take on something you might never have thought about doing.

And now, I really want to thank each of you that commented on my last post about "blogging". Many of you that left comments are No-Reply bloggers, and I so wish that I could return your individual comments because they have meant so much to me. That's why I did the post on "Friends tell Friends when they're No-Reply Bloggers", just so I can at times give a personal note in response to a specific comment. Thank you all for the thoughts and insights about a subject that is timely and so very not forget who we are as bloggers.

The most important take-away from all your comments has been this: to blog about what you love and enjoy; what feeds your creative soul. Don't get caught up in "the machine" of blogging. To be authentic in each post, and not be afraid to share your thoughts and feelings. I may have ideas for blog posts, but I never do any in advance. What you see on my blog is what's happening in my life, in real time. That a blog post doesn't HAVE to be a major production. Sometimes a photograph and a short thought is all that is needed. Let's give each other permission to take the pressure OFF.

And bottom line, I think we all need to remember that we're here sharing our passions, not engaging in a competition. Let us not be afraid to "be the individual" that God has called each of us to be.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

A Garden Girl, some Hydrangeas, and thinking out loud...

 This is one of those posts that is a little of this and a little of that...
just some small things to share with you.

Blogging has changed so much from when I first started almost 6 years ago.(You hear that every day, but it's really true) It used to be that you could confidently share a pretty photo or vignette, how you made a small change on your kitchen counter, or a new "whatever", without feeling like you were supposed to be entertaining everyone. We were excited to show our latest flea market and garage sale finds without feeling "less than". I still love those kind of posts, because honestly, it's those kind of "everyday life" posts that let us in on the real person that's blogging. It really intimidates me that blog posts now are expected to be some kind of major "production", elaborate DIY, or fabulous room reveal. And that if they aren't, then what you may post might be considered as irrelevant, blah, or boring.

(found my sweet little fountain last week)

Don't get me wrong...
I totally love a great DIY, Room Reveal etc.
but I have to tell you...
my life is just not that darn exciting,
 or productive, for that matter.
...and I really don't need or want it to be.

So today, 
I just want to show you where I put my little French Girl fountain,
and that I bought some Hydrangeas...
one pink, and one blue.
Now I just need to pick the right place to have hubby plant them.

 and that for right now they are in my black goat cart 
that I finally found, 
and sitting on the front porch.

'Endless Summer"...
they bloom all summer long 
and then have the most amazing colors come Fall.

 I can't wait to get them planted.
Last year I really missed having Hydrangeas
and Peonies, and Roses, and Black-Eyed Susans...

 Hydrangeas are my go-to flower.
They're beautiful in any season.

 and that my "Little Miss Muffet" is sitting on her tuffet...

taking a bath.

sorry for the cord in the pic.
I'm keeping it real today.

Try as I might, I just can't get "into" Facebook or Instagram.
I know Instagram has real possibilities,
 and it seems like so many bloggers are heading that direction
 because there's less "pressure".
Even there, many blogger photos look "professional",
 and that my little phone pics look silly in comparison.

Oh well,

Let's not miss out on sharing the sweet small things 
of everyday life on our blogs.
Let's not let blogging turn into a "Professional" sport.
Here's to feeling that as people and as bloggers,
 we are "relevant" matter what.

linking here:


Monday, November 17, 2014

Finding the Old Door and a Lesson for Blogging

When I was placing furniture here in the kitchen sitting area I knew I wanted it to have the "feel" of my previous sunporch. The old sunporch was full of vintage pieces, each of them with aged and chippy white paint. Anything vintage felt at home out there, and it was one of my favorite places to decorate and photograph.

An old white paneled wood door that was angled in the corner sort of grounded the settee, and gave me a place for a mirror and seasonal wreath. I have sold so many of my favorite white chippy pieces, but I saved the door and wanted to use it again, and so after a week of searching the storage units, I found it in the back corner with my white metal gate and gray shutters. (Hmmmm...was Hubbs subconsciously hoping I'd forget about them?) That wasn't going to happen. Anyway, the new sitting room felt off balance and odd with that corner hanging out all bare behind the wicker settee. I just had to try that door. 

We brought it in to the kitchen and for a moment the "new" of the new house tried to tell me that it was too chippy and banged up and that it's old hinges would damage the walls and that it would scratch the hardwood floor. The "new" house said "it will look out of place and everyone will think you're nuts for having some old crummy door in your kitchen". But once it was in place, I knew it was back home where it should be.

My clay sheep's head and the old vintage oval frame are here for now. Maybe this will be a place that I can change things out seasonally. I'm still looking for the mirror and wreaths...

Now my settee has it's old partner again, and I can sit here and enjoy a cup of tea in the afternoon, or read through a magazine while dinner is on the stove. My quilts, coverlets, plaid blankets, and pillows all have their old spot back.

Just a little more time to enjoy the hooked pillows and warm Fall blankets. And then it will be Christmas time, and I'll get to change it all up again.

I'm learning that there can be a balance of the things we love. That living with and decorating with "vintage" things is my first love. Capturing a feeling or essence of what makes a home comfortable, enjoyed, and reminiscent of our past is what's more important to me. I've realized this last year how much I've missed documenting the Seasons and Holidays the way I used to. While I admire all the bloggers that can give you 6 ways to do this, or 5 ways to do that, I know that that's not the real me. Finding the right light to show a flame of a candle, a delicate flower of a paperwhite, or an old religious print, is what I'm more about.

Oh, I'll always have a project to share, a painted something or other, and my latest decor idea, but this last year having had most of my things packed away, I've learned where my heart really is in blogging... and that's right where I started. Be yourself, and blog about what you love. Don't cave to the pressure to turn yourself into something you're not comfortable with. Take a rest and find your joy in life. It will show.

I'll be joining these get togethers this week:

Coastal Charm
Cozy Little House
A Stroll Thru Life
Cedar Hill Farmhouse
Savvy Southern Style
Mrs. Olson's
From My Front Porch to Yours


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Repainting a Dollhouse ...

I have to admit, this has been a strange week. My usual schedule; my comfort schedule, has purposefully been altered. This is the longest I've gone without sharing a blog post in the last almost 5 years. (Even when I've been in the hospital I've managed to get my hands on my computer) It felt a little like mourning, a little like freedom. But either way it's something I knew I had to do.

I said I'd post when I had something interesting to share with you all, and right now even though I have lot's of things on my mind, and still can grab onto some inspiring things, I've known that I needed to slow down and not feel any pressure and "compulsion" to blog. I think there have been a lot of us that have been blogging for awhile that can agree, blogging can become more than a little addictive. It's been a "good" habit for me, but still one that keeps a person always on the lookout for that photo, that topic, that subject that is begging for attention. 

So, this little dollhouse is something I've wanted to share for this last year, but just haven't gotten around to working on. Back in the 80's when we lived in Marietta, Georgia, dollhouses and miniatures were all the rage. I had my father-in-law put together two dollhouses, one for each of the girls, then I painted and decorated them. My older daughter is and has always been a person that loved to play with small things. The younger daughter has always been a bicycle, exercise, ball playing nut, so she wasn't quite as "into" the miniature stuff as her sister. 

This one is the younger daughter's. Even though she's been married for eleven years, this has set in our attic until last Fall when I asked her if she'd mind if I repainted it and use it for "decor". I think she was secretly glad for me to take the responsibility and itsy bit of guilt off her shoulders. 

It's been knocked around a lot and some of the gingerbread trim was lost years ago. The posts are a little wonky, but it still needed to be loved. A couple of coats of White and ASCP Paris Grey for the shutters and trim, did the trick.

My paint job is messy, but I wasn't going for perfection,
 just want it to be for decor right now.

Hopefully, I can get around to repainting the inside at some point,
 until then it's not going to show.

As you can see, it wore the country colors of the 80's, 
country blue and a mauvy-red.

Here are some wonderful images from my Pinterest Board

And this last pic is from a sale at The Seedbox Antiques Spring Sale in 2011. I just fell in love with this old dollhouse sitting out on their porch. I should have gotten a better pic of the weathervane...can't remember now what it was.

So now I'm just waiting for my husband to set this up on one of my pieces of furniture in my studio. And speaking of studios, I've lost all control of it. It has turned out to be "temporary housing" for any and all things that needed to be brought over here. It's a mess.

On the big house, we're down to patching nail holes, working to pack the garage, and finishing up some outside work...we're shooting for mid-June to list it. I haven't been able to do much of the work. My hubby says he just wants me to "supervise".  

Thank you so much for all the wonderful notes and sweet comments. I've read each one with tears in my eyes. This is just something I need to do for now. I know you understand...when something so big takes over every waking moment, there's no getting around it. I need all my focus and strength dedicated to getting through this health situation, but I'm hoping to post once a week, and keep you all filled in. OK, see you soon...

Joining in at these get-togethers:
