Showing posts with label blog party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog party. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Home For Christmas Blog Party Link-Up

Hi Friends,
so glad you're coming by to celebrate with us at the Blogger's Party
Home for Christmas
and to hopefully join in on the Party Link-Up today.

Brenda and I invite you to share your favorite Christmas Posts
 as you celebrate your 
Home For Christmas.
You can link up to 3 of your posts from this year or previous,
please just have them be related to Christmas...
Home Tours, Christmas Decor, Family Traditions, Recipes, DIY, 
anything Christmas!
*Please have a link to the party in your post.

I thought I'd share a few more pics from our Home this Christmas,
as I'll be sharing a complete Christmas Home Tour a bit later in the week.
These are mostly room views, which I usually don't get around to taking,
but since it's Christmas, there's a little more to see.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

"Home For Christmas" Blogger's Link Party

Hi Everyone, 
so, raise your hand if you've been snacking on leftovers 
while simultaneously decorating for Christmas.

I just wanted to let you all know that Brenda and I will again be co-hosting
a Linky Get-Together to celebrate with all of you, our homes for the Christmas Season.

We'd love to have you join in by coming by our blogs December 13, early morning,
and link up your Christmas and Holiday decor, recipes, crafts, traditions...
anything that "says" Christmas!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Friday, June 26, 2015

July 4th Patriotic Party Next Week!

Are you up for a little July 4th fun?

I've always loved decorating with a Patriotic Theme, and I know a lot of you do too. So how about a Patriotic Party starting next Thursday Evening at 6:00 PM Central for a July 4th Blowout of fun and inspiration. 

Link up posts past and present of all your Patriotic Decor, Recipes, DIY Projects, Vintage Memorabilia, Tablescapes...anything with a Patriotic or July 4th theme. You don't have to worry about doing a special post just for the party. I just want a place where we can link up all our inspiration from this year and memorable July 4th holidays in the past. If you'd like to share the party info you can grab the above image for your sidebar. Thanks so much for spreading the party invitation!

  See you here July 2nd at 6:00.
Bring your friends and family! 
I'll have the FireWorks!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Share Your Style

I'm so excited (think the Pointer Sisters circa 1982) to finally get to share something with you that has been in the works since the start of the year! Sherry from No Minimalist Here is the organizer of this fun new Link Party, that will be starting next week. It will open on Wednesday Evening at 6 P.M. Central Time, and will be hosted by Eight individual blogs.

YEP, you heard me...
8 Blogs!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Make Plans for the Christmas Blogger Block Party

After the long Thanksgiving weekend that's coming, I know most of us will be diving into our Christmas decorating headfirst. So get ready for a week long Christmas Extravaganza of Fun! Our sweet sister act from At the Picket Fence is once again throwing a great Blogger Block Party, and yours truly is planning some vintage Christmas fun.

So make a date to join in on the parties.
You'll be able to link up on one super duper linky party,
starting on Monday 12/5 thru Friday 12/10.

Check out the party themes and get your Christmas mojo workin'!
I'll be sharing some vintage Christmas on Friday 12/9 for 
Vintage Inspiration Friday
I have the party button for the block party on the side,
we'd love for you to grab it for your posts,
and then I also have my VIF Christmas Party button available too,
for each Friday in December!

Get ready, get set... get started!!!


Monday, August 8, 2011

Somethin' to crow about...

Which came first...
the Chicken, or the Egg...
or the Rooster?

Well, if we know Roosters, we'd know they think it's all about them!

Here's a vintage group from my kitchen counter,
raising a ruckus.
Roosters fit right in whether you're decor is French Country,
or "French Farmhouse"!!

A little box I found a few years ago,
and look it has an "egg" in it.

Hmm... a rooster with an egg?

My sunroom baker's rack has a summer farmhouse theme going

Here is another fella sort of "chalky"
and very colorful.

And a teensy chalk hen on a nest

This cutie little vintage planter definitely needs some ivy on it's backside


And this mom and baby are another vintage set
 that is hollow on the inside
some sort of chalk, cement-y mixture.

Love them!

Shelia is having one of her "Heart of the Home" parties
be sure and join in the fun at Note Songs

and I'm joining in with these other great parties,
links on the sidebar buttons.

Be sure and come back tomorrow for

love ya,

Monday, July 25, 2011

Collections Show and Tell

I have a lot of "collections", but one of my favorites
I keep all together on my studio shelf.

And now that I think of it, my chipmunk and squirrel collection
probably has been around the longest of anything that I collect.

Today I'm joining Suzanne over at Privet and Holly
for her Collections Show and Tell Party this week.

These little cuties usually spend their time here on the shelf,
but come Fall, they scamper around the house
hiding in many of my Fall vignettes.
It's about time to start dusting them off and watching them find
a temporary new spot.

This is one of my favorites, a new paper mache box,
that my daughter bought for me several years ago.

Some of the stuffed variety...

A birthday card from a few years ago,

Salt and pepper shakers,

creeping (not creepy) chipmunk planter from Japan,

Most of the figurines are vintage Lefton.

love the detail...

a Japanese Majolica planter,

These two on my front porch started it all.

A very old chalkware bank,

and a silver art deco/modern piece from my older daughter.

Hey!... what's this?

Sorry it's blurry, I grabbed this photo quick.

We have an abundance of both squirrels and chipmunks.
I feed the birds so they enjoy the leftovers.
The kitties would love to "enjoy" them.

Hope you'll join Suzanne for the linky party starting Tuesday July 26.
see ya there!

and Marty for Table Top Tuesday
and Kristin for Tuesday Treasures
links on sidebar buttons
