Showing posts with label Majolica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Majolica. Show all posts

Monday, March 10, 2025

Cottage Majolica for Spring in the Garden Room

Do you all have any green popping up where you live?

Not much going on here with green outdoors, but inside I've been bringing some green things together to celebrate the "early" start of the Spring Season. Hopefully the forsythia will be budding out within the next week. Time to cut a few branches to enjoy indoors.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Spring Has Sprung

Hey friends, this last week of March I'm still sharing Easter décor, but also considering that the decorating theme will shift to "spring" next week. When Easter is this early on the calendar I like to keep out some bunnies and lambs around to continue to celebrate the transition from winter to warmer weather. 

Sunday, August 20, 2023

The Late-Summer Cupboard with a French Country Flair

One of my favorite decor themes for mid to late summer is "chickens". I've never raised chickens or been around them except for a short time when I was a kid and an odd motley group of wild/escaped chickens found our farmhouse. That's where the collection "seed" was planted. Most of my chicken figurines are not worth much, but fun to collect and display throughout the summer months. Back in the 60's one of the decor themes was "Early American" and with that, accessories took on a slightly "farmy" style. Chicken decor sprouted up everywhere, but of course mainly in the kitchen and dining room. (Think chickens and coffee grinders themed wallpaper...)

Monday, August 7, 2023

Cottage ReView: The Late-Summer Baker's Rack

Hello friends! Today I'm sharing a mash-up of some of my previous posts from the late summer Baker's Rack. August is the time of year I bring out all the pieces that evoke the wind-down of summer with a harvest feel. You'll see some of the same pieces styled in a bit different way, but they all have a vintage garden theme with lots of late season color with golds, greens, oranges deep reds and a bit of brown.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Majolica and Crockery in the Summer Holiday Cupboard

Hi friends, today I'm sharing A Cottage Re-View of my Long Lost Crockery in the Holiday Cupboard in Mid-Summer. I hope you'll enjoy seeing a few posts from years past of fun vintage summer decorating. I love peeking into the archives of my favorite blogs. So many times I've missed that particular post, so getting a chance to "view it again" always brings inspiration and fresh new ideas. Today I'm sharing some of my pieces of old crockery and Majolica.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Late Summer Farm Table

Hello Friends...
With the last week of August, I'm sharing a few more pics from the Late Summer Garden Room. Earlier in the month I changed up the ice cream bucket with sunflowers and hydrangeas. During the earlier part of the summer I was using white geraniums and the white sunflowers. As Summer progresses I love to see how the hydrangeas change color, so I added some hydrangeas in darker hues to the mix. There have been times I've tried to find an alternate receptacle for flowers, but honestly, that wooden bucket was made for this spot!

Friday, August 20, 2021

"Before it's Fall" Holiday Cupboard with Majolica

As August heads into the last weeks, so Summer is also winding down. We may still be having temps in the 80's and 90's but I'm starting to make a change over to more Fall colors, themes and textures throughout the house. I won't be full-on Fall for a few weeks, but this is a fun time to start slowly switching a few things up with a Harvest palette and a few nature sensitive florals and that could mean a small discreet pumpkin hiding here or there. 

Friday, August 6, 2021

Late Summer Baker's Rack

Hello friends! Has the "Late Summer/Early Fall" bug bitten you yet? It comes after me each year starting in the last week in July. August is the time that I start getting that itch to bring out a few seasonal colors, that look to the "harvesty" hues of golds, dark greens, oranges, deep reds, and browns.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Long Lost Crockery in the Holiday Cupboard

A few weeks ago my hubby called from our storage unit asking me if I might want him to bring home a few boxes that he'd stumbled over... literally. The problem with moving twice in 5 years is that it's easy to lose track of what's been taken to storage and when. He texted me a pic of a box labeled "crockery" that I hadn't seen in 7 years. WHAT???

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Garden Room Easter

Well, I've started this post several times and now I'm just down to the concept of sharing some pics from the Garden Room this Easter season. I'm at the place where I need to think and speak positive thoughts. Having the Garden Room to play in is good therapy for me, and it's easy to tweak things for a new look and "outlook".

Saturday, August 3, 2019

August Mantel and Hearth Room

Hello Friends and Welcome to August!
I've mentioned before that August used to be my least favorite month of the year. Oooh, I felt bad that I gave it such a bad rap, especially since ALL my husband's family had birthdays in August. (strange...) It's just that I really get tired of the hot weather by now, which is usually dry and oppressive, and the older I've gotten the less able I am to handle hot weather. But a couple of years ago I had a change of heart in my attitude.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Late Summer Sitting Area and an August ReView

Hi Friends, as usual, when it comes to the end of the month (or season), I find there are pics and places I had wanted to share with you all, but I never got around to posting. The Kitchen Sitting Area is a spot that changes almost weekly, since it's the spot that I hang out in the most. 

Monday, June 19, 2017

Summer Majolica

(sharing a post from a few summers ago...)

Hi Everyone, I hope you were able to catch a few of the lovely Summer Home Tours that were a part of A Stroll Thru Life, Marty's, Home Tour Series. I shared a few pics from my Summer Sitting Area in the Kitchen, and here are a few more from the Baker's Rack showing a few pieces of my Majolica.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Out and About... and some fabulous old grain sacks and fabric

Hi Everyone, I wanted to do a quick post and share a few snaps from a day out this last week. It was my Birthday and my sis and I headed out for lunch and then a stroll through The Vintage Peddler, here in Springfield. LOVE this place!!! (yes, I actually dragged myself out of my stupor to go have a chicken salad sandwich and peach tea, then do some shopping) These are phone pics, so sorry for the lack in quality. Hopefully all the great vintage goods will make up for bad photos.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Peach Blossom Branches and a Cover-up

We have a couple of fruit trees in the back yard planted by the previous owner,
and this "Doughnut Peach Tree" really puts on a Spring-time Show.

Monday, February 29, 2016

First Glimpse of "Spring"

Happy Leap Day!!

Since tomorrow is March, and Easter is coming early this year, I thought I'd get started on bringing a few Spring Things out of the tubs and boxes. This is just my starting place... on the Dining Room table, which is usually where all my seasonal decorating begins.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Mid Summer Mantel

I know you all have been waiting for the next installment of 
"The Summer Mantel"
Sort of like how we're waiting for the next season of Downton Abbey...right? (I hope you all know that I'm a "kidder" from waaaay back) I guess that it's safe to say that it's "mid" summer, now that we're into the middle of July. 

And once it's past the July 4th holiday, and those wonderful little Black-Eyed-Susans start blooming, then I have to hold myself back from going Sunflower crazy.

A few weeks ago, on the way back from St. Louis we stopped at one of our favorite Antique Malls, Artichoke Annie's in Columbia, Missouri. It's a real quality mall; big, and full of great antiques. No "garage sale" items here. I saw tons of things I loved but I'm really watching what I buy, so my only purchase was a piece of Majolica; a small dessert plate that would match the other few pieces that I have.

Once I had that new plate,
I had enough to put together a little grouping on the mantel.

I love the wonderful colors of Majolica, 
mine all have the gold and green in common.

Even with chips, it's still collectible and doesn't break the bank.

The colors of the pottery play off the silk Sunflower and Rudbeckia
(part of the Daisy family) that are now in the Wolff  Pottery vases.
A little English Cottage metal doorstop sits in the middle.

These sunny warm colors are my go-to colors of late Summer.

I'm lovin' this Summery display, so it just might stick around 
for the next episode; the "Late Summer" mantel...

And here are a few pics of what's happening in the rest of the Living Room.

And here's my little Italian desk in the corner.
It doesn't make an appearance very often.

Sunflowers have popped up in other places too,
so stay tuned for some changes in the Dining Room.

I'll be joining in for these parties this week:

Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Tips and Tutorials at Stone Gable
Inspiration Gallery at Ella Claire


Sunday, April 14, 2013

The "Other" Mantel

Yes, the other fireplace mantel that's in the lower level family area...

I don't post about it often because it's hard to photograph, and really pretty rustic.
We've always wanted a weekend cabin at the lake. 
(We live just 30 minutes from the beautiful hills of Branson, and Table Rock Lake)
Woodsy, rustic, lodge-y, comfort.
But, I don't have one, so this area gets to be the stand-in. 

Things don't change around too much down here. But I do try to keep the fireplace mantel seasonally decorated and the faux flowers in my wicker basket changed out.

It's where we hang out to watch tv and spend our evenings. 
It's functional, cozy, and not "white".
It's also where the kids and grandpuppy lounge.
and did I mention that it's not white?

It's about the same as our fireplace in the living room, which is directly above it, except this room has built in bookshelves on each side instead of windows...and a massive tv and wall cabinet....also wood, which makes it darker. But so much better to curl up with a fire and a good movie. So I enjoy the rustic, lodge-y feel with Pendleton Blankets, a few leather pieces, and a deer mount or two. 

...but I did want to share my Spring-ified attempt 
down here with my Majolica pitchers and teapots.

...and my florist buckets filled with faux forsythia.

which brighten things up a little bit.

I found this old 40's framed print at the flea, and it's here most of the year. The subtle shades of muted earthy tones, and shabby gold frame blend in with the vintage feel.

those are a few cows in the distance. me some cows and sheep in a landscape.

Are you feeling lazy?
Come on over,
and don't forget to bring your blankie.

Joining in for these parties:

Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy little House
Inspire Me at A Stroll Thru Life
The Scoop at Cedar Hill Ranch
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
