Showing posts with label Entry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entry. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Spring is in the Air Cottage Home Tour

Depending on where we live, we might be enjoying warm weather with tons of green grass and colorful blooms popping out... or we might still be dealing with snow storms, high winds and brown yards. And maybe since it's March... we can be doing both!

Monday, February 10, 2025

Vintage Valentine Assemblage Under Glass

Scrolling through Pinterest is one of my bedtime rituals. It's relaxing to turn off my busy brain and just look at inspirational vintage décor pics. My home feed is great, but at times I like to do a search on a topic, which is usually some kind of seasonal/holiday specific décor and DIY. Since it's Valentine's Day month I wanted to check out small vintage vignettes and cloches with vintage ephemera.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Autumn Home Tour

In the Entry and Dining Room

Hello dear friends, September is speeding by and we're now headlong into the Autumn season. Even though the long awaited fall weather seems to be dragging it's feet for most of us, our indoor spaces are reflecting the harvest colors and décor that are a yearly hallmark for our love for Fall.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Late Summer Entry with 2 Mini Updates

Subtle changes are showing up around the house, now that we're into August. This is the time I switch gears and look toward fall. As I've said before, August used to be my least favorite time of the year, but now I look at it differently... it's a transition time leading up to the cooler months and my favorite season. Autumn.

Monday, May 6, 2024

The Entry is for the Birds

May is Bird Month around here, literally! We have a full nest box on the front porch and wherever I go I can here chirping and cheeping. It's been hard to water the fern and containers on the porch because you may get bird bombed by mom and dad.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Easter Cloche and the Spring Entry

Back when I first started blogging, (it will be 15 years in June) cloches became popular. Terrariums were the rage years ago, and I think the cloche vignette sprang from that. I've always loved bringing a few items together to form a small grouping, then highlighting the pieces by placing them under glass.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Valentines Under Glass

Hello Friends, 

I've always felt Valentine's Day lends itself to a cloche vignette. Gathering small items into one grouping works especially well for a vintage Valentine setting. Mixing ephemera, antique cards, jewelry with dried flowers, and other bits and baubles can become one beautiful cohesive look when it's under glass.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Love is in the Air Valentine Entry

Hello Friends, are you ready to start thinking about Valentine's Day? Love, Romance, and all that sweet stuff, or are you still tripping over yet-to-be-put-away tubs of Christmas decor? Today I'm part of a great group of gals who are sharing inspiration and some great ideas for celebrating Valentine's Day. Our sweet and talented hostess for the gathering is Laura from Decor to Adore. If you're coming from Lora Bloomquist's Blog, Create and Ponder, then I'm so glad you're here and following the Hop. 

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Heavenly Holiday Entry

I've realized at Christmas I lean toward a white and ethereal look on the entry console; white lights and white and neutral colors with a light and bright look. For Christmas this year I've tried to bring out a few pieces that are some of my early Christmas décor that I haven't shared for years. 

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Cottage Review: Enter Thanksgiving

Hi Friends, I'm sharing some Thanksgiving to Christmas inspiration today of my Entry from a few years ago. For some reason, my Entry this year wasn't spectacular (tehe), so I'm sharing some the entry area posts from year's past. As I say Inspiration is Inspiration, no matter the year.  I especially loved this look because of the "Oatmeal Tree" and the neutral painted leaf wreath. 

I had a brief thought of just whizzing by decorating for Thanksgiving and doing a more Christmas look, but in the end I just couldn't get there. I love late Fall and Thanksgiving, and I just wasn't up for full on Christmas. So I compromised a bit and brought out my "oatmeal" tree (looks like oatmeal) and called it good.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

October Entry With the Snow Owls

I think we all have favorite décor pieces that have some sentimental significance for each season. I bring them out each year, but I do try to move them around and at least be a bit creative by using them in different settings and rooms.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Layering Elements for a Summer to Fall Entry

This time of year; late August to early September, I'm about easing into the Fall season. Since it's still really hot outside I'm not quite ready for a lot of dark colors, leaves and bright orange pumpkins. I still want to keep it light and bright, but have a subtle change in color to the warmer hues of autumn.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Vintage Birdcage Candleholder with Seashells

I get on a mini seashell obsession during the months of July and August. Seashells are "summer" to me, so I don't display them other times of the year. Since we live in the middle of the Midwest, (no where anything "coastal"), I have to take advantage of this time of year. So last week I shared a display in the Garden Room, and this week I have a fun Pinterest inspiration vignette in the Entry.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Quick Change Up Patriotic Entry

I started thinking about the Entry and looking back through my pics from the last several years, and was surprised that I hadn't seen a post with my Entry Hall console decorated for July 4th. I do each year, but for some reason I hadn't shown it here on the blog.

Friday, May 5, 2023

Vintage Baskets in the Entry

Last week in honor of May Day and Mother's Day, I put together two little baskets, one vintage, the other basket new but with similar elements. I was inspired by the old tradition of May Day where you would put together a small bouquet and hang it on the front porch door. Then you would hide and wait for the lady of the house to come to the door. Such a sweet gesture, but maybe not too practical in today's time and culture.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Merry Christmas in the Candlelit Entry

Hello dear Friends, I just wanted to come by to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!! This year we have a new little member of the family so it's an extra special time for all of us. Our first grandbaby has arrived and we're all thrilled.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Bountiful Vintage Fall Baskets

Using baskets has been a fun and creative way for me to decorate since I saw the first issues of Country Living Magazine back in 1978. One of the best things about them is that they can be found at any vintage market, flea, antique shop or garage sale, usually for a price that will fit anyone's budget. Baskets come in so many varieties; mostly wood products, wicker, willow, and even metals. Since I turn first to vintage finds, I have a good stash, big and small, that I can choose from. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Early Fall Entry with a Vintage Botanical Print

Hello Friends, time for an Early Fall look in the Entry since we're midway into September. The entry console changes up frequently as do most areas of the house. When we first looked at the house, now 4 years ago, the wall paper in the entry (and Dining Room) really pulled me in with it's traditional neutral taupe stripe. 

Friday, July 15, 2022

Mid-Summer Entry with Blue and White Transferware Tureen

Hi Friends, I know many of you are "Blue and White" collectors with gorgeous dishware, ginger jars, and amazing decorative Chinoiserie pieces. I admire it and love that elegant and traditional design "look", but I've just never started a collection of it. I think it's gorgeous in the summer when I love using Blue and White accessories. I've stuck to the Browns, Reds and Green patterns in transferware, but I do have one piece that I totally stumbled upon years ago at a flea market for just a few dollars. 

Friday, May 27, 2022

Early Summer Entry with Bovine Beauties

Despite the gray, rainy weather (and poor light) I wanted to share my late Spring/early Summer entry. Late May is the perfect time to decorate using lovely lush pastel Hydrangeas with a hint of summer that's on the way.