Monday, March 17, 2025

Spring Tote for a Farm Table Vignette

When I think about the color brown I usually envision fall décor or maybe after Christmas with some wooly blankets and needlepoint pillows to cuddle up with. But I have a couple of pieces that feature spring florals on a brown background and I love using them when early spring entices us outdoors and into digging in the garden.

So I brought out my early spring brown quilted throw that features pink roses and peonies. I filled up my wooden ice cream bucket with faux daffodils, narcissus and pussy willow branches. I grabbed one of my many vintage totes for a few springy ivy dishes and green transferware. The Ivy and Green Transferware are my go-to pieces for spring.

I started picking up vintage totes years ago when I was selling at vintage markets. They were everywhere and so versatile for not only décor, but they actually were functional pieces. Mine have all been painted white and sometimes I scratch my head and ask why I need so many, but I can't part with them. They're so handy for magazines, linens, towels, dishes and offer endless ideas for displaying goodies. This one is an old strawberry flat and is the perfect spot for dish stacks.

I have two of these moss covered shamrocks I found on Etsy a few years ago. One is hanging on the holiday cupboard with the St. Patty's green goodies. Now that they make sheet moss, these would be relatively easy to make, with a plywood or heavy cardboard form. 


Add a few seasonal objects and vintage accessories and you have a fun and easy display for seasonal and holiday displays. Here my green dishes, the moss shamrock, an old pottery pitcher and vintage postcard make it an easy St. Patrick's Day vignette.

This was an easy and fast way to bring some sunshine and spring color to the Garden Room farmtable. I've mentioned before that flowers and bulbs don't last around here because we have an abundance of chewing critters and wildlife. So faux daffodils and narcissus in a large container really bring a smile and lift the weary mood from a long snowy winter.  

One benefit of this kind of display is that with a few tweaks
 it can make a quick turn toward spring bunnies and birds. 

Here's a St. Patrick's farm table vignette from a few years ago, and a few more posts from early Spring to get you moving toward Easter.

We had a bad Friday here in Missouri with strong thunderstorms and tornadoes. It's been a long weekend of cleanup for some. We were on the edge in SW Missouri, but it was definitely scary. Today the storms are ongoing in the south. Prayers for all those that have suffered with this weekend's bad storms. 

Hope you have a fun St. Patrick's Day!


  1. Beautiful display. No animals don't eat daffodils. They are poisonous. Happy you're safe from the storms


    1. Hmmm. that's interesting. I've just read where squirrels will go after the bulbs. maybe it was them. They have cast iron stomachs around here.

  2. Very cute display for St Patrick's Day. I only decorated my door and garden (flag) this year. (Too.many other things going on right now).
    Here's hoping you carried the luck of the Irish over the weekend and were spared from the tornadic storms throughout your region and more!

    1. Thanks Rita. The tornadoes were all around us. some just overhead. We just had a new roof put on last month so thankfully there doesn't appear to be any damage.

  3. So pretty the faux flowers look like fresh cut.


    1. thanks so much, if they look real that's good enough for me!

  4. Debra, glad you are safe. We had exceptionally strong winds Saturday and they say they will return Tuesday. A serious large wildfire is west of us in the hill country. We can see the glow and the sky is smoky and dusty.
    Fun to see your St. Patrick's decor. I set a table and hung a wreath on an inside door, but that's about it. I've been eating corn beef and cabbage and Irish potato soup the past two days. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    1. It's crazy, we had fires close by too, right before the storm. Take care Sarah, good to have you stop by!

  5. Squirrels like seeds and nuts, throw some to in-shell variety out, they will be to busy trying to open them to bother the bulbs.

  6. Happy St. Patrick's Day. Glad you were not in the path of those storms. Have a good week. Hugs. Kris

  7. I love how you put together your greenery! We had one daffodil make an appearance outside in our front yard under the large pin oak, and it actually WASN'T eaten by the local critters. Yeah!!! ;) Hubby found it before me and once I saw it I was happy to go over and water it and its neighbors late last week. More should be blooming soon outback. <3 Love your tote with all the stacked dishes...

    Happy St. Patrick's Day,
    Barb :)

  8. Debra, I am glad you are safe... So scary! We had that small tornado go over us (I heard it and saw the leaves on the backyard oaks shake like I'd never seen before! This one was during the night). Happily, it only took out some branches on trees a few streets away, at least in our area. NOT looking forward to this season's round...

    I love your vignette! So pretty with the daffodils and pussy willows... I love the plate stacks, too, in their fun tote! I do love baskets and totes. ;) Enjoy your beautiful display!!

    Happy St. Patrick's Day,
    Barb :)


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