Thursday, February 20, 2025

Vintage French Country Lamp in Décor

Hi friends, today I'm joining in with my vintage loving pals for the Lifestyle of Love Group gathering where we share how we use vintage pieces in our décor. This month we're talking about vintage lamps and chandeliers and how they can mesmerize and wow us with their timeless charm and elevate the vintage decor style with drama or subtlety. They are a topic I love and have sought out, but now only have this one small lamp that I use in my décor.

Over the years of buying and selling antiques and vintage pieces, I've found my share of wonderful old chandeliers and lamps, but there has always been a major hindrance in actually using these beauties; the wiring is usually iffy and not up to code. Installing and using these pieces poses all kinds of possible problems, at least for me and my meager electrical skills. Who am I kidding... I have no skills; this is an area where I've always treaded lightly!

I've fallen in love with many a brilliant chandy and lamp, but have often had a pit hit my stomach when I've checked them out closely. I've witnessed sparks, smoke, and broken electrical circuits upon plugging these babies in!

I realized it was easier to concentrate on smaller table and accessory lamps that were easier to rewire. During the "shabby" period several years ago I found myself collecting figural lamps that were French or Italian inspired designs. I kept a few lovely ones, and this one I'm sharing today is my favorite piece, that my husband recently brought up to date with a quick rewire with parts from Lowes. It only took 13 or so years of asking to get it done.

I found this precious little lady about 17 years ago and bought her from a fellow dealer friend who loved the French Country/European vibe as much as I do. When I first found her she was painted in a terra cotta color that was original. These two images are from an Ebay listing of a Borghese Plaster Chalkware Lamp. 
Borgehese was a company that first started making glass lighting and chandeliers in Europe in the early 1800's and opened stores here in the U.S. during the early and mid 1900's. I think this particular lamp was manufactured in the late 1940's.

I kept her in her original state until 2020 when she had suffered several mishaps at the hands (paws) of my late kitties. I have kept her on my baker's rack since finding her, but after a few spills and chips it was time to give her an update. I liked the terra cotta look, but thought a white remake would blend in with my other chippy shabby décor better.

Late afternoon shadows and twilight take on a new glow with my little vintage lamp on the baker's rack.

Here she is on her usual spot on the baker's rack, now in the Garden Room (sunroom) at his house. I love accessory lighting on counters, desks, shelves: really any nook or cranny where a touch of lighting brings warmth and charm to the room. When dusk falls I like to turn on small lamps to give the space a little coziness.

She didn't have a lampshade when I purchased her, but I needed one that allowed her to fit on the bottom shelf of the baker's rack with the shade sitting above the next shelf. The vintage one I'm using now is too small and doesn't really fit but allows me to sit her here and enjoy the evening glow.

Here is a post from a few years ago with a springtime styling.

I imagine she was one partner in a pair of male/female figural lamps.

Here's a post from our previous home before her makeover, where the baker's rack was in the kitchen dining/sitting area.

Here are some pics back from 2010 that show a few of my vintage lamps that I had at my vintage market booth back in my dealer days. Wish I had those smaller chandies back!

Thanks so much for coming by. I hope you'll click over and visit Cindy and Lora.

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  1. Debra, you know I'm a fan of vintage lamps, or in my case, lamps made from vintage figures. Your lady is a charmer. Of course, I always enjoy your styled bakers rack. Wish I still had our bakers rack from early marriage. There was just no good spot in this home, so we let it go.

    1. Hi Sarah, I purged so much on our last two moves, and some of them I really regret. So glad I kept this little gal, she's adorable and such a frenchy addition. I just came from your blog; oh your blooms were gorgeous!

  2. I get the hesitance from old wiring. We have to be super careful.
    She is amazing and I love her new look! You can never go wrong with white. I've given her a name. She looks like an Elizabeth so now to me she will forever live as the Lizzy Lamp. ;) What a treasure. Love this post! pinned

    1. That's perfect. she really looks the name! As always thanks for getting us together, Cindy!

  3. She’s so pretty, Debra! And yes, very French Country. Give me all the cozy lamps around the house-especially in these dark months. Loved hearing about this treasure!

  4. Those shandy's are amazing. I love your sweet girl painted white. She looks so cute on your bakers rack. Have a good week. Hugs. Kris


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