Friday, February 14, 2025

Last Minute Vintage Valentine's Day

Here it is the day before Valentine's Day and I'm sticking to my usual "M.O." by waiting to the last minute to share the rest of my holiday décor. I like to use the blog as a visual of my holiday decorating, so I had a few vignettes yet to share. 

The farmtable in the Garden Room changes with the seasons and holidays, and I wanted to extend the pink, red, and whites of the Valentine color theme by using my red toile fabric runner on the table. I used it over Christmas on the sideboard and loved it and now as a Valentine element under the breadboard and centerpiece.

An antique wicker floral basket with mini evergreen tree, (aka a mini Christmas tree) pink floral plate, and vintage fabric stuffed heart sits next to rose nesting boxes and my ice cream bucket filled with what's still winter floral arrangement. 

On the other side of the room in the sitting area I made a few quick changes with my Valentine lovebird pillow on the settee. The coffee table crate holds my pottery Valentine and a few more nesting boxes. Oh, and my sweet Lambie sports his red and white heart ribbon as a scarf. You can see that post with the Valentine Display in the Holiday Cupboard.

I love this "clump" of wild paperwhites in the mossy basket, that look like they were just recently dug up in the woods and hauled in the metal basket. It's a little hard to make out, but that is a crazy quilt scrap stuffed heart.

Below is an insert from an antique Valentine card. Over the years it was separated from it's graphic cover. but it's still a precious piece of ephemera from the early 1900's.

In the hearth room I filled another wicker floral basket with old candy boxes and a reproduction Valentine for a quick display. Apologies for the less than perfect photos. It was a dreary day and the light was really poor.

Here are a few more posts you might enjoy...

Have a wonderful Valentine's Day Weekend
 with all your sweeties!


  1. Your vignettes are so pretty. I somehow can't get into decorating much for Valentine's Day. Pure red is not my favorite color nor is pink, but I have done a little something on the hallway shelf outside my apartment. It will come down right away, though, and I've got quite a few ideas for St. Patrick's Day. Green is one of my favorite colors.

    1. I enjoy all the holidays and have a few vintage pieces for each, but since I enjoy the change up, I'm always ready to move on to the next. Thanks for leaving a note. Have a great weekend!

  2. At least you share before the holiday! I'm usually late! And it's all so very pretty, Debra. I love how you mix and match. It always works and works so well with your other things.

    1. thankyou Jeanie, I love seeing what you and others do no matter when it's posted. I'm a little O.C. haha.

  3. I enjoyed my little trip around your home and seeing all the ways you scattered love around every little nook and cranny. So delightful!!!

    1. oh, thankyou Connie. So sweet and kind of you to leave a note!!

  4. Your vintage Valentine's decor is lovely. Happy Valentine's Day. Hugs. Kris

    1. thanks Kris, hope you're going to have an extra sweet weekend!


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