Even though I started packing away Christmas décor after the 1st, I finally got the last of it stored away. This could be called Part 2 of the Winter Hearth Room that I shared earlier this week. It's always a bit much photo wise to include the sideboard and cookbook cupboard in the same post as the mantel and rest of the hearth room.
I've always been the one to start putting the Christmas décor away the week after Christmas. By then I'm ready for a clean slate and need a bit of a visual decluttering. In January I like to go more toward a woodsy "winter" feel using neutrals and browns. But, I do tend to leave up my faux Christmas trees into mid-January. I pack away any Christmas ornaments and enjoy the bare lights, which go along with my woodsy January theme.
I fall into the easy decorating trap of doing the same thing with the same elements, but this season I purposefully looked for something "new" in my stash for a fresh look for winter on the sideboard. I have a few vintage silver trays and this one is particularly large and heavy, but it needed something layered in front for added interest.
This antique print is most probably from the mid-1800's and is original to the frame. The Adirondack walnut folk frame is a very old piece and not in good shape. It's corner carved leaf decoration is broken off, but it's so charming it still deserves to be displayed. I can just see it in a Victorian parlor. The "God Bless Our Home" print is from the same time period.
A few of my brown transferware gravy boats line the shelf and my large Aesthetic transferware soup tureen sits on a grain sack print short runner. I like using black as an accent as it offers interesting contrast and grounding, especially with a white and neutral space.
The Cookbook Cupboard top is pared down with one of my vintage calendar prints against my chalkboard with metal lunch hampers and a vintage demi-john.
A sugar and creamer in the Skandia brown transferware pattern are out front on an ironstone platter. My white wicker covered demi-john is one of the most versatile pieces I have. It travels around the house throughout the seasons.
I love using pears in décor from summer through winter. They're perfect for some earthy natural color in bowls, baskets, and tureens.
I shared the winter Hearth Room and Mantel earlier in the week with wool plaid blankets and quilts.
Here's a pic of the sideboard decorated for this last Christmas. You can see that post HERE, that also includes the Hearth Room and Cookbook Cupboard for Christmas.
We've had several snows since the first of the year. Here is a pic from the back porch, where the bird feeders stay busy. It's a bit messy looking but I put out bread and apple bites for the critters who greatly appreciate it in the very cold weather.
And from the front porch...
Since we live across the street from a school, we have the streets plowed early on.
Here are a few more "winter" posts you might enjoy.
January Musings
A few years ago Amber from Follow the Yellow Brick Home, and I used to do a post on the weekends where we would share our vintage cottage décor. So we thought we might try this again this weekend. So be sure and run by Amber's where she's sharing her beautiful dining room as she transitioned from Christmas to winter.
Thanks so much for coming by.
Stay warm and dry...
Have a great weekend!
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