Monday, March 3, 2025

Spring Green in the Cupboard

I'm ready for some Spring Green to pop out and replace the blah brown in the landscape. How about you? We will still have some cold weather during the month of March, but I'm hoping we're finished with the subzero temps, foot of snow and biting cold we endured last month.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Vintage French Country Lamp in Décor

Hi friends, today I'm joining in with my vintage loving pals for the Lifestyle of Love Group gathering where we share how we use vintage pieces in our décor. This month we're talking about vintage lamps and chandeliers and how they can mesmerize and wow us with their timeless charm and elevate the vintage decor style with drama or subtlety. They are a topic I love and have sought out, but now only have this one small lamp that I use in my décor.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Last Minute Vintage Valentine's Day

Here it is the day before Valentine's Day and I'm sticking to my usual "M.O." by waiting to the last minute to share the rest of my holiday décor. I like to use the blog as a visual of my holiday decorating, so I had a few vignettes yet to share. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Vintage Valentine Assemblage Under Glass

Scrolling through Pinterest is one of my bedtime rituals. It's relaxing to turn off my busy brain and just look at inspirational vintage décor pics. My home feed is great, but at times I like to do a search on a topic, which is usually some kind of seasonal/holiday specific décor and DIY. Since it's Valentine's Day month I wanted to check out small vintage vignettes and cloches with vintage ephemera.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

How to Make an Easy Faux Ivy Heart Topiary

I love topiaries of all kinds and for all seasons. Real plants of course make beautiful décor accents, but for me can easily go "kaput". I try to keep several small ivy plants going throughout the year, but for some reason I didn't have any candidates this year suitable for an ivy topiary. You have to have a relatively full plant with longer tendrils, (which I didn't have) so I thought I'd try a faux ivy topiary using elements I had on hand.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Easy Boxwood and Ribbon Wreath and the Valentine's Cupboard

Valentine's Day is definitely one of those holiday themes that show up in the "Holiday Cupboard".  I've loved antique and vintage paper goods and ephemera from the first time I saw a vintage school Valentine card and found a few pieces of my paternal grandfather's cards to my grandmother in their old attic. Old Valentine postcards are easy collectibles as so many of them were created in the early 1900's. School Valentine parties and sweetheart's notes were popular among young and old alike. 

Monday, January 27, 2025

Vintage Cottage Weekend: Winter Sitting Area and the Baker's Rack

Winter décor is a time for me to clean the slate from the saturated colors of fall and the Christmas season. I love color throughout the year and I'm always ready for a new seasonal color scheme and vintage pieces. I've always been one to get bored with color and pattern no matter how much I enjoy them, so it's a good thing that there are the 4 seasons and holidays throughout the year.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Vintage Cottage Weekend: Layering Vintage Elements on the Antique Sideboard

Even though I started packing away Christmas décor after the 1st, I finally got the last of it stored away. This could be called Part 2 of the Winter Hearth Room that I shared earlier this week. It's always a bit much photo wise to include the sideboard and cookbook cupboard in the same post as the mantel and rest of the hearth room. 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Cozy Winter Mantel and Hearth Room

I spend a lot of time in the hearth room and whatever season it might be I look for it to be a cozy comfy space. But during the winter it becomes more of a priority for a warm inviting refuge.  

Sunday, January 12, 2025

January Cottage Cupboard and a Winter Lookback

Hello friends and Happy Weekend! For a few weeks in January we have a small bit of time that's totally dedicated to warm, cozy, and comfy. After Christmas and before Valentines Day; it's a time to relax in front of the fire, read a good book, watch a movie, and curl up in a soft warm blanket... without a ton of shopping, big meals to cook or a deadline looming on the calendar.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

10 Favorite Vintage Décor Posts of 2024

I'm always a little surprised to see which posts were your favorites at the end of each year. Here are the top 10 favorite reader posts of 2024. If you missed any of them I hope you'll click on the title to read further.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

My Tips to Transition from Christmas to Cozy Winter Decor

I can't really say that this collection of tips are mine alone. Because all you have to do is take a look on Pinterest to see that there are a bunch of bloggers who follow these same tips to change up their Christmas décor to a cozy, comfy, feeling of winter.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

New Year Wishes and Family Celebrations

Hi dear Friends. I wanted to wish you all a most Happy and Blessed New Year. You know I don't post family photos much. But I really wanted to share a few since it is the holidays and we have a lot to celebrate and look forward to in the coming year. I haven't shared a recent photo of our granddaughter, "Miss O" for over a year. She's quite the animated little character and brightens our whole family's lives. She's our only grand and most probably will be our only grand.