Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Time for Fall in the Holiday Cupboard

We've had a few cooler days and nights and it's really got me going for fall. I know it will warm up again and maybe have a few 80's until the end of October, but it's so wonderful to know that fall is truly on it's way.

I know some people love summer and hot weather, but I'm just a cooler weather kind of gal. A walk in the fall countryside is heaven for me. Seeing the leaves change color to yellows, golds, and reds is what I look forward to each year.

Honestly, I don't plan seasonal décor like some people, it just kind of happens organically around here. I don't pick out color schemes or design mantels or tablescapes, it just sort of happens... good or bad or maybe just a comfortable remix of the past. 

But the one thing I really look forward to seeing come together each season is the Holiday Cupboard theme. As I've said before, I really really love a theme. I guess it comes from being in the antique and vintage market biz for years. And, I have a lot of vintage stuff.

I don't think I've shared any of my vintage alarm clocks for ages, so as I was thinking "It's Time for Fall" just popped in to my brain; so that's the perfect way to share my clocks. I remember when I was growing up I had a "Baby Ben" that I kept on my bedside nightstand. It was a dependable little companion that woke me up each morning for years.

Fall is the time that the Brown Transferware and ironstone really take center stage. It's my favorite color transferware and what I have most pieces of. The brown mixes and matches with the colors of fall. Sometimes I use orange as an accent (usually closer to Halloween). but mostly golds, neutrals, and rusts. 

I used a few of my English advertising crocks, pitchers, teapot, and creamers along with a sprinkling of mini sheep for interest. A couple of mini Baby Boos made it into the mix. The white milkglass cake stand was my mom's and it's perfect for elevating a few pieces.

Since it's "early fall" I still have my dried sunflower twiggy wreath up on the cupboard. I hang on to the sunflowers till later in the season. I added the orange plaid Tartan ribbon a few years ago; I love a good plaid no matter what the season. 

Here are a few more fall scenes from the Holiday Cupboard.

Around the house...

I hope you're daily enjoying this transition to fall. The "gang brood" of little goslings we had this year are nearly adults and they've thinned out a bit. Thank goodness, they had just about taken over the yard and our neighbors that have bird feeders. We would have up to 60 parents and babies descend on us "en masse" and cover the yard. They were adorable, but it got old fast. Then recently we've had a "couple" hanging around the feeder and water crocks. I had to remove the water bowls and just let the birds and squirrels use the bird feeder. Changes in weather cause the geese to migrate and hang out in other parts of town. Thank goodness. 


  1. Looks so pretty Debra. We had some fall like temps this past weekend but now it is back up in the high 80's for us. Summer is not letting go just yet. Have a great week. Hugs. Kris @ Junk Chic Cottage

  2. I love seeing your blogs. I hope you never stop. Another great post.


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