Thursday, September 19, 2024

Autumn Home Tour

In the Entry and Dining Room

Hello dear friends, September is speeding by and we're now headlong into the Autumn season. Even though the long awaited fall weather seems to be dragging it's feet for most of us, our indoor spaces are reflecting the harvest colors and décor that are a yearly hallmark for our love for Fall.

Today, I'm joining a group of friends who love decorating with vintage décor, to share our homes for Autumn. I'm sharing my Dining Room and Entry this year with more fall décor to come this next few weeks. And a big Thankyou to our  good friend Cindy from County Road 407, who is our wonderful hostess. If you're coming from Cindy at DIY Beautify thanks so much for coming by to visit!

I really love decorating my dining table for the seasons, even though it's large and dark and somewhat obscured by the slipcovered chair slips. One thing I have to keep in mind is that whatever décor I use as a centerpiece or vignette is that it must be a bit oversized otherwise it's not seen. 

I have a tendency to want to go with something that I know works and is easily put together, but if I give myself some time and put on my creative "hat" I can pull together something new and different and maybe even a bit out of my comfort zone.

Whenever you browse through magazines inevitably you will see all manner of jugs, vessels, baskets, crocks, and vases that have artful branches of fall naturals displayed. Works of art, casually placed that make a huge impact and elevate the scene to the importance of a old world painting. I couldn't quite come up with that level of artistry, but I did grab a large wire "urn" that I thought might achieve some sort of a second look. It has been setting here in the Dining Room since we moved in 5 years ago. I look at it every day, but have never known what to do with it.

Last year I bought a bundle of dried fall naturals, sticks, and grasses in colors of orange and browns and neutrals. Last year I didn't even take it out of the cellophane bundle which was tied with an orange burlap ribbon. It was casually placed for interest, but I didn't have an occasion to use it. After considering the urn the lightbulb went off to use that bundle as a starting point for my naturals arrangement. I lined it a moss sheet to hide the stem ends which I felt were distracting. I then added some longer fall leaf stems to the mix to fill it out.

I placed two of my tapestry pumpkins along with a rust colored velvet pumpkin to add a bit of softness to the base. I'm using one of my European grain sacks with a caramel stripe on top of my favorite fall floral table runner.

This urn centerpiece is waaaay out of my usual look, but it's "growing" on me.

Since it's still early Fall and hot outside, I wanted to keep the buffet with a lighter, brighter feel. Darker prints and elements will come in October as the weather becomes cooler. One of my antique chromolithograph still life fruit prints in a whitewashed frame keeps that lighter look. I wanted to do a grouping of cloches with a fall vibe, because several of them are made with random brown transferware dessert plates.

I'll be sharing another post on fall cloches later on this week with some of my previous cloche designs and a few of my favorites from Pinterest.

Here's a corner next to the buffet with my Italian basket and a small wreath that usually adorns the mirror here.

This is another corner spot that holds my old family washstand. My mom gave it to me when she moved from our family home over 20 years ago. I didn't actually "use" it until we moved to this latest house where I had the perfect spot. It received a paint makeover from a retro green to a French Gray.

A Few More Touches in the Dining Room

Moving on to the Entry Hall, I'd used all my creative brainpower, so I went with some tried and true fall elements here on the console. A grouping of late summer/early fall straw florals are in my lookalike Italian vase and a vintage calendar pear print in a vintage black frame. Here's another of my smaller DIY cupcake plates and cloche with vintage brown transferware cups.

Velvet pumpkins and a favorite candle sit on the vintage paper mache tray that has been here for late summer.

You can see more of my fall inspiration here on my Pinterest Boards

Thanks so much for coming by and we hope you'll continue the Tour and visit the rest of the group for some amazing fall ideas and inspiration. Please hop over to visit Emily at Le Cultivateur and follow along on the Link List below. I hope you'll come back and visit my blog again to see what I'm doing for Fall and the holidays.

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  1. You always know just the right way to put things together, Debra. I love the way this arrangement turned out and how you styled the buffet, washstand and entry hall too. They're so pretty. Can't wait to see what you have in store for the seasonal cloches. They're always a favorite! Big hugs, CoCo

  2. Debra, you outdid yourself with that centerpiece! It’s stunning! I had to chuckle when you said you bought the stems last year. I’m forever buying items that don’t get used until years later. It drives my husband crazy! But they always get used eventually! 🤪🥰

  3. This is beautiful and I love the centerpiece. Thes needlepoint pumpkin is gorgeous. I have stems I bought and didn't use this year. I think we are guilty of doing this. I'll use them next year. I had pieces from nature that took center stage this year.

  4. Your centerpiece is stunning! And I love those vintage fruit prints that you have framed. The colors are perfect for fall. Everything looks so pretty, as usual!

  5. The centerpiece is beautiful. Love it. Love all your cloches all dressed for fall. Everything is lovely as usual Debra. Have a beautiful rest of the week. Hugs. Kris

  6. Debra, that centerpiece on your dining room table is outstanding! You hit the mark with oversized and eye-catching! I really love it. Happy Autumn!

  7. Isn't it funny we can look at something for years and like it then one day, boom, something else comes to mind?! I love your urn as a centerpiece. It's large and in charge. Grand is actually what comes to mind. And that you filled it with moss to take away from the stems is genius. I would have never thought to do that. Your tour has so many beautiful pieces and new decor that I can't look long enough at each photo. Yay for Pinterest. And I had no idea you had that many cloches. I'm jealous! Looking forward to that post too. Happy fall! Only 4 more days!

  8. Debra, I always love how you decorate and this time, it's the super large vase with its orange leaves which has me. Really neat vase! I love the little sticks added in, I love all the cloches, too. Sooo pretty filled for the season! I agree w/ Cindy above, so many sweet cloches...

    Enjoy your beautiful autumn-filled home ,
    Barb :)


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