Monday, January 29, 2024

Winter to Valentine's Day Botanical Farmtable

Hello Friends, I've been tweaking a few spots around here to add some Valentine's Day elements without totally redecorating the whole house. I think having a few strategic vignettes are a good compromise this year. I've been looking through past posts to see what I'd like to do to bring in a bit of romance with vintage pieces.

A few years ago I put together a winter Botanical Tabletop vignette in the Garden Room and when a few weeks later I was thinking about bringing in Valentine's Day, I just tweaked this garden tray with a few Valentine pieces which easily transitioned to a romantic botanical look.

This is the "winter" version from late January that year...

Winter Botanicals Garden Tray

After Christmas things are packed away and I get control of my "winter decor" I start thinking about early Spring botanical items. I find myself daydreaming about warmer weather when I can plant containers and clean up the potting bench area on the back porch.

These pics are part of a post I did for a blog hop where we shared ideas and inspiration for winter botanical vignettes. Just bringing a few plants and vintage garden items together cures my winter doldrums and gets me thinking of Spring.

Galvanized vintage "French" watering can, peat and clay pots, along with a few cloches and garden tools did the trick to bring in a bit of Spring.

So, for Valentine's Day I took that basic winter botanical tray and elements and I added in some Valentine paper goods, post cards, and a little PINK to give it a romantic flair.

A vintage book with a chapter called 
"The Broken Heart".

Mini silk "everlasting" rosebuds bring a soft romantic feel.

I traded out the old watering can
for my large vintage garden cupid statuary.

Paperwhites, whether faux or real help bridge the gap between winter and spring.

I'm using two pots of ivy to bring in 
a bit more of the Spring feels.

I love putting together seasonal and holiday cloche designs and I incorporated two inside the garden tray. Bits and pieces of vintage goodies, books, and an old drawer that turns up frequently in the garden room. 

I traded out the live fern under the cloche for a small heart shaped rosebud creation
and a sweet postcard from the late 1900 teens.

All these Valentine garden elements are in my reproduction seed tray that usually is on the Living Room coffee table. I've enjoyed having it out here in the Garden Room and just may have to keep it a little longer. I love a large tabletop tableau here on the farm table no matter what the season. We don't use this table unless we have family here, but I can easily remove it if need be.

If you want to put together a botanical tray you can easily use an old drawer, low basket, dough bowl, or any other kind of wood or metal tray. The idea is to just group together several plants, glass elements, and any other Valentine's items that you love. You can use a tabletop, cabinet top, ottoman or shelf. Big or small I guarantee you'll feel like spring is just around the corner.

Thanks so much for coming by; here are a few more Valentine décor ideas.


  1. I love the vintage valentines. I got a few on display here. Have a beautiful new week. Hugs. Kris

    1. Just looking at Valentine's makes me know Spring will be here soon. Thanks for always coming by to visit! Have a great week!

  2. Here's hoping this comment goes through Debra, I keep getting an error message when I've tried to comment on other posts of yours. I love your valentine day botanical table decor. You always have so many wonderful vintage valentine's. I began a small collection last year, but I have not make it out this year to see if there are any to collect. You are always so creative with your displays using items you already have. I have my eye out for items, but I haven't seen anything that grabs my attention just yet. Hope you are doing well, and have a Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. I love this so much Debra. Your had me at botanical plus you have so many vintage pieces here. That cherub and his crown are fabulous. Happy Valentine's. XO- MaryJo


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