Friday, October 28, 2022

October Fun in the Cookbook Cupboard

Can you even believe it's the end of October, friends?...
 It's finally feeling like Fall around here.

I'm fortunate to have several fun spots to decorate seasonally throughout this house. The hearth room, which is right next to the kitchen in this open concept area, gives me enough space to have a dedicated spot to display my cookbooks and some fun vintage kitchen related decor. 

What can I say, I love a flat surface to create seasonal displays, and heaven knows I have tons of pieces that just beg to be part of a fun vignette. I keep this scroll-y framed chalkboard here on top and it creates the perfect backdrop for whatever season or holiday is currently here.

Lately I've been a little lazy with some of the bigger elements that I use and just keep them out a while and then change up the smaller pieces. I've had the stacked metal basket and large white demi john up here since early summer. 

Neutral larger anchor pieces make it easier to keep things fresh and changed up as a season progresses. I've mentioned before that as I decorate seasonally, especially in Fall, the colors and textures change slightly. Early Fall calls for lighter colors and textures, then as the weather cools and the leaves change, deeper colors and textures show up.

I've always had a thing for black cats, and over the years have had 5 of them. So I like to bring out a bit of my whimsical kitty collection for late October.

I've shared my "vintage" ceramic pumpkin cookie jar that I made back in the 80's. It has a crack in the lid now, but then again it's traveled all over the country with moves in this last 40 years.

I'm using an antique yellowware pottery bowl with faux pears. 

...and vintage pumpkin salt and pepper shakers. (At first I thought they were tomatoes, but no, I think they're pumpkins because of the ridges)

An earlier Fall look in the Cookbook Cupboard

Here are a couple of pics from September here in the Cookbook Cupboard. I was using my dried sunflower wreath back then, but changed it out to the "fall leaf wreath". Whatever the time of year, you can often find a vintage garden vibe.

Here are a few pics from early last Fall that never made it into a blog post. Does that ever happen to you?

Here's a post from a few years ago of a cupboard top for Thanksgiving...

and this post from last year in late October, using the Fall Leaf Wreath.

Thanks so much for coming by. 
Hope you're having a great last week of October.

Hope you'll come by the link party on Monday evenings.

joining in here:

The House on Silverado,  Love Your Creativity at Life and Linda
All About Home at Common Ground and Follow the Yellow Brick Home
Inspire Me Monday at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia 
 Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch 
  Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life  Home Imagined at the Antique Journey
Wednesday Link Party at Our Tiny Nest
 Wonderful Wednesday at Eclectic Red Barn
Turnabout Tuesday at My Wee Abode,  Centerpiece Wednesday at Karin's Kottage
Share Your Style at French Ethereal,  Vintage Charm at Our Hopeful Home,  
Thursday Favorite Things at Follow the Yellow Brick Home,  
Grace at Home at Imparting Grace
Farmhouse Friday at  County Road 407  Fabulous Friday at WM Design House 


  1. Your cookbook cupboard is so darned charming and so seasonally festive! You remind me I need to buy a new cupboard for my cookbooks...after the Big Fall I have cookbooks all over the house. The smart money would be on resale or donating most of them!

    1. My collection is pretty much basics for beginner cooks, that I bought for my girls when they were young. My husband is pretty simplistic and not a fan of complicated or fussy meals. I guess we could use the word "boring". haha. Anyway, nothing to boast about. But I DO love being able to display vintage goodies!

  2. Like you, our meals are pretty simplistic because of Mr P's tastes, but I do like trying out recipes and sharing with family events. Covid was good for that, but little else. Most of my favorite recipes are from pinned ones, printed out in individual sheets, in a large accordion file. But I do have books too. I love how you keep your nook decorated.

  3. Life goals: Have a cookbook cupboard - I love this!



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