Thursday, February 17, 2022

Spring Inspiration with Mossy, Woodsy Things

No matter where we live, I think we all feel like the days after Valentine's Day allow us a little shift in our thinking. We may still be in the midst of winter and cold weather, but our optimistic hearts and minds tend to want to give permission to thoughts of warmer weather and "Spring". 

Forår på fad

Last year at this time I gathered some of these wonderful inspiration photos together to start thinking about all things woodsy, twiggy and mossy. It can be 25 degrees outside, but show me pics of nests and moss, and tiny green shoots, and I instantly feel mentally and emotionally uplifted. 

If you missed my post on the Mossy Mini Spring Baskets
 two years ago then you can see it here.

I'm sharing some baskets, wreaths and planters that have a "natural" feel to them. These were some of my inspiration images for the little wicker baskets I put together for that post. I thought you might enjoy them too. I've only found a direct link to a few of them. The rest were lost links that are so common with Pinterest these days. If you see one you recognize as yours let me know. Otherwise the links are in my Pinterest boards that I'll share at the end of the post.

Kopfschmuck   - Chaperonrouge - #dekofrühling - Kopfschmuck   - Chaperonrouge


Terrain How-To: Tabletop Twig Nest #shopterrain/ make large ones with eggs in it.

I'm ready for some forsythia, daffodils and hyacinths... all things that might start blooming in this next month or two. Forsythia starts budding in March here in the lower Midwest; daffodils start peeking out in late February. I don't have any blooming bulb plants here, so I'm putting it on my calendar for a definite planting date this fall.

Natürliche Deko mit Narzissen für Ostern

ANETTESHUS-winter-06118 / #ANETTESHUSwinter06118 #scandinaviangardenwinter

Spring Mantel ~ LeCultivateur

{SOLD} Nest in an Oval Frame #blessyourheartofalabama

Last year I put together this "Victorian Wild Wreath" 
for early Spring.

Kleine schnelle Osterdeko | Villa König

What if I get a cheap moss basket at the $1 store and embellish it - could be centerpiece on table, stove or mantel.

So sweet, I like it


Sharing favorite Easter inspiration today at

Ein Hase hat´s gut - Frühlingsdekoration von Frijda im Garten - Aus einer Idee wurde Leidenschaft auf

With LOVE! by Nadejda on Etsy - #Etsy #Love #Nadejda

Here are a couple of fun ideas with "sheet" moss; 
covering flower pots and birdhouses.

Common Ground

Whether it's under a cloche, in a basket, on a pedestal or with a wreath, bringing out the natural elements paired with vintage pieces makes it easy to put together some beautiful delicate early Spring looks. You can see more of my Spring Inspiration Mossy, Woodsy things here and Spring here. I hope you've found some fun inspiration, let me know if you have any ideas. I always love knowing how you all are thinking about getting started on Spring.


  1. Good Morning Debra. I love all these Spring ideas. The more natural the better. Daffodils and nests yes yes yes. Have a great day.

    1. I'm really partial to the "natural" look, especially Spring, when we're all craving a bit of green! Have a good rest of the week, Kris xo

  2. This post is one of my favorites. Thank you for sharing all of these great ideas. I love the rabbit and feathers.

    1. thanks Rebecca, isn't that just the cutest. Any thing with a rabbit or bird does it for me!

  3. Thanks for sharing all these ideas. There all so beautiful. Just wish you would give directions on how to make them.

    1. Hi there, they ARE all so pretty, but I can't take credit for all of them. Bagged moss and a grapevine wreath can go a long way putting together some pretty Spring bulbs and plantings.

  4. Your inspiration photos are terrific and reminding me it's time to start thinking spring, even if I won't see it for a couple more months!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I know, it's snowing here this afternoon. Not surprised, we have really chilly weather even into March, but I'm really ready for warmer weather!

  5. I LOVE these!! They get me so excited for warm weather and are so pretty! I love the cloche with the vintage creative! Thanks for sharing these today!

    1. Oh good, I'm so glad they got you excited for Spring. Thanks so much, thanks for coming by to visit!

  6. Omgosh. I love, They speak to my moss loving & vintage hoarding heart. Thank you for this lovely post. I will be coming back for inspiration time & again. Pinned!

    1. Hi MaryJo, haha, I feel the same way. Give me some moss and I can play all day!! Glad to know there are other peeps that love this look! Have a great rest of the week!

  7. Hi Debra! I love everyone of these cuties and your post makes me yearn for Spring!
    Thank you for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  8. You've always had somee great ideas for spring. I love the moss projects but they are a continuous mess in their shedding! Hard to believe the birds are already nesting, but that's got to he a sure sign of spring coming soon, regardless of the snow predicted. I have some things popping up in my yard but I really can't tell yet if they're daffodils or random, stray liriope at this point. One will be enjoyable, the other work cut out for me. Either way, I am 100%ready and waiting for spring!

  9. Nice inspiration - where are the links?

  10. Debra,
    I loved all of your inspiration on this post. I'd love to share a link on my Sunday, Dirt Road Adventures.

  11. So many beautiful and inspiring pictures in this post! Can't wait for Spring! Donna

  12. I love your Victorian wild wreath! It's just gorgeous. These pictures are great inspiration to get the spring decor thoughts flowing. I found your post over on Life & Linda's link party. I think my readers would be inspired too, so if you get a chance, I'd love to have you come share on my newest link party, Craft Creators at! It's open Thursdays at 6am thru Mondays at 11:59pm. While you're there, you can share on Happiness is Homemade Link Party as well (Sun-Thurs). Thanks for compiling all of these ideas for us!
    Niki ~ Life as a LEO Wife

  13. Debra, these are the photos I gravitate to in spring! Woodsy, moss, bird, eggs and blooming spring bulbs! It's like medicine for the soul :)

  14. Some many beautiful images and ideas! Love moss and woodsy elements to transition from winter to spring!

  15. Such beautiful and uplifting images! I can't wait to start my flower garden seedlings in a few weeks! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm. xo Kathleen

  16. I absolutely love this post. So many great ideas and inspiration for spring. I would love to share this in my weekly wrap-up on Sunday.

  17. You have made an amazing collection of natural spring inspiration, thank you for sharing! I feel inspired.

  18. All these great photos have me itching for spring! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm. xo Kathleen

  19. So many fresh and green ideas for spring I love it!!!

  20. I love all of these Spring ideas, Debra! So many pretty photos to get me inspired for Spring decor. Thanks so much for sharing at Home Imagined today!

  21. I love everything about Spring and moss! You found so many beautiful Spring decorating ideas. Gets me so excited for the warmer days ahead. Thanks for linking up. Have a great week.

  22. I love all these creative ideas Debra. I'll share on my Sunday post.


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