Thursday, February 10, 2022

Romantic French Couples in the Holiday Cupboard

Love is in the air in the Holiday Cupboard!

In my meager quest for a bit of organization after Christmas, I went through a few more unopened  boxes in my storage room in the basement. One of them has been in plain view but haunting me for the last 3 years because I just didn't have a place for the contents. Two houses ago I had a curio cabinet in the dining room where I kept a few of my more delicate pieces of porcelain and china. During my "shabby" French-y phase I collected a few porcelain couple figurines... but they've been packed away for the last 9 years. It was time to open the box and enjoy them again. 

None of them are worth much and they are vintage, but not antiques. Some of them are marked "Japan", and others without any marking at all. But I think they're so sweet and definitely need to be displayed at least for a few weeks of the year. So they're getting a chance to shine during February here in the Cupboard.

I brought out the red transferware again this month to celebrate Valentine's Day. They had been out for Christmas, but I exchanged a few to display at the back of the shelves instead of my brown transferware pieces from January. I tend to shift dishes in and out of here with the seasons and holidays to keep a seasonal color theme. So for now it's red, but since St. Patrick's Day is coming up, the green transferware may make an appearance. 

This mega size couple are absolutely pristine, but each have a finger missing. (ahhhh) I can just imagine some sweet little lady displaying them proudly, but going into a conniption fit when the grandchild removed them from the top shelf to play "dollies". Their colors and rose clothing are just confectionary... and oh my, those precious faces. Fingers or no, they are just amazing.

The china displayed in back is Haviland Limoges, but I only have a few pieces.

These precious pink handmade hanging fabric hearts
 (above) are from HERE.

Vintage Valentine's postcards are scattered among the displays.

The photo below is from last year of a vintage handmade 
Czechoslovakian heart mold that's behind the tureen on the bottom shelf above.

Small floral china teapots, vintage pitchers, creamers,
 and floral salt and peppers, add to the sweet pastel romantic feel.

This old brooch is handpainted and gifted to me for Mother's Day one year 
by my sweet Hubby, along with the needlework English cottage brooch below.

These may be Limoges as I've seen several on Etsy of this type.

Vintage pink and gold cardboard candy box. I wish I could find more boxes,
 but sadly the really old one are pretty hard to find.

The Holiday Cupboard is always the focal point of the Garden Room. 
I really enjoy playing in it each month/holiday.
It's such a fun way to rotate vintage dishes,
knick knacks and ephemera.

I finally got to the breaking point with this large vintage Valentine box. It was water damaged when I found it and thought I might use it as a template. But last week, I thought I'd just try to give it a paint refresh and I was surprised at how nice it turned out. So here it is "refreshed", which was probably close to what it looked like originally. 

You might enjoy my last two posts for Valentine's Day

we hope you'll come by on Monday evening for the Link Party.

joining in here:

The House on Silverado  Love Your Creativity at Life and Linda
All About Home at Common Ground and Follow the Yellow Brick Home
Inspire Me Monday at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia 
 Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch 
  Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life   Wonderful Wednesday at LeCultivateur 
Turnabout Tuesday at My Wee Abode,  Centerpiece Wednesday at Karin's Kottage
Share Your Style at French Ethereal Vintage Charm at Our Hopeful Home,  
Thursday Favorite Things at Follow the Yellow Brick Home,  
Create, Bake, and Grow at Shabby Art BoutiqueFarmhouse Friday at  County Road 407
Friday with Friends at My Hubbard Home Fabulous Friday at Vintage Home Design


  1. Your china pieces are so pretty. I also love that vintage heart candy box. They do not make them like they use too. It all looks so cute for Valentines day. xoxo

    1. thankyou Kris, Hope you have a very sweet Valentine's Day with your sweeties!

  2. Oh my golly this is so fun! One of my favorite Christmas movies is Holiday Inn with Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire. If you've seen it then you'll know that this is so February! If not, it's a must see. Love everything in your holiday cupboard!

    1. Thanks Cindy, I try to keep things mixed up in there. I think I saw that movie a long time ago, but now I'll have to make sure I watch it again. Happy Valentine's week!

  3. Your Valentine's Day display is charming. I've never really been a fan of Valentine's Day decor until I saw yours. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. thanks Robin, I don't do all that much but I got bit by the Valentine's bug this year!

  4. Hi Debra! Your cabinet looks perfect for Valentine's Day. Love all of your sweet romantic figurines. I have a few that were my grandmothers. Your pieces of china are so lovey as well as the little Valentines! Your candy heart box looks great! Hope you're having a nice week.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. thankyou Shelia, my grandmother's had all sorts of little figurines, but unfortunately I don't know what happened to all of them. sad. I would have loved to have had some of them. Have a fun Valentine's week!

  5. Well, hello, old friends! Don't you all look so cute sitting in the holiday cupboard! Debra, you give me hope. 9 years? I was in my storage unit on Monday, bringing out some more dishes, lol, and I see so many things I haven't visited since our move in 2019. I almost brought my purses back out of storage but decided I wasn't quite ready for that yet. Good thing, because the three tubs of dishes are still sitting in my bonus room. :O

    1. oh I know, moving wreaks havoc on our decor organization. When the weather is warmer I know I'll need (be forced) to go to our storage units and look through some things. My husband brings home all kinds of stuff that I don't have a place for. what's new? I know you'll love having a place for all your goodies when you have time, once again.

  6. Beautiful February Cupboard Debra! So many treasures with your vintage creamers, pitchers, and teapots! What's a missing finger or two, maybe they are lucky not to have a missing head! Fantastic display.

    1. oooh, wouldn't you hate to be the little kiddo that dropped one of those and broke the head off? wow, granny would have had the vapors, and I would have gotten the "switch". ouch.

  7. Your cupboard is so beautiful.... I'm glad you decided to use your couple figurines again. Your heart chocolates box turned out great. Everything is incredibly stunning..... love it all!!!

    1. thanks Des, so much fun decorating it each season. Loved your new chair in your post today. Happy Valentines week!

  8. This is awesome. It is gorgeous. I would love it if you would share this on The Fabulous Friday Link Party this Friday.
    Hugs to you.

  9. Debra, I love your charming holiday cupboard. It always looks so pretty. All the beautiful china couples are perfect pairings for this time of year..Happy Valentines Day..xxoJudy

    1. Thankyou, Judy, Hope you're having a wonderful week and Happy Valentine's Day to you too! xoxo

  10. It looks so cute. The flowers are so delicate on figurines as well. That pink candy box is amazing. I love it.

  11. Oh this post does absolutely nothing to help my resolve to start getting rid of knick-knacks, dishes, and collectibles! Aaah! I want everything pictured! The fingerless figures are amazing!
    Also, would love to see that tulips pitcher again in spring posts!

  12. Oh, my, goodness, Debra. These figurines are really lovely and much to pretty to hide. They make your holiday cupboard festive for February and elegant!

  13. Oooh, Debra! I LOVE your French figurines!!! That's neat that you were able to repaint the candy box. I have my mother's metal candy Sampler tin from the later 1960's and I've used it as a sewing box ever since I was 7 yrs. old. So happy to have featured your post (and the Vintage Botanical Valentine Entry) at this week's Share Your Style #336. <3

    Happy Saturday!
    Barb :)

  14. Oh Debra! Your cupboard looks lovely as always. Your collection of figurines is fabulous and I am so glad you got them out to play. That chocolate mold is amazing too and so many other wonderful pieces. XO- MaryJo


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