Friday, February 25, 2022

Early Spring Faux Daffodil Centerpiece

It's cold, snowy, sleet-y, and generally yucky outside but there's a little bit of Spring in the Garden Room. I really like to keep my floral arrangements and decorating "seasonal", with what is happening outside be what is happening indoors. It's about time for the Daffodils to show up; their happy little faces peeking up through the cold garden soil and even snow. 

I was so excited that first spring when we moved here, to see what flowers would show up in our yard. Since we live in an established landscape area and that our home was built in the mid-60's, I was sure there would be lovely groupings of flowers from bulbs in the flower beds and along the drive and sidewalk. I dreamed of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and lilies shooting up saying "Hello" to spring and good riddance to winter.

But no, only one sad lily...nothing else.
Wow, was I ever disappointed. 
We do have a lot of squirrels, chipmunks and deer,
so I suppose they could have eaten them over the years...

So, planting bulbs is on my agenda this fall.
But this spring I'm using a bucket full of faux daffodils 
to bring a little sunshine into the Garden Room.

I haven't used my vintage birdcage for a while,
so I thought a little bit of greenery and some small clay pots
would help create a springy vibe.

Since I added a few "sticks" to the old wooden bucket
from our generous personal pile to the daffodils,
I added one to the birdcage too.
You know, just in case a birdie needs a perch.

When you have a ton of trees, you inevitably have a "pile of sticks".

This is a "mini" Greek Key concrete planter from the 50's. I remember a pair my maternal grandmother had next to her front walk when I was a little girl. I don't remember what flowers she had, but I always loved these planters and when I started buying and selling vintage, I noticed the odd one or two at flea markets and sales. 

I have a little grapevine nest and birdie plopped in this one for spring.

Here's a Garden Zone Map for the U.S.
We're in Zone 6a, the yellow zone.
The zone that has ice and snow in late February...
(and sometimes, March)

It's a little early for me, to start on Easter.
But I know some (more) bunnies will start showing up soon.
(A small bunns is hanging out on the old garden etagere to the left)
And I have brought out a few springy pieces as you can see.

I hope you're having a good week, 
staying warm and well and dry.
March will be here soon, and I'm ready.


  1. So lush, full and springlike! I adore it, Debra. It really makes a springtime splash and one with my favorite spring blooms. And thanks for coming by Marmelade Gypsy! So nice to see you there!

    1. thanks Jeanie, I always love coming by to see all the fun stuff you're up to!

  2. Very pretty for Spring. Love the daffodils in the white bucket. xoxo

    1. thanks Kris, I know you're probably ready to start thinking of spring too! xoxo

  3. It's so pretty! I love the bucket that you used to put the daffodils in. Where did you find that?? The birdcage adds so much whimsy and texture. Beautiful!!

    1. Hi Rachel, thanks so much! I found 2 of those big old wooden buckets at flea markets years ago. When I was a kid people were still using them for making homemade ice cream. They were usually a robin's egg blue. This one got a coat of white paint, the other is still blue but I need to reglue it.

  4. The Daffodil bouquet is gorgeous. I love this post.

  5. HI Debra! Oh, your centerpiece of daffodils is so pretty! I really like your bird cage too! Hope all is going well with you and thank you for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Debra, one of the joys of spring is seeing massive amounts of daffodils in a container. It all looks so pretty in the white vintage bucket, surrounded by the other decor.

  7. Always so joyful to read your blog---but, we have 5 inches of white stuff on our lawn here, and colder than a witches'...s!LOL...still, your blog is so pretty. I haven't posted a thing in the house this winter! Hugs, Sandi

  8. Debra it's so pretty. We just had ice again. Will be so happy for spring.

  9. We've still got some snow here but the bulbs are starting to poke their noses out of the ground. I love your daffodil arrangement, they look so pretty in the white bucket! Love that birdcage too!

  10. Thanks for the map. We have the craziest weather here, I'll take all the help I can get. A few years ago I tried bulbs for the first time. Tulips. I was told since only 3 out of the 24 I planted actually came up, I must have planted them upside down. Seriously? Ugh, I was so disappointed. Hope you have better luck in the fall. Your spring centerpiece is so happy and beautiful. Enjoy! pinned

  11. I have been so in a daffodil mood lately, they are springing up in Alabama~ your vignette is beautiful, love the daffodils and the sweet bird nest too!

  12. Debra,
    I love the bird cage!! And the faux daffodils are lovely!! A charming vignette... Thanks so much for stopping by and for taking the time to comment!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  13. So so pretty Debra! Your flowers may be faux but they look stunning nonetheless! Hurry Spring!

  14. LOVE your daffodils Debra! Thanks for sharing your beautiful ideas - and sticks! :) Happy March!

  15. Debra, I think I need a bouquet of faux daffodils! Your home always looks ready for any season. Thanks for hosting us. Happy March!

  16. The daffodils look so real! They're gorgeous in your pail :) I'm featuring this post in Tuesday Turn About Link Party this week! Thanks for sharing your post and I hope to see you at the link party this week!


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