Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Welcoming the New Year at All About Home #125

Hello friends and Welcome
 to the All About Home Link Party!

It seems like yesterday that we were heading into 2021 with a lot of optimism and energy. Well, it didn't quite live up to it's expectations, but since I'm basically a positive kind of person, I'm praying and believing that this is the year for things to turn around... for all of us. 

I hope you had a beautiful Holiday Season,
 and wishing you a Healthy and Happy New Year!

Thank you so much for taking the time to come by and share what you're up to 
this week. We always look forward to seeing all the great DIYs, decor, 
crafts, gardens, and recipes that you are all creating this first week of the New Year.

Amber and I are excited to be hosting this weekly party
 that celebrates All Things Home.
We love to see what you're up to on Your blogs,
so please join in and share your inspiration.

In honor of the turn of the calendar, 
I re-shared a post from years ago with a little New Year's "tree"
that I put together with some vintage clock faces and doves. 

And I gathered together some fun

Amber is sharing a gorgeous post on 

Here are some great Holiday and seasonal posts
 from the link-up last week!

 from Cindy at County Road 407

Judy at Life in Kentucky

from Jane at Far Ago Farm

from Rachelle at My Hubbard Home

Thanks so much, ladies!

This Link-Up is for all of us that love Home Decor, Vintage and Antiques, Garden and Outdoor Spaces, Seasonal Fun, DIY, Crafts, etc. We think Link Parties are a great way to share our homes and find inspiration and ideas from like minded bloggers. From Room Reveals to your latest Thrifting and Flea Market finds, we want you to join in the party fun!

Party Guidelines:

*The party runs Monday at 7:00 Eastern/6:00 Central  p.m. through Thursday at midnight.
* Please share up to three posts related to things that are "All About Home" such as home decor, DIY, crafts, gardening, recipes, vintage and antiques, etc.
* Please do not link up individual items from Etsy Shops, EBay or other selling sites.
*Please include a courtesy back link to your hosts Common Ground & Follow The Yellow Brick Home at the end of your post so others know where to join in the fun!
* Each host will be choosing her own features, so be sure to visit each blog and check them out.

I have a Pinterest Board to share the features from each week.
You can follow along here at, All About Home Link Party

If you don't have a current seasonal post,

feel free to link up a with an archived post that's seasonal.

Thankyou for taking the time to
join in on the party.
Each of you are so appreciated.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Happy New Year! Thanks so much for hosting all year. I love your New Years tree! XO- MaryJo

  2. Happy New Year, Debra! Thanks for hosting and looking forward to another wonderful year of partying together!

  3. Debra,
    Happy New Year!!
    Thanks so much for hosting this wonderful party each and every week!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links and choosing Features!!! Thank You!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  4. Hi Debra,
    Have really enjoyed your Blog this year with all the great ideas you present. Thanks for hosting the link party each wink. Wishing you and your Family a Blessed and fulfilling New Year.
    Lynne, Thrifting Wonderland

  5. Thanks so much for hosting! I'm saving the New Year's Eve tables for next year -- I'm the only one who made it past 11 pm!!

  6. Thank you so much for the feature! Very nice of you. And as I scrolled down, I laughed out loud and thought those hanging undergarments were so cute. Looking forward to checking out the posts. Happy New Year!

  7. Debra, not sure if I thanked you for the feature :) It was a good Monday surprise!
    Happy New Year

  8. Thanks for hosting another great party. I shared from both my blogs - My Big Fat Menopausal Life and the Lazy Gastronome. Have a great week and Happy 2022!


I love hearing from you. Feel free to comment, big or small. Be sure and leave your name and blog if commenting under anonymous. Thanks friends