Hi Friends, I wanted to take a minute and share a short version of my Christmas Home Tour for 2022. Yes, it's after Christmas, but I wanted to do a Christmas tour "Diary" of sorts so I can look back and see how I decorated this year.
Thursday, December 29, 2022
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
Holiday Leftovers in the Cookbook Cupboard
No matter the holiday I always seem so have stray bits and pieces of rooms and vignettes that get left behind. Big holidays are usually the ones where I take tons of pictures, then run out of time. This year there are a few Christmas leftovers still to share. Since I like to keep a visual diary of my decorating year to year, I didn't want to leave them. Especially when a few cute birdies were out in the Garden Room.
cookbook cupboard,
Garden Room
Monday, December 26, 2022
Wrapping Up December at All About Home #176
Hello Friends and Welcome to the
All About Home Link Party!
Hello All, I hope you all had a wonderful and blessed Christmas. We had our older daughter and her fiance stay, and we had a low-key Christmas Eve and Day. Our younger daughter and husband and the new baby stayed in because of the weather and high viral rate of RSV and flu in our area. Our older daughter and I made a quick visit on Christmas Eve to take presents and for Erin to get to see her. We masked up and stayed just a short while. We have lots of Christmases ahead, and want her to stay well.
Thankyou all so much for taking the time to come by out of your busy holiday schedules and link up all your fun holiday ideas, recipes and DIYs. Amber and I are so thankful and grateful for each and every one of you!!!
All About Home,
All About Home Link Party,
Saturday, December 24, 2022
Merry Christmas in the Candlelit Entry
Hello dear Friends, I just wanted to come by to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!! This year we have a new little member of the family so it's an extra special time for all of us. Our first grandbaby has arrived and we're all thrilled.
Entry Hall,
front porch
Friday, December 23, 2022
Gathered For Christmas in the Holiday Cupboard
This has been such a busy month that Im running behind (what else is new?) But it's not every Christmas that your first grandbaby arrives! Christmas will be here in a few days and I have to start getting ready for overnight guests and bake a few desserts.
Garden Room,
Gingerbread Houses,
holiday cupboard,
Thursday, December 22, 2022
Holidays at Home Christmas Mantel and More
Doesn't it seem just a short time ago we were celebrating Christmas week? The older I get the faster time flies. But here we are again celebrating Christmas and getting ready to end the year and looking forward to the New Year!
hearth room,
Monday, December 19, 2022
Sunday, December 18, 2022
Using Copper and Neutrals on the Christmas Baker's Rack
Hello friends, Happy Week before Christmas!! I know this will be a super busy week for all of us, so thanks for coming by to visit.
The best news of the Season is that our new (one and only) granddaughter arrived Sunday morning at 12:00 am. So glad she's here! She's a little miracle.
baker's rack,
Garden Room
Saturday, December 17, 2022
Wood Block Christmas Gingerbread Houses
It seems like each year there's a new trend in Christmas decor, and the Gingerbread theme is popping up everywhere. I love Gingerbread houses and Gingerbread Men/Women/People cookies as they are so traditional and geared toward the "kid" in us. I think most of us at one time or another attempted a Gingerbread House or cookies. The fun is in the creative process. Also nice if it turns out cute and actually stays in one piece!!
Christmas DIY,
diy crafts,
Gingerbread Houses,
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Saturday, December 10, 2022
Decking the Halls with Christmas Collections
Hi Friends, Welcome to the Christmas Edition of our Lifestyle of Love Gathering hosted by our fun friend Cindy of County Road 407. If you're coming from Laura's Blog, Decor to Adore you're so welcome here and I'm so glad you're following the Hop.
Friday, December 9, 2022
Heads Up for Collections at Christmas
Hi friends, a quick shout out for tomorrow's Lifestyle of Love edition where we share how we incorporate vintage items in to our decor. This will be a super fun gathering because we'll be sharing our collections at Christmas. Being a vintage lover and having had vintage market booths in the past just makes me all the more prone to hoarding collecting fun vintage Christmas items.
so, see you tomorrow along with 8 other collectors to Celebrate Christmas!
P.S. I'm still on pins and needles waiting for the Bebe to arrive...!!!
Did you catch my last post with Greetings from the Christmas Garden Room?

A Lifestyle of Love,
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
Christmas Greetings from the Garden Room
I have a lot going on in the Garden Room this Christmas. (well, I guess that's nothing new since I usually do!) It's been fun taking a bit of a different theme on the Baker's Rack and the Holiday Cupboard this season, which I'll be sharing soon. But for now I wanted to wish you a Merry start to the Christmas Season, along with my two old Christmas buddies.
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Sunday, December 4, 2022
French Country Christmas Dining Room Part 2
Hello Friends, I'm back today with Part 2 of the Christmas Dining Room. Since I have so much color in the rest of the house, with a lot of Tartan Plaid, I like to lean toward a more neutral color scheme and a French Country vibe in this space.
Dining Room,
Dining Room table,
French Country,
garden decor,
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
French Country Lantern Centerpiece
Welcome to the Christmas Dining Room, friends. This last several years I've been pushing myself a bit to come up with new ways to decorate this room. I have relied heavily on Tartan Plaid in my Dining Rooms for years, but recently I've tried to move toward a more French Country look that relies more on neutral, natural garden elements.
Dining Room,
Dining Room table,
garden tray,
table runner
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Sunday, November 27, 2022
Weekend Inspiration: What's Your Favorite Christmas Style?
Today I'm sharing a post from back in 2016 that is one of my all-time most read. I thought I might "refurbish" the content, but instead just added to it a bit to include "Cottage" style which has emerged this last few years. If it feels a little dated, decor trends have shifted and redefined themselves this last couple of years. You might even find some "new to you" blogs from the last decade. I thought it would be fun just to take a quick look at some of the different "Styles of Christmas".
Christmas Copper On the Hearth
Happy, happy day after Thanksgiving, friends! I hope you all had a wonderful day Thursday (and this weekend) with family and friends. Some of us still have family here so we're enjoying a bit of shopping, resting, and eating leftovers. How about you. Are you itching to get on with Christmas decorating?
goose decoy,
hearth room
Thursday, November 24, 2022
Thanksgiving Welcome Home Tour
So glad you're here, Friends. I'm grateful and thankful for each of you. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day and weekend!
Hello Everyone, holidays have a tendency to creep up on my decorating schedule. Thanksgiving to Christmas is especially tricky for me because I really enjoy late Fall, Thanksgiving and November and don't like to get in a hurry to jump into Christmas with both feet.
Fall Home tours,
home tour,
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Saturday, November 19, 2022
Weekend Inspiration: Nature Inspired Tartan and Transferware Tablescapes
Hi Friends, I know many of us are getting ready for Thanksgiving this weekend and that some of us are still in a bit of Thanksgiving mode at least till Thursday evening when we put the last dish away. These pics are from years ago in 2013 when I shared this for a Thanksgiving Tablescape. This theme is a basic idea that can be used for any season or holiday.
Brown Transferware,
Tartan plaid blankets,
Thursday, November 17, 2022
Copper Styled Thanksgiving and Christmas on the Baker's Rack
This last few weeks I've been straddling the fence with Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's the same each November... I love Thanksgiving, but I'm also ready for Christmas. Here's the baker's rack for Thanksgiving with a bit of a peek at Christmas. Here's the fun Christmas teaser...
baker's rack,
Garden Room,
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Sunday, November 13, 2022
Weekend Inspiration: A Christmas Home Tour
Hi Everyone, It's the weekend and time for a bit of Inspiration from the Archives. If you're like me "inspiration is inspiration", whether it's yesterday, last year, or a few years ago. This is a Christmas Home Tour from 2014, and one of my favorites.
Christmas Home Tour,
open concept,
table runner
Thursday, November 10, 2022
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
All About Home #169: Welcome to November
Hello Friends and Welcome to the
All About Home Link Party!
When that calendar page turned to November I know many of us jumped off the sofa and ran for the Christmas tubs... yes I know, even me. I'm doing a hybrid Christmas this year. I'll share more later what that's looking like. I mentioned this once before at the party, but our first grandbaby is due sometime late November to mid December. The arrival date is fuzzy, but that little sweetie is ready to go, so we're trying to anticipate her making a surprise debut!
Thanks so much for coming by and sharing all the fun stuff you're up to. Amber and I appreciate you all taking the time to join in on the party! We're going to have a fun time this next 2 months with Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year on the horizon!
All About Home,
All About Home Link Party,
Sunday, November 6, 2022
Weekend Inspiration: Tips for Transitioning Fall and Thanksgiving to Christmas
Contemplating the Age Old Question...
When to decorate for Christmas; or more plainly... when do you start decorating for Christmas even when you love Thanksgiving and don't want to let that go. Well, I've learned some tips and ideas for making the transition starting to bring out Christmas things but still enjoy the look and feel of Thanksgiving and late fall.
Christmas Tree.,
hearth room,
Friday, November 4, 2022
Paint Refreshed Tote for a Farm Table Vignette
Hey friends, Here we are in November and it's all about the upcoming Holiday Season. Call me old fashioned or a traditionalist, but I can't bypass Thanksgiving. It's always been my favorite holiday and season so I'm sharing some late November decor posts and Thanksgiving, and then also bringing in some Christmas decor and inspiration too. Even though I love Thanksgiving, I too am ready to see some Christmas inspiration and ideas. Let's have both!!!
chalk paint,
farm table,
Garden Room,
paint project,
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
All About Home #168: October Wrap Up
Hello Friends and Welcome to the
All About Home Link Party!
Glad you were able to grab a minute and make it to the party this evening!!
We finally made it out for a drive in the country Sunday to see some Fall leaf color and as I thought, the leaves were a bit lackluster. In town the color was much better but we are running early this year for peak, I guess because we had two hard freezes about 10 days ago. But it was nice to get out and roam the back roads in my hubby's Jeep. He has the "original" kind of Jeep where you feel like you're "off roading" even when you aren't. LOL!! (bumpy, but fun).
I've been decorating for Thanksgiving, because I REALLY love Thanksgiving, but I'm adding some Christmas decor along the way. Next week... On to the Holidays!!!!
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Gathered Together Thanksgiving Ideas
Hi Friends, I thought I'd re-share a post from a few years ago (2019) of a Thanksgiving Blog Hop that I participated in that was full of great seasonal ideas and inspiration. It's a bit of a Thanksgiving Home Tour from that year.
Friday, October 28, 2022
October Fun in the Cookbook Cupboard
Can you even believe it's the end of October, friends?...
It's finally feeling like Fall around here.
I'm fortunate to have several fun spots to decorate seasonally throughout this house. The hearth room, which is right next to the kitchen in this open concept area, gives me enough space to have a dedicated spot to display my cookbooks and some fun vintage kitchen related decor.
black cat,
cookbook cupboard,
cookie jars,
hearth room,
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
All About Home #167: Fall and Halloween "Treats"
Hello Friends and Welcome to the
All About Home Link Party!
Okay... how did it get to be the end of October? This has been a really crummy Fall here in the lower Midwest as far as weather goes. We've been in a terrible drought and only had a few short rains all of August, September, and now October. The leaves aren't showing a lot of color and most of them are just turning brown and falling off the trees in big clumps. We're supposed to be having a good rain event today so I'm hanging in there. Any pretty tree color where you are?
Are you guys going straight to Christmas decorating?... I'm not sure that I can. I find it hard to do Christmas so soon. So I'll be mixing some previous Christmas inspiration posts with real time late Fall/ Thanksgiving decor. Thanks so much for coming by and sharing the fun things you're up to. I look forward each week to see all your amazing Fall creativity! So glad you're here!
All About Home,
All About Home Link Party,
Sunday, October 23, 2022
The Holiday Cupboard Dressed for Fall
This week I'm doing some decor tweaking for Thanksgiving and gathering some ideas for Christmas, so I thought I'd share a few pics of the Holiday Cupboard dressed up for late October. I like to try to create something new each season here. Last year I put together a few shabby frenchy pieces and created "Romancing the October Holiday Cupboard", and two years before, the post "October Whimsy in the Holiday Cupboard". The first year here in 2019, I had finally organized the old piesafe and it became The Holiday Cupboard 2.0.
Garden Room,
holiday cupboard
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Late October Mantel with the Snow Owls
It's mid-October and my mantel tends to change up a bit when the weather starts getting cooler. I have a few vintage critters that come out to play in late fall and this year I decided I wanted to give my vintage concrete owl a little refresh before he swooped in and took up residence on the mantel.
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
All About Home #166: Fall to Thanksgiving Ideas
Hello Friends and Welcome to the
All About Home Link Party!
How's your Fall going, everyone? I hope you're having some lovely weather and enjoying all the fun that this season holds. The leaves are changing here in SW Missouri even though we're still technically in drought conditions. We usually hit peak leaf peeping in the last week of October and first week of November. I'm hoping for a day trip in the countryside to enjoy the season soon. Thanks so much for coming by and sharing the fun things you're up to. I look forward each week to see all the amazing Fall creativity! So glad you're here!
All About Home,
All About Home Link Party,
Sunday, October 16, 2022
French Cottage Kitchen Niche for Fall
I have this little cabinet niche here in the kitchen that I think was originally created for a TV/sound system by the former owners of our house. But I prefer a smaller TV on the counter, so we were left with either using it as display shelving or try to match existing cabinetry. I could use it as open shelving by adding another set of shelves, but I chose to leave it as "was" and just make a spot for seasonal kitchen display.
Friday, October 14, 2022
Dough Bowl Pumpkin Centerpiece On the Antique Sideboard Buffet
Hi Friends, this post is a bit overdue as I had wanted to get this out at the beginning of "Pumpkin Season", but I had to be out of town for a bit. I think most of us try to refresh our faux pumpkins every few years to keep them updated and looking crisp and new. I had a few in my fall squash stash that really needed a mini makeover.
dough bowl,
faux painting,
faux pumpkins,
hearth room,
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Autumn Tray in the Dining Room
Hi Friends, welcome to the Autumn On A Tray Tour, hosted by our lovely friend, Katherine of Katherine's Corner. If you're following the Tour Links and are coming from visiting MaryJo at Masterpieces of My Life, then a special "Hello" to you and I'm so glad you came by to visit.
Monday, October 10, 2022
All About Home #165: October Joys
Hello Friends and Welcome to the
All About Home Link Party!
Ahhhhh... October is my favorite month of the year. I love the cooler days and changing leaves and all the amazing cozy decor. Thanks so much for coming by and sharing the fun things you're up to. I look forward each week to see all the amazing Fall creativity! It's the best season for fabulous DIYs, decor, and recipes. So glad you're here!
All About Home,
All About Home Link Party,
Sunday, October 9, 2022
Creating A Potting Bench with Reclaimed Wood
Hi Friends, welcome to the October edition of the Lifestyle of Love blog gathering where a few of us share our love for decorating with vintage items. This month our topic is using and decorating with items created with reclaimed wood. Our blogging bud Cindy from County Road 407 is our host and creator of this fun get together. If you're coming from Lora's Blog, Create and Ponder, thanks so much for continuing the Hop!
A Lifestyle of Love,
back porch,
potting bench,
reclaimed wood
Friday, October 7, 2022
Autumn Greetings from the Front Porch
Decorating the front porch for Fall has been a work in progress this last month since we were gone for a week. It started in early September with a change up for the pillows on the metal depot bench. By the end of summer the porch and flowers start looking a bit tired and in need of a pick-me-up. I like keeping a lighter look in September because the temps are still really warm, but I'll add a few darker colors as it gets further into October.
front door,
front porch,
pillow covers,
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
All About Home#164: Autumn Design and DIY
Hello Friends and Welcome to the
All About Home Link Party!
I hope you've been having a great "early Fall" and now that we're in to October we can all go a bit crazy! Thanks so much for coming by and sharing the fun things you're up to. You all know that this is my favorite time of year. I look forward each week to see all the amazing Fall creativity! Fall is such a great season for fabulous DIYS, decor, and recipes. So glad you're here!
All About Home,
All About Home Link Party,
Sunday, October 2, 2022
Fall Carts and Wagons and a Porch Peek
Hi Friends and Happy Weekend!
I've been decorating the front porch for Fall this week and was contemplating bringing out one of the goat carts to "fallify". I love using it as a focal point in Fall decorating. My hubby took me to buy a few pumpkins and mums at my favorite pumpkin barn; just a few... because we have hoodlum squirrels here and nothing is safe. Here are a few pics of the progress on the porch with most everything sprayed with peppermint concentrate. We live on a street with a lot of school traffic, so I guess I'll not try to put anything out here that I can't live without. So I'll share some Pinterest cart and wagon inspiration instead. Maybe I'll just put together a fun look out on the back porch.
Thursday, September 29, 2022
Savoring September in the Holiday Cupboard
The highlight of any season is putting together the ever-changing Holiday Cupboard. And since Fall is my favorite time of the year, it takes on a new and different theme each year. I put this look together for September a few weeks ago. At that time I wanted to keep the pumpkins at a minimum and highlight the wild little black-eyed-susans and bits of bittersweet and mini gourds.
Brown Transferware,
Garden Room,
holiday cupboard,
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