Friday, July 17, 2020

Mid-Summer Front Door Basket

In late June I "summerfied" the old bucket on the farmtable in the Garden Room with a wild "just picked" humongous bouquet. In mid-summer I like to have a crazy mix of sunflowers, hydrangeas, and geraniums that look like they just came in from the backyard. I shared the "Summer" ice cream bucket last week, so this week I gathered up some of the same faux flower mix and filled a gray wash wicker basket for the front door.

(on the farmtable in the Garden Room)

Before I actually hang up the door basket I like to take a pic so I can gauge what amount of fluffing and rearranging that I need to do. Do the colors and variety look balanced? is it top heavy or lopsided or straggly? It's easier to fix before you get it up than after.

This is a different basket than the one I've been using. It's a little wider at the bottom than the other basket, and slightly different in shape. I think it may have a little more room and "heft". Plus, the other basket arrangement had a very used bird nest in it, and the basket needed a big cleaning.

I love the bigger black and white check ribbon for summer.
It looks fun and goes with the red/white/yellow/black colors of the flowers.
AND it works with the front door color.

When we first moved in the front door was a more orange-y/melon color that was just too "in your face" bright. I loved the idea of a bittersweet color that was a little deeper and more subdued. This is "Spicy Hue" from Sherwin Williams. I had second thoughts about the color when it came time to decorate the porch for Christmas, but I know this year what will match a little better and still be Christmasy.

and the fern is much fuller than when I first put them out on Memorial Day weekend. 
I've had to battle the squirrels about digging in the pots,
They are very naughty, but cute.

If you look closely you can see that at first try I didn't have a ribbon on the basket.
It looked a little plain to me so I grabbed the heavy burlap ribbon and I think it worked.
Remember what I said about checking out the basket before it's hung up?
I should listen to myself more often. 

Hope you're having a great week.
Thanks so much for coming by!

Hope you'll join us Monday Evening!

joining in here:

All About Home at Common Ground and Follow the Yellow Brick Home
Inspire Me Monday at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch
 Celebrate Your Story at The Zucchini Sisters,  Create Bake, Make at Across the Blvd
Love Your Creativity at Life and Linda,  LouLouGirls Fabulous Party
Tips and Tutorials at Home Stories A to Z,  Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
Party in Your PJ's at Apple Street Cottage
  Keep in Touch at Let's Add Sprinkles  
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Charming Homes and Gardens at Shiplap and Shells
Vintage Charm at Our Hopeful Home,  Wonderful Wednesday at LeCultivateur 
Thursday Favorite Things at Follow the Yellow Brick Home,  Grace at Home at Imparting Grace
 Create, Bake, and Grow at Shabby Art Boutique, Farmhouse Friday at The Painted Hinge


  1. Your front door basket is beautiful. We have been really hot here too but we have gotten some rain the last few days which helps. I have been watering twice a day too. Have a good day.

    1. Oh but your beautiful flowers love that babying you give them!

  2. Deb, you nailed it - it is sooooo cute. And funny before I even read the body of your post I thought to myself that I adored the color of your door.

    Well done - it is really awesome.

    1. thanks Michele, I think I had about 15 swatches of color and spent for.ever. at the store. I'm sure they thought I was a crazy lady!!

  3. That looks so cheerful, I love it! I'm like you....prefer seeing faux flowers that are in season!

    1. thankyou Rita, that's what I needed, something happy and cheery to look at! Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Hi Melissa, gosh it's been ages ago, so I don't remember where I found it, and yes it's hung by a Command hook on the glass. I love a glass storm door, but they are difficult to use for door decor. thanks for coming by!

  5. Your door basket looks so perfect for Midsummer. Your whole porch is looking great. What a big improvement from last year with the landscaping too.

    This post reminded me I actually got sidetracked and missed my evening watering of the garden. It has been so hot I have been putting it off til late evening. I guess I will have to get up early in the morning. I love my garden but this heat is making it a real chore to water.

    Okay getting sidetracked.

    Love the basket, and the ribbon was a great finishing touch.

  6. Adorable door basket! The ribbon added the perfect touch.
    Love your door color and porch entry, too!

  7. Gorgeous door basket. I love sunflowers! I will have my sunflowers out this week too. I have completely lost track of time.
    Have a great week,

  8. I love the flower combination! Such a beautiful idea. Thanks for sharing with us at Charming Homes and Gardens Link Party! Look for your feature on Wednesday!

  9. This is so pretty Deborah! I love the colors! So perfect for the end of Summer! Thanks for sharing at Charming Homes & Gardens! ~ Kristin | White Arrows Home

  10. Your door basket is perfect for mid-summer Debra! Look for your feature this Wednesday at Charming Homes and Gardens!

  11. I have been getting out somewhere between 5-6:30am for a long walk and then taking Yoda out for his. We have had almost 100 degree days with high humidity that burns off to only 55% towards the afternoon. Kinda beastly weather... But other than that, I've been enjoying handwatering, too. My two hydrangeas aren't blooming at all! The backyard one did and they were small blooms, really small... :(((. Maybe they need more sunlight.

    I love your basket with the blooms and the cute checked ribbon! I had checked ribbon for Christmas and it was a lot of fun. Beautiful bouquet!! I hope you get some hydrangeas cut; I know you are supposed to cut them when they feel papery. Then they will dry well.

    Happy to feature your post at SYS #266 tomorrow evening,
    Barb :)

  12. Debra, I love the basket you've created here! The flowers are so cheery and the checked bow just makes it!! I also love how large your front porch is. Our current one is just barely an entry, like my first house, but we make it work. :) Happy to feature your post tonight at SYS #266. <3

    Enjoy these last few weeks of summer,
    Barb :)

  13. Your door color is gorgeous! And the whitewashed basket with the buffalo check ribbon is just perfect! I so wish we had a covered porch:( I hate hanging up a nice basket or wreath because it just gets ruined by the elements. The awful heat around here has lifted a bit these past few days, thankfully. But we've also had to water flowers and the vegetable garden a TON. Have a great week, and thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm. xo Kathleen

  14. Love this! The sunflowers are beautiful. Thanks for sharing on Friday with Friends!

  15. Janet, this front door basket is BRILLIANT!!
    I’d love for you to join us over at the Creative Crafts Linky Party every Wednesday through Sunday
    Followed and Pinned! 🙂
    Creatively, Beth

  16. This turned out beautiful! My readers would love it, so I'd love you to share it with us on my link parties over at There are 3 if you'd to share on all of them!

  17. Debra, I love your door basket all decked out for summer! The heat has been crazy here too and we have to water everything daily. Thanks so much for sharing this at Farmhouse Friday - we're featuring you at tomorrow's party!

  18. This is so beautiful, I just love the way it turned out!


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