Sunday, August 2, 2020

A little "Cottage" Inspiration

Happy Sunday Friends, Can you believe that it's August?!

I've been subscribing to The Cottage Journal for as many years as it's been in print, and I'm always so excited to see the Autumn Issue delivered to my mailbox. So I thought I'd share a few images from their website to get you ready "to start thinking about Fall".

This photo says it all...

I'm not ready to start decorating for Fall, but since it's my favorite season of the year I tend to think about it early and more frequently than the others. Something about Fall just gets my creativity going. Maybe it's because by August I'm tired of the heat and ready for some invigorating cooler temps. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the few images and that you'll enjoy the website full of beauty, no matter what the season.

*this is not a sponsored post
I just love Fall!


  1. The photos are incredibly beautiful, but the color scheme on them already reminds that autumn is coming ...

  2. I just got my cottage journal a few weeks ago too. I just have not opened it with trying to enjoy summer lol! That table done for fall by the lake with the reflection of the trees oh my beautiful. The months are going so fast and I know fall will be here soon. I am a summer girl through and through but I do look forward to fall. Just hope we get fall for a few months here in the midwest. It is always questionable how much fall we get before winter sets in. Have a great week. Hugs. Kris

  3. I love the photo's. I live in Arizona and am so ready for Fall.

  4. Oh my soul, I need to subscribe to this magazine! Every single photo has me dreaming of fall decor. Thanks for the inspiration. It's just what I needed to get me in the fall blogging mood since it was 100 degrees before noon today.

  5. NOooooooooo! It can't be Fall yet...pretty photos, BUT_ and I just can't jump three months ahead all year long...I refused to look at one Christmas in JULY post last month. Life is so short now, we need to live in the moment, and not worry about the Next thing, nor the thing after that. Sigh...looking forward to more of your summer boat posts, LOL. Sigh, I'm a fuddy duddy now...Sandi

  6. I too live in Arizona, and after another 118 degrees day last Thursday, I am more than ready for "fall", such as it is here, to arrive! Beautiful photos!

    1. Same here! What a horrible summer we have had in Phoenix. Rain makes it bearable. Where are the rains??!!

  7. Every season has its own beauty, but !!! I am so ready for cooler temps and less humidity. I am not a summer gal....and would love some cool weather, ya know, where I'm not drenched in sweat and fighting bugs......

  8. That is the best publication around. I get excited for each issue, but their Fall one is truly full of inspiration. Thanks for sharing because I passed my copy along to my sister while she's recuperating from knee surgery. I like revisiting their photos.

  9. Debra,
    I, too l o v e Cottage Journal Magazine!
    I'm taking a porch inspirational photo to use for my Front Porch
    from the Autumn 2020 issue!
    Thank you for sharing such lovely inspirational photos!
    The past two days, our weather has felt like early Autumn
    on my side of the Prairie!
    Stay safe!

  10. I have always loved The Cottage Journal! I love the thick pages and their photos are gorgeous! Thank you for the inspriation!

  11. No, I can't believe it's already August! :) And I never knew about this magazine until now - I'm definitely subscribing! Thanks so much for sharing all this lovely fall inspiration at Farmhouse Friday!

  12. Lovely. The wrought iron bench with the apples is my favorite.

  13. Great post. Do you happen to know the manufacturer/designer of the tablecloth fabric on the cover of the Cottage Journal? I love all the colors and the pattern. Also, hope you are feeling well.


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