Friday, May 22, 2020

Vintage Etagere in the Garden Room

I've been feeling the need to putter a bit, so I turned my attention to the vintage plant stand in the Garden Room. I bought this metal etagere when we first got married, so it definitely qualifies as "vintage". (better described as a piece of vintage "junk".) It's had many lives, the last one being outside on the covered back porch here at the new house.

Using this has been pretty utilitarian around here, just a place to stick some plants that needed to be over-wintered. When I brought it inside last Fall it was so filthy and chipped I just about pitched it. But no, I needed to use it so it wound up here in the corner of the casual dining area. Most of my other stuff is rusted and "chippy", so I just added it to the mix. Hopefully I'll get around to painting it sometime soon.

I had used some Asparagus Fern last year mixed with some Impatiens, so in order to keep them they got replanted here in this bigger clay pot. I thought about lugging it somewhere else but it's way over my 10 pound lifting limit, so it stayed here. It got a birdie instead. I'm not sure where I found this French iron garden piece. I've used it on a wall before, but it's really too heavy. But I liked the french-y touch here on this piece.

I'm using one of my bird prints that started out as a poster, that I just cut it to fit this frame. 
Not sure whether or not this is a McCoy planter, I can't see the mark well enough.

My mom gave me these little electrified metal candleholders many years ago. 
 The 30's wiring was ruined, so I just cut off the wires to use as is.

I painted this piece white many years ago, then my husband made wooden "shelving" for it so things wouldn't fall through the slats. The bottom shelf has a wine crate that stores clay pots and peat pots.

My large paned window that showcases vintage botanicals is a backdrop behind the etagere. 

...added a little faux nest with eggs to the urn.

I've been taking it easy, and graduated to real clothes instead of jammies. Of course my "real clothes" consist of leggings or yoga pants with hoodies, because I'm all about being comfortable. Things are getting easier to do and the pain is much better, but it's still a bear to swallow. Everything I eat feels like it's made of gravel and glue. I'm still getting enough to eat since I seem to be ingesting my body weight in Jello, pudding, and tapioca snacks. I'm hoping my husband will feel sorry for me this weekend and take me to buy flowers for containers. He knows he'll have to do the work while I supervise and he's just not a gardener in any sense of the word. I have a post on our landscaping project, but it needs some seasonal flowers and color first.

Are you all kinda sorta getting back to life? 
Please be careful and wear your masks.

Hope you come by Monday evening at 6:00 for

joining in here:

All About Home at Common Ground and Follow the Yellow Brick Home
 Celebrate Your Story at The Zucchini Sisters,  Create Bake, Make at Across the Blvd
Love Your Creativity at Life and Linda,  LouLouGirls Fabulous Party
Tips and Tutorials at Home Stories A to Z,  Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
Tuesday at Our Home at Our Home Away from Home,
  Keep in Touch at Let's Add Sprinkles  Talk of the Town at Knick of Time
Turnabout Tuesday at My Wee Abode,  Share Your Style at French Ethereal
Charming Homes and Gardens at Shiplap and Shells
Vintage Charm at Our Hopeful Home,   Wonderful Wednesday at LeCultivateur 
Thursday Favorite Things at Follow the Yellow Brick Home,  race at Home at Imparting Grace
 Create, Bake, and Grow at Shabby Art Boutique Farmhouse Friday at The Painted Hinge


  1. I love the look here. You just have a knack! The prints add so much. I'm glad you're feeling up to a little puttering!

  2. Hi Debra, I love the look! I agree with Jacqueline! Don't push it! So happy you are doing so well! Social distance hugs from CO! laura

  3. So glad you are feeling better, just remember to take it slow. Love how you always change this piece up, looks fabulous.

  4. This piece looks so great Debra. Love it! Glad you are feeling so much better. Easy going to continue feeling better.

  5. Am swooning over your etagere! Every element looks perfect. Hope you continue to heal ... God bless!

  6. OH my...I am LOVING this...every single piece. Just beautiful! As always, you inspire me, Debra! Glad to hear you are doing better, hoping your swallowing is better soon, too! xo

  7. Debra,
    So~o`o glad to hear you're feeling better!
    Your vintage etagere looks lovely within the Garden Room!
    I do agree that shopping for plants is the best RX prescribed!

  8. Oh how I love everything here! I love the chippy patina, I wouldn't paint it.

    I hope you get some flowers to brighten your days! I am so happy you are "puttering" too, this makes me so happy!

    Great post!

  9. This area with the etagere is my favorite of all your posts since I began subscribing to your blog. It has all of my favorites - white, chippy, plants and prints. Very nice! Don't feel bad about the jammies - I haven't had surgery, but during this pandemic and isolation, I have had a few jammy days. Take care!

  10. Debra, so glad you're feeling the need to putter and get up and out. That's a huge success story in itself. Love the etagere. I've had mine for over 20 yrs and still don't have anything to keep stuff from falling through the slats.

  11. I'm so glad you are feeling like puttering - that's a good step.

    I hope you are able to get some plants

  12. Hi Debra. So glad to hear you are feeling better and the best part is that the pain is much less. It will keep getting better as you heal. Your etagere is so pretty. A beautiful spot to add all your special treasures. I love the bird pic and can't believe it was just a poster. It looks so vintage. I went to nursery today to get zinnia plants and they didn't have any. Say the truck is coming in tomorrow but they have no idea what it will bring. I have a suspicion that is how it is going to be around for awhile, probably a long while..Stay well and keep healing..xxoJudy

  13. How lovely Debra. Go slowly dear friend, take it easy and I am glad you are doing well and in the mend.
    Such pretty piece. Just love it all !
    Keep well and safe.

  14. I love that you feel like puttering, such a great first step Debra! It was a long several months when I had my two foot surgeries last winter, but I could still eat! And boy did I! I am loving this post so much! You have a real talent! I hope you will share it with us at Charming Homes and Gardens on Wednesday!

  15. I love how you styled your etagere! The pictures look great for adding height to each shelf. Glad you're improving.

  16. I love this. I think you've inspired me to bring ours inside again. It's been our on the back deck for a while. I love those candleholders and the crate with peat pots. I hope you get hubby out to get some flowers in the ground for you. I know you will love that after all your hard work on the landscape. Take it easy. I've been praying for you.

  17. This is so pretty! I love the chippy paint so much I don't think I would paint it. Hope you get your flowers. I managed to get some annuals for my containers last week and I must say, having some colour around the place has really perked me up!

  18. Awesome plant stand and love your beautiful candle lights! This is such a lovely garden vignette! ;)

  19. Hi Debra.. so happy to hear you are healing! But please, don’t rush... love the etagere! I was going to get rid of mine also but now might keep it outside with planters, etc on it! Soft hugs...

  20. Your etagere looks beautiful and I'm glad to hear you're feeling better! Thank you for sharing at Party In Your PJ's.

  21. Oh Debra I'm so happy to hear that you are making progress and feeling better! Spring and summer will only hasten your healing and help with brightening the mood (always does for me). This summer I've planted more flowers and plants than usual for the patio since we'll be spending a lot more time here rather than vacationing. And I've wished that I had something similar to your etagere to put some of my plants on! With thrift shops and estate sales a no-go I fear that won't be happening this summer:( Stay well, and thanks for sharing with Vintage Charm. xo Kathleen

  22. Debra, I hope you are feeling better and better each day! I don't know what surgery you had but I know sore throats. Hope you were able to get some flowers, too, and that your hubby was able to plant them for you. <3 Thanks for sharing this post a couple of weeks ago at Share Your Style #258. I will be featuring it at SYS #259 this week (6/10/20). Love the little birds and the garden indoors!!! <3 Love the iron bow, too. Good find/saved piece!!! <3

    Hope you are getting stronger each day; keep resting. Thank you for your condolences for my FIL Pete, too. <3
    Barb :)


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